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What are your family's end of the school year traditions?

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DD finished 2nd grade today! :party: Last year we went on a feild trip as our last day of school. We are doing the same thing tomorrow to celebrate the year's end. I really like ending the year with something fun to look forward to. I think we will continue to do this every year.


So what does your family do to celebrate?

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We run about like demented weasels trying to get the kid off to summer camp. It involves lots of scrounging for medical forms, grousing that he's outgrown all his shorts again and trying to explain how to put sheets on a loft bed without sustaining head trauma. And, of course, the annual lecture about how the sunscreen works best if you actually PUT IT ON.


Good times. Good times. :glare:

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We finish our school year in December, but we generally celebrate the same way we do "Educational Freedom Day." (That would also be known as the first day public school is back in session in the fall. ;)) Sushi, trip to the comic book store and bowling. (DS and I love sushi so celebrate anything with sushi.)

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Shhhhh....don't tell MY kids that homeschoolers take the summer off....shhhh.....i told them we keep doing school in the summer cuz that's just what happens when you're a homeschooling family - so far they believe me (teeheehee)....although I did say it would be a shortened day :D

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We're taking a trip to Incredible Pizza with her EOY report card (which is worth a free $20 game card, plus I have a coupon where I can buy a $10 game card and get an additional $10 free stockpiled, and a coupon for a $10 free game card, so all told I can get her $50 of game credit and pay only $10 plus the price of pizza) for a day of pizza, bowling, mini-golf, skee-ball and the like. And we're doing this BEFORE public schools let out, so we should basically have the place to ourselves. Some of the other homeschool group families are joining us, too.

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I make a point of doing it before the public schools close for the summer, 'cause I am snarky that way.


DH takes a day off from work and we go to one of the local parks for a hike in a gorge. Then we go for ice cream.


We do pretty much the same thing the day public schools open here as well.

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In the past we've celebrated by going to the movies. This has gotten more difficult, though, as there isn't always something I want the kids to see playing in the theatre.:glare:


Cold Stone Creamery somehow always finds it's way in there, too.:D

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