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Anyone else notice a connection between...

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being overweight, having house clutter, being in debt/poor money management, and/or poor time management?




April in TX


I think there is an obvious connection, lack of self-discipline. That's not the case for everyone, especially some of the medical issues listed, but just generally.


Unfortunately, the older I get the more of these I have. Thank you for posting this. It's a wake-up call to me because I want to be self-controlled.

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I think this is an offensive generalization. Many of the most organized, uncluttered, on-top-of-everything people I know have "body-clutter" as fly-lady likes to call excess poundage;). Many of the thin people I know have clutter and are not organized. I was always a thin person until I had my 3rd child. I have always struggled with organization and clutter, even as a child. As a seriously underweight first-grader, I was chastised in front of the class for my messy desk (lots of crumpled papers in there.) My mom had a weekly hissy-fit because of my messy ways. I


When it comes to socks and underwear, dh is a dumper (much to my annoyance.) I am a folder. We both struggle mightily with clutter and organization. Our bills are paid on time and we live within our means - so minimal debt.


BTW, sorry to burst your bubble but ... I lost 20 lbs. last year and I am still disorganized and cluttered. My only salvation is a biannual consultation with a professional organizer who understands my reasons for clutter and doesn't judge. I tried FlyLady, but was overwhelmed with that, just like i get overwhelmed with our stuff.

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being overweight, having house clutter, being in debt/poor money management, and/or poor time management?


I think it's all related, and I also think if you suffer from one of these, then you probably also have at least 2 of the other symptoms. I'm convinced that I will lose weight once I become debt free and declutter my whole house.



So essentially you have identified something within yourself that causes these four areas to be related. It probably would have been better received to have stated that character trait and asked if anyone else shared a similar struggle with the same resulting life evidences.


Here is the correlation I see in my own life where I struggle with weight, occasionally time or house, but not finances. When I am disciplined to be up early and choose to spend time reading the Bible, I am more disciplined in all of my daily decisions.


As someone who also came here to sell books (and never did by the way), I can testify that you will quickly become charmed by the gracious and challenging community here. I find it both gracious in expression and challenging to my life perspective.

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being overweight, having house clutter, being in debt/poor money management, and/or poor time management?


I think it's all related, and I also think if you suffer from one of these, then you probably also have at least 2 of the other symptoms. I'm convinced that I will lose weight once I become debt free and declutter my whole house.


I used to have another theory: that people who fold their socks and underwear have more house clutter than those who dump it all into a drawer without folding.


I am trying to get 50 posts so that I can sell some of my homeschooling books from more than 13 years of homeschooling. Instead of posting, I'm mostly spending hours on the forums now reading what everyone else posts. I just love this place.


April in TX


I'm overweight but can't stand clutter (so I don't have any) and I'm extremely anal about money mangement. I also fold all of our socks and underwear. I don't think your theory holds much water. lol!

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I'm sure you didn't mean it this way and perhaps it's just one of those "buttons" but as an overweight person this gross generalization offends me.


And no, I do not have trouble managing my finances, my house or my time.



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Someone earlier posted a link to the book "Does this Clutter Make my Butt Look Fat?" by organizational expert Peter Walsh. I haven't read it but it may be worth looking into if you are interested in this topic.


Personally, I am overweight. I'm a generally organized person. I work hard to stay on top of debt. But I have noticed there are times when I have my poop together, and there are times when I don't. (We all do, right?) When it's a particularly stressful and busy time, clutter collects and planning goes out the window. Exercise falls by the wayside, and who has time to cook? Suddenly, eating out is a good option (especially when the dishes are piling out of the sink and you don't have the energy to clear it out AND cook). That is bad for the wallet and the waistline.


And there are good times. When I'm on Weight Watchers, and I'm tracking what I eat and how much I exercise, I MAKE the time to plan meals and cook. Clearing the clutter is a good way to distract myself from eating another snack I don't need.


So I think there can be a link but I don't think there's a personality trait that underlies all of these things.

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Anyone else notice a connection between... being overweight, having house clutter, being in debt/poor money management, and/or poor time management?


They are all conditions caused by being at home with kids all day? :lol:


Seriously, though, I think there are complex and varied reasons for each condition that may or may not be related. Poverty can be caused by poor money management, but it can also be caused by unemployment (or underemployment). Being overweight can be a symptom of a health issue that is easier to correct in some people than others. Some people have more demands on their time than others.


In my case they can all be attributed to self-discipline.


Welcome to the board. I hope you haven't just ruined your experience here by starting off with a controversial (and potentially offensive) first post.

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This came across a bit harsh...but I could understand that someone who was overweight and depressed would not have the energy to clean house. Sort of a chain reaction. This does not mean that everyone who is overweight has a messy house. I have never been overweight but had a messy house plenty of times. :lol:

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I'm sure you didn't mean it this way and perhaps it's just one of those "buttons" but as an overweight person this gross generalization offends me.


