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Christian Liberty Press?


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All three of our kids are enrolled in CLASS and I wouldn't homeschool any other way. CLASS offers accountability without interferring and offers a variety of publishers to choose from. We have been able to use Saxon, Abeka, BJU, CLP, Modern Curriculum Press, etc. Referring to just CLP items, I particularly like their spelling, phonics and handwriting.

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We've used the nature readers also, along with the science (K & 2nd), History for Little Pilgrims, Stories of the Pilgrims, American Pioneers and Patriots and History Stories for Children. My ds has enjoyed them and seems to "connect" well with the stories.

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When I first started homeschooling I used their spelling, Nature Readers and a few other things. I really like their spelling. Its an excellent program. Its not a flashy spelling program but it is advanced and it gets the job done.

Their nature readers are very nice and my girls enjoyed them as well as I.

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All three of our kids are enrolled in CLASS and I wouldn't homeschool any other way. CLASS offers accountability without interferring and offers a variety of publishers to choose from. We have been able to use Saxon, Abeka, BJU, CLP, Modern Curriculum Press, etc. Referring to just CLP items, I particularly like their spelling, phonics and handwriting.




We used CLASS for K and it gave my son a great foundation. However , now that I am more experienced , I like to do it on my own and pick&choose materials for our needs. CLP has excellent materials and VERY affordable. I use their Bible, Spelling, History, BJU English and nature readers. The K-3 science is good too . The phonics for K&2 is one of the best. At the end of K , the kids are able to read and spell at least 2nd gr.

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20 years ago when I began homeschooling we used CLASS so I would have hand holding for our first year. Since then we have branched out on our own but have continued to use many of their curricula choices. I have taught 4 children to read with their Adventures in Phonics program which I highly recommend and can be done orally if needed. Love their nature readers, history courses for the youngers, Liberty Math, novels & biographies, their Bible courses....there isn't anything we've tried that I haven't liked. When we used Beautiful Feet's History of Science several years ago we used their Wright Brother's book and Story of Inventions as a supplement. We have also used Streams of Civilization for a history resource. Now that I think of it, I am almost always plugging in some of their books into my plan!

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Thanks, everyone!! It's hard to really know how a book or program is without holding it in your hands. Since I can't do that without first purchasing it, I really value the experiences and opinions of others here.


Thank you!

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I just picked up Exploring American History (I think it is CLP's 5th gr history text) and it looks fabulous. It has a SOTW feel to it, but focused entirely on American History (which is what we needed to fill in the gaps on Am His). I'll probably use it as my spine for my upcoming 4th & 6th grader.

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  • 2 months later...
I just picked up Exploring American History (I think it is CLP's 5th gr history text) and it looks fabulous. It has a SOTW feel to it, but focused entirely on American History (which is what we needed to fill in the gaps on Am His). I'll probably use it as my spine for my upcoming 4th & 6th grader.


I know this is an older post, but, have you used this book at all yet? Does it still seem like a good fit?


We are gearing up to start school after Labor Day and I'm still not 100% sold on what I have for history. I like living books, but I think I really need a schedule of sorts. Or at least to be working out of one book. I can always supplement, if I choose, but I'm not very organized. I need a good schedule and book to work with.

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We have used many of their books. Last year we had Exploring American History. The stories were engaging and my daughter liked it. We were following Guest Hollow, so we were also using other books to supplement. In CLP we would read the content, discuss some of the questions, and I think that was about it.


I have used other history books by this same company. We typically follow the same routine. Read what is in the book, supplement it with living books or something hands on. They make a great spine and are easy to add things to.

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We have and enjoy their nature readers and some of the elementary history books. History for little Pilgrims, Stories of the Pilgrims, Boys and Girls of Colonial Days, American Pioneers and Patriots, and History Stories for Children.


:iagree: our favorite is definitely the nature readers. love those! this year we are also using "a child's story of america" with HOD. so far, we really like it.

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All three of my dc have spent part of their "learning to read" time on the nature readers set, as well as their other readers.


We use their Bible curriculum, and this year I am using their Middle Ages history for ds.


We also have all of the history readers on the shelf, and I think all of my dc have read them. Our favorite is the inventors/inventions book. It is amazing.

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I purchased an American history text back in the 90s and was HORRIFIED at the lessons on Native Americans. I could barely believe it. I think the book has been rewritten. I couldn't afford another text, so we just used the library and our encyclopedias.


I bought an upper level spelling book also back in the 90s and didn't use it. It didn't seem to be worth using, even though I didn't have money to buy anything else. I just had my son use a computer game.


I'll bet they have some good stuff, but I had bad luck purchasing things I didn't feel like I could use.

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I know this is an older post, but, have you used this book at all yet? Does it still seem like a good fit?


We are gearing up to start school after Labor Day and I'm still not 100% sold on what I have for history. I like living books, but I think I really need a schedule of sorts. Or at least to be working out of one book. I can always supplement, if I choose, but I'm not very organized. I need a good schedule and book to work with.


Yes, I think so. I really had to just pick something relatively independent this year and not go out of my mind searching and planning:lol: I have a 2yo, so everything is geared toward that. So far, the kids read 1 chapter (or half a chapter, if a chapter is long). They write a 3-5 sentence summary of what they read. I'm getting ready to ramp up the 6th grader's writing by having her write a 1 sentence outline for each paragraph in the chapter (she's gonna hate me, lol). I also pick something from Sonlight's core D&E to read alongside it. They read 1 chapter of that every day, as well. Once we have read through a time period, we take a break from CLP. We finish up our novel and do a research project/written report for that time period. So far, we've gotten through Colonial Times, and are getting ready to begin American Revolution. For Colonial Times, we read Witch of Blackbird Pond alongside the CLP chapters. Then, the kids had 1 week for a writing project on Colonial Times. Next, we'll read CLP's American Revolution chapters alongside Johnny Tremain. I may slip in the American Revolution History Pockets, too, to keep it interesting.

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I've got quite a few of their books. I like the Nature Readers and Pioneers and Patriots.


I strongly disliked two of the others I have--Boys and Girls of Colonial Days and History for Little Children. The approach in those books felt very "God is on our (US...) side" which turns me off to put it mildly. The one-sided and negative portrayals of Native Americans put me off too in Boys and Girls of Colonial Days. I couldn't use that book at all. Blech. In History for Little Pilgrims I further felt there was a strong reformed and biased slant in the church history presentation particularly.


I also have History Stories for Children which had at least some inaccuracies (not surprising given the age) but I have used portions of it. I've got The World God Made too. I don't recall any issues with it and I think the pictures were nice though it was simple and we didn't use it much if I recall. Other than the Nature Readers I don't think I'll use any other CLP texts. Pioneers and Patriots, though, is quite good I felt.

Edited by sbgrace
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I should add:

I'm not too worried about letting my kids read something strong in one opinion, even one that I disagree with. I'm constantly confusing...I mean challenging...my children with different ideas. When Sunday School tells them one thing, I challenge them to think, "is it true? is there more to it than that? is it possible to believe something else?" Same thing with science: they get a lot of young earth creationist ideas from some science texts we use and from church, but they also get a lot of evolutionary ideas from supplementary books we read, from sci channel documentaries, and yeah, sometimes from their mama;) Same is true of history. I don't read everything that I assign to them, but I also know that I'm filling their minds with all kinds of different opinions. I know that whatever they throw out to me, I'll challenge it with opposing information.

My poor children. Sigh. I often wonder how confusing it is for them to live with me, LOL!

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