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We got matched with our Fresh Air Fund Kids today!

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Got an email this morning that we've been matched with the kids we will be hosting this summer for The Fresh Air Fund!


We're going to have a 9 1/2 year old girl (for my 10 year old daughter) and a little boy who will be turning 6 next month (for my 5 year old son). They will both be spending a week with us in late July.


We'll be taking them camping, to the lake, and to a wildlife park.


I'm excited about it, and so are my kids! :) Emailed their parents this morning and will give them a call this evening to chat a bit.


They are still looking for host families if any of you northeastern folks want to give it a shot. :) Another homeschooling family we know will be hosting this year for their first time and we plan to get together once or twice while we've got the kids and do some things together. It's a fun experience!

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I've been thinking about doing this too! I think it is a wonderful idea to let these inner city kids get a chance to get out of the city and connect with nature. :)


I never would have thought of taking 2 kids though :001_huh: It actually is a good idea so 2 kids don't team up and leave one out. I could take an 8yo boy and 6yo girl....hmmm

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How exciting!


This is our first year hosting, and we just had our home visit/interview last week.


How long did it take you to get matched up after your interview?


That's great, Amy!! You'll have to keep me updated about how it goes for you! :) Last year it did take several weeks- within the week they checked out references I think, but they were slow about completing the background checks- that took a few weeks as I recall. Once the background checks were done, it didn't take long to get matched though.


What gender/age did you guys request?


Can't wait to hear about how it goes! :)


I've been thinking about doing this too! I think it is a wonderful idea to let these inner city kids get a chance to get out of the city and connect with nature. :)


I never would have thought of taking 2 kids though :001_huh: It actually is a good idea so 2 kids don't team up and leave one out. I could take an 8yo boy and 6yo girl....hmmm


It's a really neat experience! It's REALLY fun for your kids (well mine anyway lol) as it's basically a week or two long sleepover- they had a lot of fun last year. It's also a good cultural experience I think- on both ends. And it's really fulfilling to provide an opportunity like this for a child who couldn't otherwise have it- it's a nice thing to do! (And there are always shortages of host families- my rep told me that often kids will go to the bus station on their end on "standby" hoping that another kid backed up so that they might be able to go instead)!


As a first time host, you would not be allowed to host more than one child. But in subsequent years of hosting you will be allowed to request more than one if you want. :)


ETA: although you couldn't host two kids at ONCE your first year, you COULD do more than one summer trip- there are usually three, a two week, a 10 day and a 1 week- so you could do two different trips over the summer if you wanted and do a girl one time and a boy the next- just as an FYI.

Edited by NanceXToo
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As a first time host, you would not be allowed to host more than one child. But in subsequent years of hosting you will be allowed to request more than one if you want. :)


ETA: although you couldn't host two kids at ONCE your first year, you COULD do more than one summer trip- there are usually three, a two week, a 10 day and a 1 week- so you could do two different trips over the summer if you wanted and do a girl one time and a boy the next- just as an FYI.


OK, that's a bit of a bummer that I can't host 2 children at the same time, but good to know! I just filled out the information form, so I'll see what happens. :)


Did you request the same kids you had last year? Does it even work that way?

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OK, that's a bit of a bummer that I can't host 2 children at the same time, but good to know! I just filled out the information form, so I'll see what happens. :)


Did you request the same kids you had last year? Does it even work that way?


Next year you can host two at once if you want :)


You CAN invite the same kids back, or you can request new ones. We ended up requesting new ones this year.


Last year, we had a 10 year old girl come to stay for what was supposed to be two weeks but she got EXTREMELY homesick- it was her first time away from home, and while the girls did have fun together, she ended up going home after a week. Then we did a second trip and hosted a 9 year old girl for one of the shorter trips and that went a lot better- the girls had a great time but since they didn't end up keeping in touch over the school year, I thought it would be fun to just invite and get to know somebody new.


If we ever invite someone where the kids "click" so well that they keep in touch throughout the year and so on, I'd be open to inviting that same kid back. We're just seeing how it goes.

