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In a week we should know about house and job situations

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MDOT is supposed to give us an offer on our house they are taking for a highway this week--at least that was the latest deadline.


Then today at work my dh got an email saying that everyone needs to be at work on May 25 (next Wednesday) so that they can meet with the employees that are being laid off. He works for the state prision system and they are closing one prision which is resulting in a lot of bumps. We don't know if he will have a job or not after next week.


The 2 combined might make it clearer to us if we should build or buy, move out of the area or not, etc. We really don't want to move as we both have elderly disabled parents close by and my dh is the only surviving child. That said, we are in Michigan were there just are not many, if any, jobs to be had.

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We are just hanging around in limbo land. I just don't have much of a desire to clean, etc. this house when I know that in 3 months or so it will either be burned down or dozed down.


Once we know, we will have more direction. We dont' know if we should build or buy or ???? If we didn't have the horses, life would be much easier but since we live in a paid for house on paid for land, why should we have to give up that just for the highway?


On a positive, if dh is laid off, we can get COBRA for 35% of the normal cost for 15 months which is a HUGE savings. Also, then dh would be home to help with a lot of moving issues, packing, etc. which would be a money saver as well.

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We are just hanging around in limbo land. I just don't have much of a desire to clean, etc. this house when I know that in 3 months or so it will either be burned down or dozed down.


Once we know, we will have more direction. We dont' know if we should build or buy or ???? If we didn't have the horses, life would be much easier but since we live in a paid for house on paid for land, why should we have to give up that just for the highway?


On a positive, if dh is laid off, we can get COBRA for 35% of the normal cost for 15 months which is a HUGE savings. Also, then dh would be home to help with a lot of moving issues, packing, etc. which would be a money saver as well.


I'm glad you can find a positive amidst all this. It still breaks my heart that you are being forced to lose your home. They are proposing a new highway in my area, and although we are not in its path, I drive around looking at all the homes/land in the path, and it makes me so sad to know these people will be in your situation. Some of the land has been in families for generations. Praying for you.

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It is now 4pm on Wednesday so likely in 48 hours we will know more.....unless they decide to wait until next week.


We have been working on renewing our foster care license since last September but now the state is putting a hold on it until we are settled in a new place as they don't want us to have a placement and then be moving in the process---esp. if we have to build as then we would be in a "nonconforming place" (aka our camping trailer or inlaws 2 bedroom apartment) for a while until our new place is built.


I can see that though as you don't want to make foster kids move yet again if they don't have to.

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It is now 4pm on Wednesday so likely in 48 hours we will know more.....unless they decide to wait until next week.


We have been working on renewing our foster care license since last September but now the state is putting a hold on it until we are settled in a new place as they don't want us to have a placement and then be moving in the process---esp. if we have to build as then we would be in a "nonconforming place" (aka our camping trailer or inlaws 2 bedroom apartment) for a while until our new place is built.


I can see that though as you don't want to make foster kids move yet again if they don't have to.



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You're not kidding!!! Don't they know that hundreds of people here are waiting for news??? :toetap05::toetap05::toetap05::toetap05::toetap05::toetap05::toetap05:


Praying you hear good news soon. :grouphug:


Maybe if each of you would call them and tell them you are waiting they would hurry up.


We just don't know if we should try to finalize house plans or look for a house, etc.


Dh should find out today if he is getting laid off or not. That might affect our decision.


Right now our finances are good but we want to keep it that way and we live in West Michigan which has a very high unemployment rate.

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Maybe if each of you would call them and tell them you are waiting they would hurry up.


We just don't know if we should try to finalize house plans or look for a house, etc.


Dh should find out today if he is getting laid off or not. That might affect our decision.


Right now our finances are good but we want to keep it that way and we live in West Michigan which has a very high unemployment rate.


:grouphug: still praying . . .

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Dh got his layoff notice today. He will be done in 2 weeks. There is a chance he can find another job with the state but that will all take time. Last time it took 6 months for them to make the transfer.


We have still not heard from MDOT so we are really in limbo land. Just trying to discuss our options and what to do/where to go next.

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We are thinking the same thing. If he is going to be laid off, now is a great time. Summer is coming and we will be moving.


We do have a travel trailer. Problem is we also have 3 horses, 3 cats, a dog, 2 rabbits, 14 chickens, and assorted other critters around here. We also have 3 special needs kids, 2 of which need access to top medical care within an hour or so of where we are.


Just discussing options and once we have some more information from the state we can better make some decisions.


Thankfully we have made some good financial decisions in the past and we are debt free and have an emergency fund.

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Another update.


Looks like dh's last day will be June 8.


A friend of mine called MDOT yesterday and was told 2-3 more weeks. We are seeing another possible house on Tuesday night.


Basically there are 2 houses that we can make work for us. Friends of ours are in the same boat---having to move off a 13 acre horse farm. We are trying to figure out which of us wants which house. Both places will need work or adding barns/pastures, etc. to make them work but they might be doable. We just can't really move ahead until we get an offer from the state.

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Thanks for updating us.:grouphug:


Another update.


Looks like dh's last day will be June 8.


A friend of mine called MDOT yesterday and was told 2-3 more weeks. We are seeing another possible house on Tuesday night.


Basically there are 2 houses that we can make work for us. Friends of ours are in the same boat---having to move off a 13 acre horse farm. We are trying to figure out which of us wants which house. Both places will need work or adding barns/pastures, etc. to make them work but they might be doable. We just can't really move ahead until we get an offer from the state.

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It's great that you and your friends are working together in finding houses. If you decide ahead of time who wants which, it will keep costs down for both of you as there won't be a bidding war. :) I'm so sorry that they're moving so slowly - the waiting has got to be so hard. :grouphug:

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