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Care to share what projects your kids have done this year?

plain jane

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We didn't start HS'ing till we moved out of state in April.Not sure what type of projects you mean We have done the following so far.


homemade Playdoh for a health project (I blogged about it)

log cabin out of Popsicle sticks

roasted hot dogs in homemade solar ovens

made a habit for worms :001_huh:

painted bird houses

dyed wool yarn for knitting

did a trash pick up for Earth day

community service (soup kitchen)

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A good book to get is one of those Frugal Eco books, they have stuff like building solar cookers, cob ovens, planting round your house, and a whole bunch of other interesting stuff.


If it doesn't conflict with your current program, just grabbing the activity guide that go with the sotw would be a great idea, also classical kids book, that a lot of people purchase.


My favourite thing from when I was a kid (and actually still is) is Dioramas. On any subject lol.


I also sed to (I don't have time anymore) do the re-borning of dolls, doll re-borning is a heap of fun, you can learn all sorts of things. Art, being the main one, hand eye coordination, fine motor control (drawing veins is especially fun) crafts, even maths when you learn to weight the baby properly according to how mch it "should wiegh"


Another thing I used to do as a hobby business is/was 3d felt sculpture. I used to make little caricatures of peoples kids.


Be aware that both the re-borning and the Felt Sculpture use some ultra sharp equipment so are better for older kids, the previous things are better for smaller kids.



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My dd did lapbooks from Hands On History. We made food associated with the Colonial Times which we were studying. She made a human body out of paper from a book I got off Amazon. We planted a garden together. Plus hundreds of art projects and little art kits which are her favorite things to do in her own time.

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We really didn't do any projects either. :ohmy: This year was so hectic. We were trying to finish in time before new baby arrived. But next year we are going to use a new schedule. 4 weeks on and 1 week off. This way (hopefully) no burnout in March and we can get to do more fun stuff.

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SWB's Story of the World Activity books have lots of good ideas. We certainly don't do ALL of those projects, but we've done a good number of them over the years.


Dd's favorite "projects" are science experiments. I have a number of books listing ideas and specific outlines for experiments: dd loves to get the books out and run the experiments in her free time. She also likes to do artsy-craftsy things like painting rocks, sewing clothes for her stuffed animals, designing lapbooks, making bracelets, creating doll food from clay, making cardboard doll houses, etc. These things always become HUGE projects and end up all over the house (making me crazy!) forEVer.

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We didn't do anything big but we've done a few things. We made God's Eyes with yarn and popcicle sticks and buckeye candy last fall. We did many of the projects in the Ancient Egypt Treasure Chest (kids really liked that one) and we did several things out of the Ancient Civilizations History Pockets book that were pretty neat.

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We did quite a few with a geography group I host:


-diorama of a Chinese farmhouse

-model of Mayan Ruins out of sugar cubes

-made gondolas

-salt dough maps

-toucan masks

-canvas painting of the Northern Lights

-Mexican paper flowers


-cooked traditional foods from various countries



Other crafts we did outside of geography:

-clay model of a cell

-made a weather station with a kit

-made "cupcake" crayons

-made Toga's

-edible blood cell


Probably a few others I am forgetting. It looks like a fair amount when written out, but my goal is to add more next year:)

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We made our own candles and tin can lanterns. We made our own paper and walnut shell ink. We buried items in the backyard for a few weeks and later dug them up to see which had decomposed/started decomposing and which hadn't changed. We made a multi-media forest mural and a simple worm bin. We did various things out of clay and made our own butter, hardtack and johnnycakes. Did various nature crafts. Stuff like that.

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Sigh, we didn't really do any fun projects this year. They all put together a display board and mini-report on a country for the geography fair and art projects for the art fair that our homeschool group hosts, but aside from that, we didn't do much. Homeschooling with a wild 2 year old who gets into EVERYTHING certainly puts a damper on creative homeschooling. :tongue_smilie:


Last year we did some fun stuff--made human body lapbooks, played Name That Bone, cell cookies, dioramas of Russian ecosystems, painted matroyshka dolls, made a big poster with a giant map of Russia...that's all I can think of right now.

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This year, as in last week, both girls (8th & 2nd) documented a bacteria lab, and each girl made a photo presentation. Now that school is out, I plan on writing a blog post about this type of project. I think it is a great way to integrate simple computer skills and share a project on any topic. My 2nd grader worked on this project with some help, but by the end of the project she did most of the work herself.

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Awwww, I'm sorry! We did a bunch of hands-on projects last year, but virtually none this year. My son had some oral presentations for a lit/writing class he did and made up presentation boards for those; he made pottery projects all year in art, as well as some other three dimensional projects, but other than that, there just weren't many things done that I could show you.


Next year, we're doing all hands-on physics related science at home, so there are going to be tons of contraptions to show related to that, but not yet....

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