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What color would you paint my front door? Shutters? Porch?

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My house is a very light yellow. Currently the front door and shutters are a green - kind of the green that was popular a while back a blueish dark green (forest? hunter?). My wrap around front porch is white. Both the porch and front door need to be painted this summer.


What color would you paint the porch? What color would you paint the door? Would the door have to be the same as the shutters? Help me please!!

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Guest Virginia Dawn
I'd paint everything white (not that that would be easy over a dark color!!) except for the door. That, I would paint a rich dark red or maybe even a glossy black (though my personality dictates Red!)


White trim, red door. :iagree:

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Those are the EXACT the colors at our house too! We will probably paint next year so post what you decide. I have no idea what would look good. Have you driven around your neighborhood to get ideas? I thought at one point I liked kind of a cacky color with a darker cacky or white...now not so sure.

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It sounds just like the house we moved from three years ago! It was a 160 yo farm house, light yellow, front porch. No shutters, but it did have window boxes. I kept the porch white like the trim on the house, the porch floor was medium gray, the front door was red. Everyone always loved the red door!

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Hey Kathy! When I was out garage saling yesterday, I saw a yellow house your color with a navy blue door(more blue than dark) and my friends that were with me and I all ooohhed and aaaahhhed over that house. It looked gorgeous. It had reminded me of my old house and what I could have done, never thought of your house though! So I vote definitely for the blue.

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I'd stick with white for the porch railings, etc. But I'd either go with different shades of moss greens for the window trim, darker on the shutters and darkest on the door, or I'd do the same with shadings of blues, lighter on window trip, darker on the shutters and darkest on the door. Or, I'd do the door completely different, in a more burnt orangey shade if using the greens or in a true red if using the blues......

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You've gotten some good suggestions here. I really like the look of a steely blue against yellow.


We're currently making the same decision. Right now the house (colonial) is brick first floor/off-white siding second floor. We are thinking of black shutters and a red door with black knob/lock/mail slot.

Have fun with your decision!!!

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They didn't stay with neutral earth tones when they repainted. The wife chose a light yellow for the house with two trim colors...medium shades of "dusty" green and rose. The door is also rose. It looks really pretty, but the colors look very "feminine" to me. Unfortunately, they have since divorced. She moved out, and I've wondered if he'll repaint!


Then, our other neighbors who live directly across the street from the yellow house painted their house. They also chose light yellow and two trim colors...darker shades of green and rose! (The door is also rose.) They used white for their porch. I have to say that I prefer the darker trim colors that they chose.


Have you looked at some of the paint brand websites? Some have houses that you can "paint" with different combinations to help you see what it might look like. (I know that http://www.benjaminmoore.com has this feature.)

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I went to our local home improvement store today and got a bunch of samples. I'm leaning towards a medium/dark blue on the shutters (trim on the windows is white), white porch and a dark, almost navy blue door. Or, I might go with navy shutters and a red door?? I like the idea of the door being a different color. I'll try to post pictures when we are done! :)

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White porch, with that robin egg color for the ceiling of the porch, probably white shutters, and just about any color you like for the front door. I think something in the blue family would be a great contrast with the yellow and white. Maybe a dark teal - yeah I know that was more of an 80's color lol - that would coordinate with the porch ceiling.


For the front door, I'd consider your entry way colors, and maybe draw something from there since you'll see the door front when it's open.

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