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Little kids in martial arts

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What do you think of it? I love martial arts myself (belted in two different arts, would love to try two others if I had the $$ and time). Dd3.5 is extremely athletic, both gross & fine motor, and very sensory seeking. I've been debating on (if I can afford it) either gymnastics or martial arts. I think she would be brilliant at either. However, it seems like going far in gymnastics consumes the child's entire life, while going far in martial arts is more reasonable time/money/commitment/mindset-wise. Any thoughts? I'm considering taking her through the absolute basics at home first to test her interest.

ETA: She would be about 4 at the earliest. Summer is booked.

Edited by LittleIzumi
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We are very involved in martial arts here. My two older boys are black belts. The third will test within a couple years for black belt.


We just started my daughter at 5. She LOVES it. Really LOVES it!!!! But, be careful about the instructor you choose. Find one that really loves kids and works well with them. Meg's instructor is absolutely wonderful!!! And patient!


That said, Meg also takes gymnastics and loves it too! We're choosing not to do team for now because of the time commitment. So, now she gets a little bit of everything and can choose later.

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For a 3.5 year old, I'd do gymnastics. There is plenty of time when they're older to do martial arts and the physical abilities will translate well (especially in Wushu or Kung Fu). My kids did preschool TKD. It was fun, but they were too little to really master the forms well enough to advance, so they spent a year doing Tiny Tigers and were still white belts when they started the school age class. They did love the class though and ds2 learned lots of valuable social skills, so I don't regret the time and money.

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I think martial arts are great and plan to get DS involved - he's a very physical kid and it fits his personality.


He's already asked for lessons, but I'm waiting until he's a bit more mature and can actually get something out of it, and can handle following directions a bit more consistently. I think a 3 year-old might get more out of a gymnastics class at this age.

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I can't weigh in on martial arts, but I can attest that gymnastics seems to have done a lot for my hypersensory DD. One of the few things I'd change if I could go back would be to start her earlier, because it has made such a change in her in a period of a few months.

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My boys started TKD at 3 and 5yo. My dd started participating now and then when she was 2.5yo but I had earned a black belt by then and was teaching in the class so it was a bit different. We all enjoyed TKD for 7-8 years until the boys and I earned 2nd dan black belts then other activities became more important to them and we all moved on.


It didn't take over our lives like gymnastics might have but we did do class 3-5 days a week for many of those years. The boys did weekend tournaments rarely (maybe 2-3 a year) so that part was limited. Most of their time was spent training and toward the end, teaching.

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My kids do taekwondo. My youngest started when she was 2.5 because she had grown up there and loved it. She loved the instructors and everyone loved her and she was free. I would not pay for a 3yr old to start taekwondo!! The problem is we let her do it when she was free and then we moved and she was already into it, and now we have to pay. I couldn't tell her she had to quit and this place is cheaper overall so the price is the same for all of them as the other place where she was free.


I saw a lot of 4yr olds take class and do well and a lot who cried and didn't like it. I agree- the instructor is key! I would look for one who welcomes little kids but doesn't recruit them. My son started at 5 and it has really helped him focus and gain flexibility. He would not have been ready at 3 or 4. My older girls started at 6- they were not ready earlier. I think most good schools will offer a trial lesson or trial 6 weeks with reduced fees and I would try that.


Taekwondo is a good sport because it is year round and until you are a higher belt, it really doesn't take up much time. My friend's kids do gymnastics and she told me it is almost twice as expensive for her 2 kids to do that than it is for my 4 kids to do taekwondo!

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Beats me, no-one around here will take them that early. There's a karate place that will take kids starting at 6, and at the judo class my daughter takes at the Y, it's for ages 7 or 8 and up, I think.


And sensei said he loves it when they start even older, like 12 or even into their teens, when they're more likely to be committed lol.


He also said he loves when he gets former gymnasts, so like someone else said, gymnastics might be a really good start!

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I think it is a wonderful sport for many reasons. It really helps active kids burn off energy! It builds strength in the body's core, essential for lifelong fitness. It's a skill that can be used for self-protection, if, heaven forbid, that need should ever arise. The movements across the vertical line of the body help develop brain structures that increase capacity for learning (so our vision therapist and learning specialist tell us). It teaches discipline and respect. I think people of all ages can benefit from exercise in the martial arts.


That said, I am no fan of six year olds receiving black belts. Throw your tomatoes, if you will, but I personally think there's a vital component of maturity that goes along with black belt status, which I doubt all but the extremely rare 6 year old possesses. Also, it is something that needs to be earned with much hard work and a sense of just what an achievement it is to reach that rank. Personally, I can't see why anyone under about the age of 12 should ever be awarded a black belt.

:rant: Okay, 'nuff said, obviously that is just my personal opinion.


Choose your dojo carefully. You don't want a place that will just rush you through belt testing to rake in your cash for new belts and testing fees.

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