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Teachers Bistro 4-21-2011

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Snack - I eat late enough in the morning that I do not have a morning snack - not even a salad with protein!


3 wishes:


1. That my school room would be magically decluttered and cleaned.


2. That I could be magically transported to my doctor's appointment across the country without having to have the hassle of air travel all by myself.


3. Actually, if I'm going to have wishes, I might as well wish that I didn't need anymore doctor's appointments - ever!


Homeschool convention - I have no idea! I haven't gone to one since my ds13 was in kindergarten.


Scrap - you didn't answer your own questions!

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It's 1:30 here. We had brunch instead of breakfast or lunch because we are horrible morning people. It's been complete chaos here so far today. That seems to be a theme lately. No snacking for me. Trying to lose this last 15-20 lbs. I'm not hungry, so I'm not eating!


Three wishes?


1) I wish the kids would just sit down and do their work without me having to remind them "Sit down and finish your work" every 30 seconds! It's getting old. Really old. We haven't done any history all week because of this.


2) I wish I could get up earlier and be a more productive morning person. I really want to do my work out in the morning too. Mornings are just disastrous and I dread them.


3) I wish we had a bigger house and more money. I know, most people wish that. But seriously, we don't have enough room for 6 people. And we really need a second bathroom.


No conventions for me.

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1. my dd would stop having temper tantrums and being argumentative.


2. I wish I had the Bewitched lady's magical nose ,s o I could wiggle it and get my housework done.


3. I wish the sun would come out and it would be warm!


Lunch is a bowl of southwest veggie soup leftover from last night.

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It's lunch time in just a bit here. We're having a corn, green salsa, goat cheese quesidilla.


Three wishes:


I wish a had a good week to get my garden started without having to worry about school at the same time.


I wish there was a good homeschool convention around to go to.


I also wish my nose was bewitched! Though a magic wand would also work to get my house clean!

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I know it's not time for lunch yet. How about a snack? Nah, I just finished lunch.


I think I might have a PopTart or maybe a Peep to go with my tea. How about you? Yuck to both of those. No thanks, although tea would be greatly appreciated.



If I could grant you 3 wishes, what would they be?

1. that dh would find a mentor or someone to help him in the areas he needs help with.

2. see ablve

3. see above

canyou see that dh and I are not having a good day yet???


Who has Homeschool Convention coming up? Ours is in May but I doubt I will go. Really no speakers or topics I am interested in and so far none of the vendors I would want to see.

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I just finished my super healthy lunch too: cheese fries and a cabbage salad. I think I will add a diet Pepsi for dessert.


3 wishes:


1: I have got to go with more $ for a newer car and a slightly bigger house, and a dishwasher repairman!

2: That dh could work less and be home more.

3: That I could have a clear answer on which co-op to join next year.


Convention coming up? I do! I am excited. I always manage to be inspired and find some good speakers no matter how many there are that I am not interested in. Plus I love seeing all of the other hsers and curriculum and educational extras in one place. It is so much fun. Oh yeah, and my sister takes the kids, so I get to go be alone and have a date w/dh and see other hs friends who will be there, some w/out their kids too.

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I just ate a bowl of Grape Nuts with half & half, all warmed up in the microwave, for my lunch. DS made himself a quesadilla and had some yogurt with it.


Three wishes:


1. I want to get inside my kids' heads and understand what they're thinking. I'd wish for neurotypical children except I love my kids for who they are. I just want to be able to understand them better!


2. I want a house that cleans itself. Or money for a maid to come clean it for me.


3. World peace. Seriously. That'd be nice.


Conventions... there is one coming up, but I'm not going. I don't have anyone to watch my kiddo, and I've already ordered all my curriculum for next year, anyway, so the only reason to go would be for the speakers and just to do some basic networking. Meh.

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Just finished a tomato sandwich with tomatoes we picked from a farm nearby-yum.


Three wishes:

1. That I would stop being so anxious about standardized testing.

2. That I would stop worrying that we're not doing enough.

3. That I would trust my children and the universe just a little bit more.


I am sensing a theme here.

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As to the wants of a clean house, I understand that all too well. Occasionally, I'll implement some "FlyLady" lessons, so that helps a bit. Now if I'd only do it daily! the only "cleaning" that is implemented even close to daily is 8pm wash dishes. (Only because our dishwasher is broken.)


As for wishing for more time to do this or that, esp. the gardening: give yourself permission to take the morning, or the afternoon, off from book work and have your kids help you in the garden for awhile, learning about that! Then, when they've had some time playing in the dirt, let them watch a video while you do what you want to do by yourself. Remember, Nature Study is valid education! :)


My snack wound up being Peeps. They were not as good as they'd been before. That's probably my last batch. I'm still working on my tea!


We also had lunch: Tyson Crispy Chicken Strips with side of pineapple. It may be followed by the Board of Education visiting my children's behinds.


Three wishes:

1) That my children would learn to work things out without whining fighting.

2) That my children would learn to be obedient to what their parents tell them without whining/fighting.

3) That I could figure out how my husband and I could "get away" for a desperately needed "weekend to ourselves".

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We're on Easter break here :party:


Lunch was frozen Tyson buffalo chicken strips ("fast food' for my soy-allergic dd16, what a treat!), salad, sliced sweet peppers and strawberries. Some had tortillas, some had l/o onion hamburger rolls. I had neither since I spent 30 painful minutes on the eliptical this morning and wished my calories to go to wine :D


Three wishes:

1. that the weather will be perfect for ds's Eagle project work days

2. that the teens will get 4s or 5s on their AP exams in just a few weeks

3. that my sister and I will be able to get through Easter without crying. We miss Mom terribly on holidays.


I can't remember if there was another question...

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