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S/O baby names

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I've noticed lately that many people in my world are naming their newborns older, more classic names. One friend had a baby Saturday, and her baby's name is Jemima Josephine. Her sister named her baby Harriet Alice. I have a friend with a Charlotte, a Joseph, and a Calvin.


Are we moving past the Jennifers, Jasons, Madisons and Connors?

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It's sort of the opposite trend, against Madisons and Connors. About half of the babies I know are getting super-modern word names, surnames, and creative choices. The other half are getting vintage throwbacks.


At my 3yo DD's garden playgroup, there are kids named Jaxxyn and Agnes, as examples. The split is about 50/50.


But yes, we moved past Jennifer and Jason long ago, and Madison and Connor are falling now too. Things like Aiden and Addysen are today's Connor and Madison.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I see two pretty distinct categories when it comes to baby naming. There's the group that is using the older, classic names right now. And then there's the group that's using the trendy names too. I'm browsing a lot of baby name boards right now, and I notice these two distinct groups.


Me? I don't like trendy or classic. I like unique names that you don't hear of much. Although DD7's name began without being in the top 1000...it's now near 300. GRRR. LOL.

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I've noticed lately that many people in my world are naming their newborns older, more classic names. One friend had a baby Saturday, and her baby's name is Jemima Josephine. Her sister named her baby Harriet Alice. I have a friend with a Charlotte, a Joseph, and a Calvin.


Are we moving past the Jennifers, Jasons, Madisons and Connors?



I hope we're moving past those names! I say that as a name junkie who has a Charlotte. But I also have a Kenzie and a Piper, which I don't think of as trendy, but others may. Jemima Josephine sounds wonderful to me. In fact, I would have named Charlotte Jemima or Frances, but dh disagreed.

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You can check out my signature.

My daughter's names are :

Marilyn Elizabeth

Katherine Joan

Hannah Mae

Margaret Claire


All very old fashioned names. But I look back and think I almost named my oldest Dakota. ugh

One day I snapped to my senses and knew that they would have to live with their names for the rest of their lives. So better make them names people could pronounce and spell.

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You need to go to the Social Security website to see the actual top baby names. The SS names are based on actual birth name data. The other lists are not as accurate. http://www.ssa.gov/OACT/babynames/


I just looked at that site and typed in DD's birth year. I am :lol: because she has friends with every one of the top 20 names. It was like a cheerleader/slumber party roll call.

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I have an Aaron Lewis (Aaron is daddy's middle name & Aaron Lewis is my favorite rockstar. I know. I was 21.) & a Crimson Paige (I wanted Crimson, but DH didn't like calling her that, so we call her Paige.)


But a lot of our friends have Annas, Lilys, Emmas, Colleens, and Evelyns. lol None of our friends have boys...

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My daughter and I have been talking about this.


I really want to name one of my boys after my (step)dad. I plan on using a longer version of the name for the formal name which is a Bible name so there may be other kids with that name; but hubby figures he'll be called Grandpa's name. I'm fine with that. There is very little chance anyone will be named THAT though. The formal name is ranked in the 60s for popularity while Grandpa's name is in the higher 360s for boys and 600s overall.


For a girl, I wanted Victoria Evelyn. Though the names are gaining popularity, they are solidly older names. The same is true of my other boy names.

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You need to go to the Social Security website to see the actual top baby names. The SS names are based on actual birth name data. The other lists are not as accurate. http://www.ssa.gov/OACT/babynames/


According to that, none of my kids have ever been in the top 20 in the past few years. (And I have a Connor, lol)


ETA: Okay, if you spell my dd's name different, it made #19 last year.

Edited by Carrie1234
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