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Thanks for all the great info, Nance. I am thinking of doing this. Can you do specific weeks? My kids are in dance for about half the summer.


There are set trip dates already in place- one will be for one week, one will be for two weeks, and one will be for ten days. I'm not sure if your trip dates would be the same as mine. On the site you can request more information, and they will send you a packet in the mail, including contact info for your area representative, and s/he can tell you when the trip dates are scheduled for your area. Then you can pick the one that is most convenient for you.

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So, last night we got to talk to the little boy we'll be hosting on the phone. Oh my gosh he was SO CUTE. He's turning 6 next month and he was so friendly and chatty. He told me he wants to dig for a treasure chest in the sand and that he loves to dance (his mother says he loves Michael Jackson).


Then he and my son, Ben, talked on the phone and they were adorable, talking about the toys and games and TV shows they like.


We will get to talk to the girl we'll be hosting on Saturday. We're so looking forward to this! :)

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My parents did this in the '70's when I was a kid. In short, it wasn't a good experience. The city kids were really annoyed that we didn't have many TV channels, and were not very impressed with the state parks, beaches and farms we visited. The idea that eggs "came out of chickens' butts" made them literally throw up.


They whined that the country air was smelly, and wanted to know when they could go back to their color TV and soda. We tried to make them feel at home, and really-- we weren't "weird" or anything, but the kids were just not that into country life, even for a week.


I'm sure the program has improved since then. Sounds like you're in for a fun-filled summer!



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My parents did this in the '70's when I was a kid. In short, it wasn't a good experience. The city kids were really annoyed that we didn't have many TV channels, and were not very impressed with the state parks, beaches and farms we visited. The idea that eggs "came out of chickens' butts" made them literally throw up.


They whined that the country air was smelly, and wanted to know when they could go back to their color TV and soda. We tried to make them feel at home, and really-- we weren't "weird" or anything, but the kids were just not that into country life, even for a week.


I'm sure the program has improved since then. Sounds like you're in for a fun-filled summer!




I wonder if they now choose kids who want to go? I can see how it would be culture shock for some kids, maybe the younger they are, the better they adapt?

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My parents did this in the '70's when I was a kid. In short, it wasn't a good experience. The city kids were really annoyed that we didn't have many TV channels, and were not very impressed with the state parks, beaches and farms we visited. The idea that eggs "came out of chickens' butts" made them literally throw up.


They whined that the country air was smelly, and wanted to know when they could go back to their color TV and soda. We tried to make them feel at home, and really-- we weren't "weird" or anything, but the kids were just not that into country life, even for a week.


I'm sure the program has improved since then. Sounds like you're in for a fun-filled summer!




Well, every kid is different, I suppose! The girls I hosted last year didn't complain about anything like that and enjoyed the places we visited.

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Well, every kid is different, I suppose! The girls I hosted last year didn't complain about anything like that and enjoyed the places we visited.


I wonder if it has to do with the age of the child. I can see a city teen being underwhelmed by some of the things we country bumpkins think are fun. :D

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  • 1 month later...

Last year was our first year, and our little girl is coming back for the 2nd year this August! We had a LOT of fun, and learned to work around the differences we did have (I'm thankful she had a good attitude, too - we had to keep emergency cans of Chef Boyardee for when our regular food got too much for her, LOL).


It's a neat program, really. My kids are really excited for this year.

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Wow, my family use to do this when we were kids. :) We had one child come each summer. We had one who returned often, but many times he was too shy to get on the bus so a couple of years we ended up with someone else instead.


I remember a teen girl we had one year. She was mortified we were going camping. In a tent. With no tv. She hated everything we did. :lol: The rest of the kids we had were all great fun. :D

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We did our interview the beginning of the week and the FAF person called our references. We are just waiting for our background checks to go through I guess. Since we live right outside the city we'll drive in and pick up at the FAF office which is actually a few minutes closer than driving to the regular pickup point. Plus we could pick a date that worked better for us instead of the dates they had scheduled for he host town.


So we should have a 9 year old boy the first week of July! Now I just need to find something to do on July 4th. We normally don't do anything, mainly just watching the fireworks shot off in the street by the neighbors. I think my stb 9yo is ready for us to do something this year anyway, but now I feel like we really do need to find something to do! LOL!