And no, I do not have trouble managing my finances, my house or my time.


I'm so sorry if I offended you. I really didn't mean to.


It's just that I have a lot of those symptoms. Ok all of them to one degree or another. I think I'm in denial about my time management, and sometimes money management. I work hard to keep on top of the clutter, and I blame my thyroid for being overweight. So I guess I'm in denial about that too.


It makes sense that these could be signs of depression or that we could make excuses for all of them. I was thinking more along the lines of a general lack of self-control tying these things together.


April in TX

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I'm kind of surprised that people took offense at this, especially since you didn't proclaim yourself to be a skinny, debt free clean freak who follows her day timer schedule perfectly.


This is why I find it offensive:


So essentially you have identified something within yourself that causes these four areas to be related. It probably would have been better received to have stated that character trait and asked if anyone else shared a similar struggle with the same resulting life evidences.



I don't always agree with what people post, but I rarely get upset. The OP really upset me. As some others have mentioned, I've struggled with some of the stereotypes that others have of people who are overweight: being lazy and lacking in self control especially. Because the OP did not present this as areas she's struggling with (something I would have sympathized with) but seemed to propagate these stereotypes, I found it very offensive. Not every one is overweight because of a lack of self control.


I also have a bit of an issue when posters come and tell us that the only reason they are joining our community is to use us as a place to unload their stuff.

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the short answer, No, I don't see any correlation at all. :glare: Between myself, family and friends, I know all sizes and levels of clutter etc. And I will add, that my irl friend who is admittedly overwieght has probably the best financial set-up of any of my friends and a nice clean clutterless house as well.




Kind of goes along with the idea that a fat person is a dumb person misconception.

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I think it's all related, and I also think if you suffer from one of these, then you probably also have at least 2 of the other symptoms. I'm convinced that I will lose weight once I become debt free and declutter my whole house.


To me that's sort of like saying that if you can just put plug your nose up with some Kleenex to stop the runny nose and then the cold will go away.


What will help you de-clutter is some de-cluttering skills. What will help you manage time is a routine and planner. What will help you manage your finances is tracking what you spend and budgeting. If your weight is an issue for you then what will help you there is a routine, an acceptance of your body, exercise, getting enough sleep and a healthy diet of good foods.


Myself? I'm fat but either have my, as someone else put it, poop together on most issues or am getting it together. Yes, when things get out of control my weight tends to go up but I don't get somehow skinny when my life is chugging along nicely. I just get healthy, happy and content.

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I think that's a good example of The Fantasy of Being Thin.


Love that, this quote especially:


Overcoming The Fantasy of Being Thin might be the hardest part of making it all the way into fat acceptance-land. And that might just be why I’d pushed that part of the process out of my memory: it *bleeping* sucked. Because I didn’t just have to accept the size of my thighs; I had to accept who I am, rather than continuing to wait until I magically became the person I’d always imagined being. Ouch.


The pursuit of skinny as an excuse to put off living?

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Love that, this quote especially:




The pursuit of skinny as an excuse to put off living?


It's funny, because I think the whole idea of believing that once we achieve X, everything else will fall into place, is common in so many areas of our life.


I sometimes think I have the Fantasy of the Perfect Curriculum. Once I find THE perfect curriculum, THEN I'll be an awesome homeschooler, and then I'll be a fantastic mom, and then I'll just be a wonderful person. And it's a lot easier some days to put my effort into searching for a better math program or finding the perfect history sequence than into doing the things I need to do to be an effective, successful homeschooler and mom right now, as things are.

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It's funny, because I think the whole idea of believing that once we achieve X, everything else will fall into place, is common in so many areas of our life.


I sometimes think I have the Fantasy of the Perfect Curriculum. Once I find THE perfect curriculum, THEN I'll be an awesome homeschooler, and then I'll be a fantastic mom, and then I'll just be a wonderful person. And it's a lot easier some days to put my effort into searching for a better math program or finding the perfect history sequence than into doing the things I need to do to be an effective, successful homeschooler and mom right now, as things are.


:iagree: Love how you put this.

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I fit at least 3/4 of the criteria. LOL



I'm a procrastinator...and a perfectionist...thus, let me fold my socks perfectly so I can put off sorting the mail. Let me revel in saving .35 on green beans and ignore the debt with zero's behind it. Let me enjoy my self-righteous salad at lunch, but don't mention the chocolate that disapears after the kids go to bed. And, don't laugh at the housekeeping schedules I've made simply b/c I never keep them...I'm a procrastinator...and a perfectionist...I'm sure I can blame someone else...:auto:


Man...I think you may be my twin. :lol:

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