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MMORPG people!

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Yes, it is a time-sucker, but I just have alot of free time. Gaming is my only hobby, not because I'm addicted but because I'm not interested in anything else. Typical hobbies bore me. I haven't gamed since last summer because I was a full-time student and I could fill my free time with classes and homework. Now, because of the new program I'm in and the slow start up of the classes I need, I won't be in school again until January. I'm going to be bored out of my mind! My advisors suggested I just take classes that would be helpful for a future career even though they wouldn't count towards my degree program. I don't have $3,000 to drop during a semester just to keep me busy. :001_huh:


BTW, I'm running the patch for WoW right now. At least my dd19 and her boyfriend know the game well. They can help me when I need it. They aren't currently playing but they can tutor me! :tongue_smilie:

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I agree that it's all too easy to play obsessively. You can find balance though. I don't log in during the day, only evenings. I only raid two nights a week and we finish up by 11 pm. Maybe I'm not in a guild that manages to finish up all the raids a few weeks after they are released, but oh well. I'm having fun with friends, and we are making progress. When I was in school, I closed my accounts during the school year and only played in the summer, and sometimes over Christmas break. I know of people who have ruined their educations, their finances, their marriages, over a game. Crazy. :)


I know a few of those people too. My brother in law lost his college roommate in their junior year to him failing out b/c he could not stop playing WoW.


I've never been personally addicted to the game and I can easily shut it down for a few months if I get busy with other things (right now that is homeschool planning for next year and gardening). I tend to play in the late fall, winter and early spring when I am inside and not out and about as much. I played more when I only had one small child instead of three, there is no way for me to log on during the day now and so I don't.


I've got three main characters that I have slooooooowwwwllllyyyy leveled up over the last five years, a priest, a mage and a hunter. I have zero interest in raiding because it is a commitment and I don't want to be feeling guilty if I have to leave the game due to a crying baby or something else that is more pressing in my real life. I've never been interested in stats, gear, and the rest of that mess - it is way too complicated to keep up with for me and it changes all the darned time!


I love exploring the world in WoW and I have been playing with the same casual, mature players in a guild for the last 5 years and they all just assume if I disappear for 3-6 months that I've had another baby. :lol: It is always nice to log back in and see how everyone is doing though!

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That's the good thing about WoW. It seems like in EQ, in order to play, you really had to sink a ton of time into it. It was very hard to play casually. (I never played it but I know plenty of people who did... the stories they tell are amazing to me.) :) With WoW, there's a lot of room for casual players. You just level more slowly, make progress more slowly, and so on. Most casual players are ok with that.

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I am still pretty happy in my runescape world. I am not hardcore enough to graduate to a bigger game. :P I do have a lotro account though.


Me too, Mrs. Mungo, me too!

The whole family plays Runescape here. I have an untrimmed farming cape and just whipped up my Level 70 cape this weekend. DS15 spent the day yesterday trying to explain the new Fremminik sagas to me.


DH and I enjoy Dungeoneering 2 nights a week. We are both level 80 now! Oops - it's Thursday! Gotta remember to do my penguins today sometime!

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Me too, Mrs. Mungo, me too!

The whole family plays Runescape here. I have an untrimmed farming cape and just whipped up my Level 70 cape this weekend. DS15 spent the day yesterday trying to explain the new Fremminik sagas to me.


DH and I enjoy Dungeoneering 2 nights a week. We are both level 80 now!


With our move this year and everything I haven't had time to get into Dungeoneering. I think I am 50? That is mostly from penguin points. ;) I had a quest cape forever (since I was level 72, back when that was possible), but I kept getting killed by Nomad. I have a list of suggestions people have offered to help me, I just need to block out some time to work on it.


I'll pm you my name.

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massively multi online role playing game

Thanks. Now, if only I understood *that* :lol: Its ok. Don't waste your time trying to explain it, cause I'd probably start drooling and twitching as my brain dissolved, trying to understand.


I just don't have the head for this kind of stuff. Sucks, b/c so many enjoy it, I'd like to try.

