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Hello all. We finally have electricity after 7 days since the storms.

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Although my community received a direct F4/F5 hit, my neighborhood had minor damage. Shingles missing, trees down, trampolines blown upagainst houses or onto roofs. Many were not so lucky and entire neighborhoods are just gone. It's is so very sad to see and as a mom the realization of how close it was to us (within 2 mile) is just so overwhelming. Driving around is heartbreaking, shocking. I just want to add that I am very proud to be in a community where there were disaster relief teams ready to go immediately after the storms blew over. Shelters set up. Neighbors helping neighbors. The volunteers were so many some had to be turned away.

Edited by lynn
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Wow!!! I'm relieved to hear you are okay! The same thing happened to my sister - her street received minor damage. The next street over lost over 20 houses. She says seeing it in person is just so hard.


How is your family doing? My sis and her 4 yo are having a very hard time emotionally.

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Wow!!! I'm relieved to hear you are okay! The same thing happened to my sister - her street received minor damage. The next street over lost over 20 houses. She says seeing it in person is just so hard.


How is your family doing? My sis and her 4 yo are having a very hard time emotionally.



We are doing well. The kids have been troopers through all of it. As bad as it us in my immediate community the town next to us was fully up and running. They were on different electric power supply than us. Having some place to go and do some normal things away from here helped a lot. Driving there is the hard part.

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Glad to hear your family is okay. Our power was off until Monday. We had no water for a few days. It has been horrible to see the damage. During the time we had no water we stayed in a hotel. We had to get one a few hours away. During the drive it was overwhelming to see the how the path of the storm could reduce a mansion to rubble, and yet leave a mobile home untouched just a few hundred yards away.

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The important thing is you are okay. So glad!


:grouphug: :grouphug:


Since the tornadoes here a couple of weeks ago, the outpouring of help and support from people has been wonderful. It sounds like it is the same there.

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