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Encourage me to get rid of stuff and forget about making a profit.

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I have knick knacks, toys, and children's picture books that I need to clear out.


Normally when I clear things out, I take a couple bagfulls at a time to Goodwill. But this time, I had ambitions of collecting the knick knacks and taking them to an auction house for them to sell. (would get about $150 for my stuff with almost no work on my part. Just have to gather it all at once, and take to the auction house.)


I planned on taking the toys to a Tot Swap (sort of like a huge 3 day event consignment shop.) If I take them to the Tot Swap, I'll probably get about $200 for them, but it will take hours and hours of work to sort, price, label and transport them (the drive would be 2 hours total, just to transport.)


So....is the $350 (maybe $400) worth the hassle? I've been wanting this stuff out of my house for a year, and haven't "found" the time. Once school stops for the year, I could probably do it then, but that won't be for another 2 months.


Do I forget the money and just get rid of this stuff a few bags at a time, so that it starts to get OUT of my house? (I can't even WALK thru the attic.)



I would like to just get rid of stuff, but feel that I'm making a bad financial decision. The $350-400 would pay for half of our homeschool supplies for the year. (I spend ob $600 a year for my two.) We aren't strapped for the money, but it would be nice to have (money is always nice to have!)


P.S. What about homeschool stuff? I don't want the hassle of posting and getting a paypal act and going to the post office and packages getting lost....can I just give it all away to Goodwill? Or is that a bad decision?



What does everyone else DO with all this STUFF!! I'm drowning.

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I planned on taking the toys to a Tot Swap (sort of like a huge 3 day event consignment shop.) If I take them to the Tot Swap, I'll probably get about $200 for them, but it will take hours and hours of work to sort, price, label and transport them (the drive would be 2 hours total, just to transport.)



How much do you consider your time worth? Are you willing to spend the time for much less than minimum wage? If so, go ahead. If you value your time higher, throw it out.


I've been wanting this stuff out of my house for a year, and haven't "found" the time.



If you have not made the time yet, it is unlikely that you will.


What about homeschool stuff? I don't want the hassle of posting and getting a paypal act and going to the post office and packages getting lost....can I just give it all away to Goodwill? Or is that a bad decision?



Do you have a local homeschool group that does a curriculum swap, or has classifieds? I offer my stuff there. If i can't get rid of it locally, I'll donate - shipping stuff across the country is too much of a hassle. unless it were really expensive things (which i don't have)


What does everyone else DO with all this STUFF!! I'm drowning.

Two things:

1. Not acquire it in the first place.

2. Clean our clutter regularly in small portions.

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I hear you!!


I had a stack of books that I was trying to sell on amazon, but not many have sold. I set myself 6 months, and vowed that if I hadn't sold them by then, I would donate them to wherever was most convenient/needed them.. ie, the handful of school related books I am offering to friends and fellow HSers, and the rest are going to the nearest Goodwill.


Think of it this way.. clearing out gives you an opportunity to bless someone else, someone who probably wouldn't be able to afford even the second hand prices at which you would sell your stuff. There are people out there who are really struggling, and only survive because other people donate.

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Pack up as much of it as you can, and take it to a thrift store donation site (some take donations at the store, some at drop boxes/trailers). It will be hanging around forever if you try to get any money out of it, and the more it hangs around the worse you feel. Seeing it is a reminder that you haven't done it yet. yes, you can donate the homeschool books to the Goodwill or whatever thrift store. Don't feel bad about it, just get it out of your house and feel good about accomplishing something, helping others, and move on.

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Guest RecumbentHeart

It would depend on what kind of financial situation I'm in. If I was really, really in need ... as in, no other way to buy curriculum (or whatever) then I'd put in the work. I'm not in that position currently so I can't bring myself to do it. I already feel like my life is cluttered with "things to do" as it is without adding more "things to do" to it. We have regular visits from AmVets and they drop off their bags for me to fill and so I fill up bags regularly to stick out on the curb on the scheduled pick-up days. If you donate, remember to record everything so you can claim it on your taxes and get at least a little back for it. :)

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I know exactly what you mean! I have several totes worth of stuff that I know would sell, it just takes a bit of work to take pics, make a listing, etc. I keep telling myself I can make some spending money (you know, to spend on school stuff :tongue_smilie:) if I just DO IT!


But, I am leaning toward just dropping it off at goodwill and taking the tax donation. I'm sure there are many other people that can use these items, and I need to just get it all out there instead of having it take up valuable space in my house.


OK, let's make a deal...you donate yours, and I'll donate mine. ;)

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Think of it this way.. clearing out gives you an opportunity to bless someone else, someone who probably wouldn't be able to afford even the second hand prices at which you would sell your stuff. There are people out there who are really struggling, and only survive because other people donate.


This is what I keep foremost in my mind when I waffle.


(You can also take a tax deduction for your donations, so you're getting something besides a good feeling. ;))


ETA: In rereading, I'd probably do the auction thing because it requires little effort. If you need the $, go for it!

Edited by Mejane
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To me, if you are sure that they are nice things that would actually sell, it would definitely be worth it for several hundred dollars. When I clean out the kids room, if I'm not sure whether it will definitely sell, I take it to Goodwill. If I know I can get decent money from it, I will put it on craigslist.

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I've had this same dilemma in my head numerous times (each of our 8 moves in the past 7 years). I almost always end up just taking it all to the Goodwill or donate to the Vets or putting it up on Freecycle.


If I really think something is valuable enough to sell quickly without much hassle I put it on Craigslist.


I wince at the thought of how much money I could have potentially made, but ultimately I'm not up for the work with going through with it. I try to console myself in knowing that hopefully another family/person is enjoying the item.

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But this time, I had ambitions of collecting the knick knacks and taking them to an auction house for them to sell. (would get about $150 for my stuff with almost no work on my part. Just have to gather it all at once, and take to the auction house.).
$150 and almost no work?? I would do this in a minute!


Something is better than nothing. I'm too cheap to just give it all away.:lol:

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I've been through this... Just drop it off as a donation somewhere and think of it as a hard lesson to avoid collecting so much stuff in the future.




It's also the only "vacation" I'm getting this year. We won't be taking one anytime soon due to dh's hours, so I'm giving myself a cleaner house without the hassle.


Tonight after dinner I plan to pack another box for The Book Samaritan and go through another kid's clothes.

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Do you go to homeschooling events, like roller skating or park days or whatever? We have ongoing swap tables at these events. Everyone takes their stuff there, some of it goes to a new home, and the rest goes to Goodwill or home with the original owner. It's nice to have a built-in schedule for this, and it's nice to bless your community/friends. And if they don't want it, off to Goodwill it goes and you get the tax deduction.

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For me, it would be worth it to definitely take the stuff to the auction house if it's as simple as putting it in bags and dropping it off. I'm not sure about the Tot Swap, but I think I would do it if I thought I could make $200. Things are tight here though, and I can do a lot with $350.



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I've been through this... Just drop it off as a donation somewhere and think of it as a hard lesson to avoid collecting so much stuff in the future.



:iagree:Yes, yes, yes! Do whatever makes it possible for you to get rid of the stuff as soon as possible. Maybe even have a friend help you gather it and take it to Goodwill so you wouldn't have to make multiple trips.

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If you don't have time to sell it....or the energy.... drop it off at Goodwill and just know that when you do something good, that good will come back to you in other ways. Let giving be your reward and a lesson for your kids in giving. Feel good about the giving and then feel even better that your house is easier to clean with less stuff.

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