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s/o Workout routines for those with babies

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Tell me your creative way to fit in exercise. I don't have a gym option. My baby isn't consistantly sleeping through the night, and I have prioritized sleep over exercise which means no exercise. If my baby does sleep through the night, he sleeps from 11:00pm until about 5:30am.


I have my 9yo "babysit" the baby while I mow the lawn, and I can't see her effectively babysitting a 7mo more often.


Seems like dh is the answer, but he's not really the answer. He's unwilling to get up early with the baby (which is :glare:, but I didn't say that ;)), and he is very reluctant to give his evening project hours. He does a lot of labor things around the acreage that I can't do with a baby in tow.


So, anyway, I'm looking for what others do. Maybe I can get inspired.

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I have pretty much the same situation you have.


The other things that I do is all of the kids and I go for walks together. The youngest is in a carrier.


This is works most consistently for me. I also have a bike trailer that I can squeeze the infant carseat and the two year old into. The older kids love riding bikes.

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Jillian Michaels has a 20 min workout that is killer!


It's called the 30 day shred, and it's so nice to only have to find 20 min instead of an hour or more. It works too :)


And I take my baby on lots of walks in his stroller when he is starting to get tired, I get some exercise and he falls asleep...it's perfect!


Just this morning I:

woke up

had some coffee

did the 30 day shred :)

walked to the grocery store and bought mangoes and a magazine :)

and went home and ate the mangos while I made a cucumber quinoa salad and did dishes :)


(I didnt really need to add the itinerary but I am kinda proud of myself this morning)


And...when he goes to sleep sometimes I run up and down my stairs...or put music on and dance around...hehe

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When my two were younger the only real exercise I got was walking. I had a sit-and-stand stroller and we would walk around the neighborhood. Once they were old enough to not like the stroller, we would still walk but it's not exactly exercise - slow down, speed up, yell at one to stop, yell at the other to catch up. Not good exercise and bad for my stress levels.


Mine were never good nappers or sleepers.


I do the Wii now but I get interrupted constantly and my dd keeps getting conked in the head with the nunchuk.

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I do this workout http://www.fitnessmagazine.com/health/lose-baby-weight/workouts/lose-the-baby-weight-fast-toning-circuit-workout/ in the evening while the baby sleeps. He's only 4 weeks old, so I'm just doing the total body toning part, but I will add the other parts as he gets older. It's very quick, and i can do it anywhere. I can still be in the room with him.

I have a double jogger, and will add walking and maybe couch 2 5k or something like it when I'm ready for that.

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When my youngest was a baby, I ran on a treadmill in the evenings. The treadmill was in the livingroom, and everyone else kept an eye on her for the 30-60 minutes I ran. I could see everyone from where I was & was very adamant that everyone stayed at least 10 feet away if they were in the same room. I was desperate to run/exercise, so I made it work. I'd also stick her in the playpen sometimes while I ran (treadmill) if there was no one to watch her.

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Jillian Michaels has a 20 min workout that is killer!


It's called the 30 day shred, and it's so nice to only have to find 20 min instead of an hour or more. It works too :)




This is what I was going to post! OMG, the 30 Day Shred is evil. Eeeevvviillll. Effective though. I did it last year before I got pg and within just a few weeks I could tell a huge difference. I started back on it the other day (baby is 9w) and ouch! I've been so sore, but I know it works and it only takes 20 minutes, which I can easily fit in. You know, if I'm not too tired. Sleep is a big priority for me right now.

Be warned though, you may find yourself calling Jillian Michaels all sorts of horrible names. ;)

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This is what I was going to post! OMG, the 30 Day Shred is evil. Eeeevvviillll. Effective though. I did it last year before I got pg and within just a few weeks I could tell a huge difference. I started back on it the other day (baby is 9w) and ouch! I've been so sore, but I know it works and it only takes 20 minutes, which I can easily fit in. You know, if I'm not too tired. Sleep is a big priority for me right now.

Be warned though, you may find yourself calling Jillian Michaels all sorts of horrible names. ;)


I sooo call her mean names!! but not the bad ones...just inventive ones like from the strident comercials...hehe

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I agree with 30 day shred. It is pretty easy to fit in, and it is usually on our cable's on demand for free (worth a mention).


Can you find a time of day that your DH can give you half an hour of "you" time? And then you can give him his project time or whatever he needs. And he will possibly end up benefitting from your new exercise routine....it often leads to wanting to be more active IYKWIM. ;)

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If the baby will tolerate it, wearing the baby in a back carrier (or front carrier or sling, but those tend to be a bit more obtrusive, especially with an older baby) while doing active housecleaning, yardwork, or just taking a walk is exercise, especially if you're conscious about your form (maintaining decent posture, squatting, and so forth). Maybe not quite as effective as a focused hour at the gym or an exercise class, but better than nothing and way easier to fit in.

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I have found that I can squeeze in some pilates more often than not. Even if I don't make it completely through a workout, some is better than none right?


http://www.exercisetv.tv has some great 20 minute freebies, and I've been stunned at how effective 20 minutes can be. The plus of pilates is that while challenging, it is not a workout till you drop, cover you in sweat kind of workout. So if I could not shower immediately, that is ok. I won't be stinking up the house in the meantime.

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I have a large fenced play area (about 36 sq. ft.) made up of two sets of the metal North States Superyard in my house--a godsend in a house with a very open floor plan. I sometimes put DS in there and then use my laptop to do an exercise DVD; that way, he can see me and he's occupied, but he's not underfoot. Our treadmill is in the basement, and I used a baby swing for a while when he was really little. I'm considering getting a Jumparoo or the like when I have my next baby.

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