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Seriously...small house issues

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We cannot move. We cannot add on. I am probably going to sound a lot meaner than I am in this post. That is because I have let this all built up.


Our house is not that small. We are one 5 acres. But, we only have three rooms. Two are bedrooms and the other is an open concept room for the Living/Kitchen/Eating areas. We have our computers in that open room. We have our two youngest in our room. We have the other three in their giant master suite room.


Last week we sent the oldest to my SIL. It went well. Just enough space. Bring him back and it is crazy again.


How do or would you time things in a household like this? I get these stupid spats all day long. I am so tired of it. I am already at high anxiety due to other issues including trying to care for a baby that is having problems with weight gain and the absence of a real job for my husband. I just do not have the extra to deal with spats. I don't.


Would you/Do you give your oldest time in the main area for his schoolwork? He is slow as molasses. I think he should get up early and finish if he wants quiet. I cannot and will not tip toe around him all day long.


I used to have a Moth Schedule. Even if we didn't stick to it everyday I had a place to point them in the right direction. I tried after this baby and I cannot get it to work. It makes me feel horrible.

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Can you rework your MOTH schedule? I find I need to revise our schedule several times throughout the school year.


FWIW, my kids get into spats all day long, and it's not because of lack of space.


If your oldest really needs quiet, can you get him some noise canceling headphones? They can be lifesavers!

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On 5 acres, with a 14 year old, I would seriously consider adding another class... Cabin Building 101. Construct yourself a one-room schoolhouse. That way you can be out there for part of the day and then come back to your three room sanctuary.


If that's not possible, I'd be shopping at the Army Surplus Store for a nice big tent.


Okay, I was being a bit sassy (sorry) but when we had this issue about two years ago I woke my oldest up at 6 am for a bowl of cereal and a math lesson before his three younger siblings got out of bed. He did not like it but we did get the work accomplished with no interruptions. We also did book discussions at 9pm after all the others were sent to their rooms for bed time.


I would respect his need for quiet space and try to make a corner for him, but he has got to understand that he's got a time limit, after which the quiet zone may no longer be available.

Edited by AuntieM
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In our house, the olders would probably be up later working on schoolwork. I think it's hard for lots of teens to wake up early...... Just a thought. Could the older do his work in their room, during the day, and flip to the big room... during nap time? (and quiet time for the others?)

Here's a thought that might work... Could you get a little trailer?? We purchased ours for only $500. That could be an extra quiet space. Since you have 5 acres... you could put it in a spot out of direct view?? Just brainstorming :) We have a weird house plan... and are use to thinking of other ways to work rooms...too... ;)

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When my oldest one (at home) wants quiet to study she studies in the car. My brother, who had small children when he was working his way through college, did the same thing.


If you son needs quiet, he needs to do his schoolwork in the bedroom or outside. It isn't reasonable to expect the main part of the house to be quiet with that many people in it.


Susan in TX, who also lives in a small house

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On 5 acres, with a 14 year old, I would seriously consider adding another class... Cabin Building 101. Construct yourself a one-room schoolhouse. That way you can be out there for part of the day and then come back to your three room sanctuary.


If that's not possible, I'd be shopping at the Army Surplus Store for a nice big tent.


That sounds nice, to!! Could be a really nice spot!! And not too expensive ;)

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Do you have a garage? Do you have any large closets?


I would have them complete "school" in the kids' bedroom. You could put their materials in boxes or crates and set up desks in their bedroom. Put a baby gate on their door so the little cannot get in and that would at least solve the baby issue. Or you could have two work in the bedroom, one work at the kitchen table. On nice days - go outside. Do you have a patio - can you cover it? Do you have a tent? Just some random thoughts.

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If your oldest really needs quiet, can you get him some noise canceling headphones? They can be lifesavers!


Let me second this - oldest DS is in a 3-man room at college and it gets noisy. His noise-cancelling headphones have been a life saver and they are much cheaper than adding another room to the house. Or let him do his school work in the evening when every one else has gone to bed.....and no, I would not tiptoe around him...


With a small house, mandatory quiet time for bigger children when the little one napped saved my sanity.


ETA: almost forgot - when DS(now 15yo) was little, he needed to be able to get away from his siblings to recharge a bit or he turned into a monster. I built him a tent from a blanket and a chair in the corner of the living room where he would go to read/relax when things got too stressed for him. Something like that might cut down on spats if the olders had somewhere to "hide out".

Edited by AK_Mom4
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I do not have any suggestions. But, oh, do I feel your pain. We're in a 1000 square foot house with 6 people and we have THREE daughters. :glare:


Anyone who idealizes smaller living spaces, come check this out!!! :cursing: Those IKEA pictures of the "small concept living" make me soooo mad, too.



Can you add more outdoor living space?

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Lol, I love the car idea! That's where I go some mornings to do Bible study. I just need to be alone and have quiet and my kids are pretty early risers.


Other ideas:


* hound Craigslist or Freecycle for a shed. Pray, pray, pray. Maybe you could find a "you move it, it's yours." If you don't see anything in the next few weeks, post a want ad and put out the word that you are looking for anyone wanting to get rid of a shed.


* laundry room or walk-in closet? My dh managed a quad in college and lived in the laundry room of one of the units. He made a desk using a piece of plywood with hinges across the bottom. He could raise or lower it with chains at the sides. (Hoping you can see what I mean here!)


* garage? Turn it into another family room/play room and let older have the bedroom. Or wall off a section of the garage for a small office.



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* garage? Turn it into another family room/play room and let older have the bedroom. Or wall off a section of the garage for a small office.




This is a good idea. I thought about doing this, too.

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Another one who felt your pain. We had 9 people in 1100. I made a *dorm room* (what the realtor called it) with all of the littles and then was able to give the two oldest rooms of their own. We made our living room into the dorm room.


I dunno, can you just not look at that the room is supposed to be and see if you can repuropse it?


In the meantime, I would make him a hammock and tell him that's good for now.

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Several of our friends with small homes put travel trailers in the driveway for their teens to use to study or just be alone. The kids had to keep the trailer clean and locks were removed. No littles allowed.

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