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There are some very kind people in the world.

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My son was moving a chair into the basement. It somehow slipped forward and bashed him in the mouth, breaking off a front tooth! I called a few friends, trying to figure out where I could take him on a Saturday night. I called a recommended dentist's office, got his emergency line and called that. Turns out, he was in the office doing paperwork when I called! I explained the situation, explained that I have $.67 in the bank until next week and he said, "Just come in; we'll worry about that next week."


So, we went in and he was able to temporarily repair ds's tooth. He even adjusted the color on the broken part (it had started turning white). He charged me nothing and said that today's visit would be part of the price for the permanent crown. He told me to call Monday morning to set up the appointment for the temp crown. He gave me his cell and said if Ds has any sensitivity or problems this weekend, to call.


I'm just overwhelmed with gratitude and thankfulness. :)

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This must be the week for acts of kindness. I was in a sub shop and had just planned on getting one sub since that was all I had cash for. My kids decided they wanted another kind. I searched for more money, finding none, I told them we would just get one. The gentleman behind me told the cashier he would pay for both subs. Wow!!!!

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If you don't have dental insurance, we don't, medical will pay for a tooth broken as a result of an accident. You just need the proper coding to get it done. It took a little effort, but dd's broken teeth due to an accident have been covered by our medical insurance. We aren't finished with all the work yet, 2 years down the road so far; but so far medical has paid. We'll see if they will cover her crown and other work to be done next week. I have a feeling it may be harder this time since it is so far after the accident!

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Wow, that dentist is really kind and thoughtful. I'm glad your DS is okay. If you are like me, you must have been really frantic when that happened to him.


We got lucky with ours, too. DS had several teeth knocked out, and our dentist told us to meet him at his office at midnight on a Saturday night. Then, after we got the bill for several sessions of work, he wrote a note saying he'd decided to chop off about $1K because the total sounded like too much to him. We don't have dental insurance and we sure weren't expecting a huge dental bill, so we were very grateful. I wrote him a thank you note because I was so grateful that he came to the rescue on the Saturday night, especially.


Our medical insurance specifically excludes dental work which is needed due to an accident, but it is a good idea to check.


I've met an awful lot of really nice dentists over the years, so many that I've been hinting around to the DC to consider that profession.

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I just half listened/half watched Homeward Bound for the umpteenth time, and managed to cry about 12 times. My kids sat there saying, "Mom, you're a complete sap." Maybe.


Still, reading this, I'm just completely overwhelmed with the goodness that exists in this world, and how fortunate we are when we experience it. It brings tears to my eyes and hope to my heart.


I'm very happy for you, Michelle. Very.

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I called a recommended dentist's office, got his emergency line and called that. Turns out, he was in the office doing paperwork when I called! I explained the situation, explained that I have $.67 in the bank until next week and he said, "Just come in; we'll worry about that next week."


So, we went in and he was able to temporarily repair ds's tooth. He even adjusted the color on the broken part (it had started turning white). He charged me nothing and said that today's visit would be part of the price for the permanent crown. He told me to call Monday morning to set up the appointment for the temp crown. He gave me his cell and said if Ds has any sensitivity or problems this weekend, to call.


I'm just overwhelmed with gratitude and thankfulness. :)


Or, I should say, "bolster", not restore (it's not dead, lol). I'm so, so thankful you found this gem of a dentist! Wow, that's just fantastic!! {{hugs}} to your sweet boy. I hope he's feeling great in no time at all.

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It is so nice to hear that people will still do things to help others, even if it doesn't mean lining their pockets right away.




I also had a very small kindness done for me this weekend (a man holding a parking space for me in a very crowded and competitive lot) and it really renewed my faith in humanity. I'm so happy to hear that it seems to be going around! I hope your son's tooth is OK, and the resulting work isn't too overwhelming.

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