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Thanks. Now, if only I understood *that* :lol: Its ok. Don't waste your time trying to explain it, cause I'd probably start drooling and twitching as my brain dissolved, trying to understand.


I just don't have the head for this kind of stuff. Sucks, b/c so many enjoy it, I'd like to try.


It's just bascially an online game that you play with other people, in real time. Most of them have some storyline behind them, but the main thing is that it's interaction with other people who are playing online at the same time you are.

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CoH just had a free play week and they sucked me back in, again. My main games use to be EQ and EQ2, I could never get into WoW. Rift interests me, but my computer is old enough it isn't really up for major gaming at the moment, and I probably won't be upgrading for a year or so. DS1 loves to play Toontown, which is a fairly simple and easy to play game, and safe for small ones. I will need to check out Wizard101, because DS1 is already a gamer and DD is showing interest as well.


My favorite part of CoH now that I am a parent is that it is solo and group friendly and I can easily play just one mission and then log off, plus there is less of the gear grind, since you are just in charge of improving your powers, and other then those enhancements you don't need to worry about anything else.

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Originally Posted by Mrs Mungo

I am still pretty happy in my runescape world. I am not hardcore enough to graduate to a bigger game. :P I do have a lotro account though.

Me too, Mrs. Mungo, me too!

The whole family plays Runescape here. I have an untrimmed farming cape and just whipped up my Level 70 cape this weekend. DS15 spent the day yesterday trying to explain the new Fremminik sagas to me.


DH and I enjoy Dungeoneering 2 nights a week. We are both level 80 now! Oops - it's Thursday! Gotta remember to do my penguins today sometime!



I started playing Runescape when my oldest son asked if he could play. I wanted to know what it was about before I said yes. That was the last year of my marriage and post divorce. I ended up a level 96. ;)


I haven't played in years, but I did log in over the weekend to trade money to my son who lost all his good stuff when he was attacked in the wild. :lol: I must have millions in my bank of "stuff".

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I didn't like Rift. I really wanted to because WoW became annoying after the release of Cataclysm. I have been playing WoW for about 3 years and to learn Rift, which is so much like WoW it confused me. Both dh and I have gone back to WoW but I have changed my expectations of the game and only raid with my guild, pugs are just too painful.

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DH and I play WOW together, mostly on weekends. It is our way to get together and relax without leaving the house. We tend to play more in the winter, and will sometimes play during the week. We both have some level 85 toons, but we also like to start 'pairs' of same race toons and level them together. We don't obsess over the game, it is just a pleasant way to pass the time for us. Some weekends we don't play at all.


I enjoy the level 85 pvp and I like leveling, I haven't gotten into dungeons too much as most of the time I do them it is with pugs and people are so rude and mean. If you haven't done a dungeon a million times and know every nuance of it, those who have won't share their knowledge because they seem to get more enjoyment out of telling the other party members how stupid they are. Pvp is more fun to me because it is different every time, although the annoying people who like to tell others how stupid they think they are still manage to run over at the mouth sometime. How can you play and still keep up a running commentary on how poorly other people are playing? I don't have enough fingers!


We haven't really hit it off with a guild for long term but we have been in guilds that were fun for a while until the enthusiasm of the founders wore off. Maybe someday we will find a good guild and do some raids. Right now my favorite 85 is pursuing the 'Old Salty' title and doing some pvp. Anyone on Agamaggan know any really good guilds? We tend to like playing ranged, but currently I have healer and melee toons that I am working on figuring out how to play better. DH wants to get into doing arenas, so maybe that will be interesting once we find the right combination.

Edited by Rainefox
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Anyone on Agamaggan know any really good guilds? We tend to like playing ranged, but currently I have healer and melee toons that I am working on figuring out how to play better. DH wants to get into doing arenas, so maybe that will be interesting once we find the right combination.



We have a great guild on Stormrage. . .if anyone has toons on there or wants to start/transfer one :)

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I started playing Runescape when my oldest son asked if he could play. I wanted to know what it was about before I said yes. That was the last year of my marriage and post divorce. I ended up a level 96. ;)


I haven't played in years, but I did log in over the weekend to trade money to my son who lost all his good stuff when he was attacked in the wild. :lol: I must have millions in my bank of "stuff".


