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Want to cry : (

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I've had a headache for a week and it won't go away. Advil sometimes works but not always. I'm also exhausted. I was sick last week with a fever, headache and extreme fatigue. This week it is starting off with the headache and fatigue.


What's up? Why can't I get rid of this pain?



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I've had a headache for a week and it won't go away. Advil sometimes works but not always. I'm also exhausted. I was sick last week with a fever, headache and extreme fatigue. This week it is starting off with the headache and fatigue.


What's up? Why can't I get rid of this pain?




It's a nasty virus. The headache and fatigue lasted another week after the extreme exhaustion wore off.

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Yes, we've had something similar. I was feeling really miserable with exhaustion and a sick headache until I decided to just give up and do as little as possible and try to recuperate - not so easy with 4 children, but I have done about half what I usually do and feel a little happier.


Take care of youself and rest as much as possible (it's also a good excuse to spend hours reading the Hive :D).





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Are you dehydrated?


Have you tried taking some Excedrin (rather than Advil)?




I haven't tired Excedrin. I'll give that a try next.


It's a nasty virus. The headache and fatigue lasted another week after the extreme exhaustion wore off.


Now I know what I'm dealing with. Yuck. It is spring, not cold season! I'll stop whining now.



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Many times my only symptom of sinus issues is a headache that just won't go away. I occasionally sneeze and have post nasal drip. I have finally found a combination that seems to work well for me during the spring. At night I take one benadryl and in the morning I take a Zyrtec D. That usually knocks everything out and I don't have any headaches. My pharmacist recommended the benadryl/ Zyrtec combo.


I had headaches all through highschool and my mother was convinced it was TMJ since she had had those issues. No one suspected I had allergies. Finally when I was grown and the headaches never seemed to stop a doctor suspected them. I had allergy testing and found out that I am pretty high on the charts for allergies to dust and grass. I just didn't present with runny nose (I have very small nasal passages) and sneezing.


I really hope you find what is wrong with you! It's no fun not to feel well.


God Bless,

Elise in NC

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Lyme disease can do this....even if you didn't see a tic or a bullseye rash. Not trying to scare you, but it is a very common symptom of Lyme.



I was thinking about this and mentioned it to my dh. I think he thought I was nuts. A friend found a tick on her son after an outing with us.

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