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Would you take your toddler to the doctor for this? (Poop mentioned)

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Just put up the disclaimer so as to not gross anyone out. LOL You have been warned!


He is 20 months, and for almost two weeks, has had really runny diapers. He hasn't acted sick, no one we know has been sick and he hasn't been in any group-kid situations to catch anything.


He's not having more than four or so a day (though his normal pooping habit is one big one in the morning), so I don't know if it even counts as clinical diarrhea. When he goes, there is almost always mucus and undigested fruit/veggies in it.


In between times, he passes mucus with his gas. So now he has a nasty red rash, too.


He nurses 2 to 4 short times a day, and drinks about 10 oz. a day of toddler soy formula because he's always had tummy trouble from milk. He was always able to eat cheese and yogurt fine, though...but now I'm wondering if he could be getting sensitive to those, too?


I Googled it and one medical site said something about "Toddler Diarrhea" of no specific cause. Has anyone heard of that, or had kids with it?


Just wondering if you'd take yours in for this, or wait to see if it passes since he's otherwise acting and eating normally? Thanks!

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The mucus can be a symptom of an allergy.

If he's reacted to milk in the past, I'd suggest cutting dairy from his diet (definitely) and possibly from yours too.


My son has a dairy allergy. He had trace amounts of blood in his stool too, along with the mucus.


You may want to call the pediatrician and see what they suggest. But it doesn't sound like an emergency, so I'd wait until Monday.

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One of my dds did have "toddler diarrhea" around age 2, with the same symptoms you mentioned. I took her in to the doctor, and they had us give a stool sample. All testing came back negative for bacteria and parasites.


She did drink a lot of apple juice, which we cut out, and it seems like it really improved within a few weeks.


I would take him to the doctor, especially due to your potential diary allergy concerns. Toddler diarrhea is more a "ruled everything else out" diagnosis, so he does need to be checked in my opinion.


I hope you get some answers soon. I was really concerned at the time. And it is just gross! :tongue_smilie:

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Thanks, ladies. I will call the ped on Monday and meanwhile, try cutting out the juice and dairy. He will revolt if I take away the soy formula bottles, though--:lol: But I didn't realize soy and milk allergies could go hand-in-hand. Hmmm.


(And yes, I'm one of those mamas who still lets a toddler have a bottle. LOL)

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Kids with dairy allergies do have a higher chance of a soy allergy, but it's not an absolute.


Try eliminating dairy 100% from everything you and him eat.


How's his weight?


Besides ped, I would also see a pediatric GI. The mucus and undigested food *could* be a problem, but isn't always.

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Mine had "toddler dia" but we were just told to build his stool back up. We never associated it with a dairy allergy, but oddly enough, he had enough ear infections that they told me to cut it out of my diet. This was in the dark ages, of course...;)

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He's not having more than four or so a day (though his normal pooping habit is one big one in the morning), so I don't know if it even counts as clinical diarrhea. When he goes, there is almost always mucus and undigested fruit/veggies in it.


In between times, he passes mucus with his gas. So now he has a nasty red rash, too.


Mucus usually means an allergy or a digestive problem. Undigested food could be a digestive problem also (unless it is corn or something similar that doesn't digest well anyway). A rash 'down there' can be from acidic poo or just wiping too much.


My son has had quite a few issues with food allergies and digestive problems, including mucus, gas, undigested food... I would get him checked out and log all his food and 'movements'.


Sorry y'all are having so many problems right now. I hope he gets better very soon.

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I've had a couple kiddos have that situation. We were never 100% certain on the cause.


The one who had mucus - like a tiny green glob of snot on the bottom during a wet-only diaper change - had rectal strep. Yes, babies under two CAN actually get strep. The doc swabbed and ran the rapid strep test - bingo. Then she had it again a few months later :glare: during our January strep-a-thon (6 kids plus me with strep).


My other kiddo who had that two-week yucky diaper situation at that same age, we never did figure out (did the really fun stool samples, etc.). I never believed it was dairy with him. Apple juice, even now at 5 y.o., always gives him the runs. So, I'd drop the juice and never go back. In think for that ds, there may have been an element of teething involved.


On the allergy angle, our ped said that about half of babies allergic to dairy will also be allergic to soy. And with nursing, you'd have to eliminate from your diet as well (BTDT....)


just my random thoughts

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Thanks, ladies. I will call the ped on Monday and meanwhile, try cutting out the juice and dairy. He will revolt if I take away the soy formula bottles, though--:lol: But I didn't realize soy and milk allergies could go hand-in-hand. Hmmm.


(And yes, I'm one of those mamas who still lets a toddler have a bottle. LOL)


Yes, actually most people who are allergic to dairy are also allergic to soy.

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My son had toddler diarrhea, and still struggles with bowel issues to this day (over a year later). It is not fun. Invest in a good diaper cream- and be patient.


My suggestions: Allergy and intolerance testings. Give NO Juice (or cut juice with at least 50% of water or more)...Increase fiber intake (1/2 tsp of benefiber a day was what my pediatrician recommended for me). Increase yogurt intake (diarrhea will wipe out all the good bacteria in your intestine, have toddler eat yogurt to help reintroduce good bacteria), and lastly, if all else fails, start a probiotic. My son is on Culturelle occasionally.


The reason my son's issues have lasted for so long is that the pediatrician's office just said "Oh, it's just normal toddler diarrhea" and never did any testing. They refused to do a stool sample or allergy testing, so I switched to a different pediatrician. This new pediatrician just did the allergy testing (which all came back negative).


His official "diagnosis" as of now is simply irritable bowel syndrome. Oy vey... Good luck. I hope your sons issues is solved quickly.

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My son had this for a little while about a year ago. It seems it was eating bananas that did it and maybe too much other fruit. He still eats bananas but not in huge quantities. It went on for a while, maybe 2 months or so and our doctor was very unhelpful. He does tend towards getting a runny tummy, as he calls it, at any opportunity. Chocolate does it to him too.

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