I started playing in...2003 I think. There have been a lot of changes over the last couple of years.


eta: We LOVE The Guild!

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  • 3 months later...

Darn that Felicia Day!


I don't watch much TV, but I *finally* watched The Guild after everyone told me I had to see it. I read her comic books (#1) three times over as well as Season 1. I then spent all night last night fantasizing about fantasy worlds. Today in a restaurant I overheard two men talking about their raid last night. I asked if they were gamers and they said they were playing RIFT (and we chatted about our past mmos). I was thinking of playing WoW, but then decided that since RIFT is relatively new still, I'd play that for a bit.


Downloading it now. I am going to try to keep a healthy balance between life and mmo playing.

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Darn that Felicia Day!


I don't watch much TV, but I *finally* watched The Guild after everyone told me I had to see it. I read her comic books (#1) three times over as well as Season 1. I then spent all night last night fantasizing about fantasy worlds. Today in a restaurant I overheard two men talking about their raid last night. I asked if they were gamers and they said they were playing RIFT (and we chatted about our past mmos). I was thinking of playing WoW, but then decided that since RIFT is relatively new still, I'd play that for a bit.


Downloading it now. I am going to try to keep a healthy balance between life and mmo playing.


I didn't care for RIFT. It held my attention for about an hour. I hope you have fun though!

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But if I do, what server are you on?


My daughter is able to play these games.


NO NO NO, what am I talking about?


Be strong, Angela. Focus on your goals. Focus on your family (do I sound like an organization in Colorado?). ;) Focus on your inner scholar.


Focus, grasshopper. :001_smile:



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I just started playing WoW a couple of weeks ago. It's pretty fun but my husband and 13 yr old started playing a few months ago and are WAY ahead of me. I'm a level 12 Mage and my husband is level 81 warrior (is that the right title? I can't remember) He's sweet because sometimes he'll fly to where I am and run around on quests with me. He can take out everything with one swipe! LOL He has a 2-seated rocket and a flying mount. Jealous. I haven't played much at all so I can't imagine I'll ever be there!


Now if we can just convince the 15 year old to play with us. :)

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I just started playing WoW a couple of weeks ago. It's pretty fun but my husband and 13 yr old started playing a few months ago and are WAY ahead of me. I'm a level 12 Mage and my husband is level 81 warrior (is that the right title? I can't remember) He's sweet because sometimes he'll fly to where I am and run around on quests with me. He can take out everything with one swipe! LOL He has a 2-seated rocket and a flying mount. Jealous. I haven't played much at all so I can't imagine I'll ever be there!


Now if we can just convince the 15 year old to play with us. :)


Don't feel bad - I've been playing WoW since 2005 and I've never had a maximum leveled character. I started playing when my oldest was a few months old and with each additional kid I've had a lot less time! I still find it enjoyable and fun even without ever figuring out all the gear/stats/raiding and so on. :tongue_smilie:

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My DB and his friends LOVE WoW. I cheat and play a blood elf he leveled up for me. I have access to his guild bank and lots of goodies. It is more fun if I can just roam about doing as I please lol. Haven't played since getting married last year though :( Love my step-children but there is not time for games with them around LOL

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Forgot to brag about ds11 had a level 85 dk and 80 rogue. He loved to pvp and actually ran raids with us. I always got a kick out of it when he would take top ranking. I would kid he should make his own guild and title it pwnd by a 5th grader.


The Runescape store was shirts that say, "I PWNed your mom." :D

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DH and I play WOW almost everyday. We've played for years. We would love to do a family guild but we can't get all of the kids to cooperate :glare:

We mostly pvp, I've never understood the mentality of running the same dungeon over and over again and insisting on doing it perfectly and quickly. I've run afoul of those perfectionist types too many times by getting lost or looking around! At least in pvp it is different every time.


We're mostly on Agamaggan playing Horde, if anyone wants to play with us send me a pm. I have too many toons at all levels so I can match most people. I'm Horde on the Underbog too. I'm Allie on Lethon and Maiev.

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