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Aubrey! Congrats!

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Thank you. I'm...glad, because I love my kids & I can't imagine another one being anything but good for the world, but...embarrassed, too. We had hoped to move out of state & just claim that the extra kid in all the family pics was a really friendly, lonely neighbor. :tongue_smilie:


But...as far as family goes...I guess they're used to us by now. Everyone has been kind enough...except my grandmother, but she thinks she was being encouraging, lol.


I wish dh had a job that allowed me the privilege of openly caring about this baby's health, that meant I didn't feel like I had to apologize for its existence. Not that I really blame people who feel that way...

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Thank you. I'm...glad, because I love my kids & I can't imagine another one being anything but good for the world, but...embarrassed, too. We had hoped to move out of state & just claim that the extra kid in all the family pics was a really friendly, lonely neighbor. :tongue_smilie:


But...as far as family goes...I guess they're used to us by now. Everyone has been kind enough...except my grandmother, but she thinks she was being encouraging, lol.


I wish dh had a job that allowed me the privilege of openly caring about this baby's health, that meant I didn't feel like I had to apologize for its existence. Not that I really blame people who feel that way...


Tell unkind people to shut up.


Not clear though on why you don't have prenatal yet....is it because you are in the middle of a move? Where are you moving to? I've been out of the loop it seems.

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I wish dh had a job that allowed me the privilege of openly caring about this baby's health, that meant I didn't feel like I had to apologize for its existence. Not that I really blame people who feel that way...



oh...honey, I've been there. 18 yrs old, no health insurance, baby coming 3 months after the wedding.....sigh....it will get better. I promise.

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I wish dh had a job that allowed me the privilege of openly caring about this baby's health, that meant I didn't feel like I had to apologize for its existence. Not that I really blame people who feel that way...


Tell unkind people to shut up.



When I was pregnant with DD2 my aunt said "You did this on purpose!" :001_huh: and my mom said "Oh No!" and cried. I finally got tired of all the negativity and told them that I wasn't going to apologize for being pregnant and I was going to be happy about the baby. I fully intend to have more children and be excited about every one. Even if circumstances aren't ideal, at the time.



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I wish dh had a job that allowed me the privilege of openly caring about this baby's health, that meant I didn't feel like I had to apologize for its existence. Not that I really blame people who feel that way...


Oh, wow. This sentence makes me very sad. Why would one's job dictate whether they or their children are valuable? I mean, I understand that being wealthy means you can give certain material advantages....but really, should we apologize for having a baby when we're not wealthy?




And, I say congratulations!!!! Another baby is a reason to rejoice! :party:



And, FWIW, we got quite a bit of grief for having four kids. (We're not rich!) The 4th wasn't exactly planned, but, really, who's plans are we trying to follow, anyway?

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I'm very happy and excited for you, Aubrey! Just come here for support if you aren't getting it IRL. I know how that feels. My mother hasn't even told my grandmother that we are expecting no. 5; she said she'll mention it after baby is born because she doesn't want to listen to the complaints between now and then. Of course, my mother's initial reaction to this pregnancy was to yell at me that my dh had done this to me again, on purpose, and that she was going to kick his @ss the next time she saw him. And to remind me that I don't *have* to keep it if I don't really want to, because I've already more than done my part to perpetuate the species.

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Thank you. I'm...glad, because I love my kids & I can't imagine another one being anything but good for the world, but...embarrassed, too. We had hoped to move out of state & just claim that the extra kid in all the family pics was a really friendly, lonely neighbor. :tongue_smilie:


But...as far as family goes...I guess they're used to us by now. Everyone has been kind enough...except my grandmother, but she thinks she was being encouraging, lol.


I wish dh had a job that allowed me the privilege of openly caring about this baby's health, that meant I didn't feel like I had to apologize for its existence. Not that I really blame people who feel that way...


Congrats! Also, cograts on your article in TOS Magazine. I saw your picture and thought to myself, "I 'know' her."

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Congrats! Also, cograts on your article in TOS Magazine. I saw your picture and thought to myself, "I 'know' her."


Thanks--this is the first article I've really, really *wanted* to write, if that makes sense. My first one was about redecorating, lol. This one feels like *something.*

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Congrats! Also, cograts on your article in TOS Magazine. I saw your picture and thought to myself, "I 'know' her."

I thought the exact same thing, lol!!! Congrats on the article Aubrey, you did a fantastic job!!!


:grouphug: and congratulations on your pregnancy, I got a lot of grief while we were ttc #3, my parents didn't handle our losses and secondary infertility well and thought it best to talk us out of having more kids by saying some rather cruel things. I know now they just didn't know what else to do, but it still hurt. They are so glad now that we did have another baby, our 2yo dd is everything to them. :001_smile: Although, I will never forget my dear sweet grandma's response when I told her #3 was on the way "but...why?" :lol: It was mostly in reponse to the losses we had suffered and she didn't know why we would want to risk going through that pain again.

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I thought the exact same thing, lol!!! Congrats on the article Aubrey, you did a fantastic job!!!


:grouphug: and congratulations on your pregnancy, I got a lot of grief while we were ttc #3, my parents didn't handle our losses and secondary infertility well and thought it best to talk us out of having more kids by saying some rather cruel things. I know now they just didn't know what else to do, but it still hurt. They are so glad now that we did have another baby, our 2yo dd is everything to them. :001_smile: Although, I will never forget my dear sweet grandma's response when I told her #3 was on the way "but...why?" :lol: It was mostly in reponse to the losses we had suffered and she didn't know why we would want to risk going through that pain again.


Although no one was outright *cruel,* we had very similar issues w/ #3, incl secondary infertility. Ironically. :001_huh:

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Ignore anyone who is negative, focus on the many positives. The insurance thing is hard, btdt. But a baby is always a blessing...many congrats!

You have so many positives right now, I only see good things happening. Stay with the big picture and exclude those not looking at the big picture with you.

You're so talented Aubrey, I love the website and products. I can't wait to see all you do with it. One day we'll all be saying "we know you when!"

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Guest Katia

Congratulations, Aubrey! What a blessing.


Don't apologize for your children. I only had insurance with my first baby....because *I* was the one with the job that had insurance! Then, we decided I'd stay home and take care of the baby....so no insurance for #2 and #3.


You are right; some people don't understand. They are not important people. What they think does not count. Period.


Be happy and rejoice.

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Congratulations, Aubrey! What a blessing.


Don't apologize for your children. I only had insurance with my first baby....because *I* was the one with the job that had insurance! Then, we decided I'd stay home and take care of the baby....so no insurance for #2 and #3.


You are right; some people don't understand. They are not important people. What they think does not count. Period.


Be happy and rejoice.


You know what's funny? We didn't have ins for #4, but we paid for it out of pocket...yet I still remember it as "no ins." Before that, we were relatively normal. The degradation of poverty works its magic fast. I suspect that once things are right-side-up, I'll feel like I'm pretending to be normal again...

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