Anyway, we're excited! We're building up a little list of ideas of places to go/things to do!


Thanks so much for posting about this Nance! We'd never thought of doing it otherwise!

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Got an email this morning that we've been matched with the kids we will be hosting this summer for The Fresh Air Fund!


We're going to have a 9 1/2 year old girl (for my 10 year old daughter) and a little boy who will be turning 6 next month (for my 5 year old son). They will both be spending a week with us in late July.


We'll be taking them camping, to the lake, and to a wildlife park.


I'm excited about it, and so are my kids! :) Emailed their parents this morning and will give them a call this evening to chat a bit.


They are still looking for host families if any of you northeastern folks want to give it a shot. :) Another homeschooling family we know will be hosting this year for their first time and we plan to get together once or twice while we've got the kids and do some things together. It's a fun experience!


I really admire you! You have inspired me to give the FAF a donation. I'd love to have kid(s) but this summer wouldn't really work for us so I am going to give $ instead.

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That's great, Amy!! You'll have to keep me updated about how it goes for you! :) Last year it did take several weeks- within the week they checked out references I think, but they were slow about completing the background checks- that took a few weeks as I recall. Once the background checks were done, it didn't take long to get matched though.


What gender/age did you guys request?


Can't wait to hear about how it goes! :)



We asked for a 7 year old girl, which will be fun for our daughter who is used to only three older brothers. We were notified of our placement last weekend, but we were only given a phone number to call her parents.


I'm glad you posted that they're still looking for host families, because a couple of my friends expressed interest after I told them we're doing it. I'll let them know that it's not too late!

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So, last night we got to talk to the little boy we'll be hosting on the phone. Oh my gosh he was SO CUTE. He's turning 6 next month and he was so friendly and chatty. He told me he wants to dig for a treasure chest in the sand and that he loves to dance (his mother says he loves Michael Jackson).


Then he and my son, Ben, talked on the phone and they were adorable, talking about the toys and games and TV shows they like.


We will get to talk to the girl we'll be hosting on Saturday. We're so looking forward to this! :)


I really wish we could do this in Colorado. My parents did something like this once when my brother and I were growing up, we had a great time with Jeremy, the boy around our ages.


Have a great time with your kids!

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  • 3 weeks later...
I really admire you! You have inspired me to give the FAF a donation. I'd love to have kid(s) but this summer wouldn't really work for us so I am going to give $ instead.


Somehow I missed this post... I think I missed seeing the last couple of posts in this thread somehow! I think this is around the time I started getting on my computer less often because my sciatica was acting up. That's awesome that you gave a donation!! I have the FAF on my facebook "likes" page and have seen that they are matching donations this month through June 30th or something like that. (That was also where I saw not so long ago that they were still short over 1,000 host families!)


Anyway, I was just curious if any of you who had decided to start the process have any updates to report...have your interviews gone through? Have you been matched yet? Coming up with any exciting plans?


There's just over a month left til our two FAF kids (9 y/o girl and 6 y/o boy) come for a week and it's going to be a whirlwind week!


They are coming on Monday, July 25th in the evening. We are going directly from the bus to the campground...we've got cabins rented for three nights, that Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. My brother and sister-in-law and their three kids also have a cabin rented right next to ours.


We'll get home from camping on Thursday the 28th and they'll get to see the house, use the small pool, do their own thing etc.


Friday I plan to take them to a wildlife park that has an awesome safari ride where big animals come up close to the open air bus and you can feed them right over the side of the bus, plus there's a small petting zoo area, a reptile house, people who walk around with baby animals, etc. (This particular place will even admit the FAF kids for free). :)


Saturday, we're going to Knoebel's Amusement Park (my husband is in some coral reef aquarium club thing and they're having a group picnic there that day).


Sunday we are apparently going to a backyard wedding LOL...my husband's sister is coming from California and has just sprung on us that she is getting married and wants to do it while she's here, at my other sister-in-law's house in her backyard...so, yeah, we're all going to the wedding lol.


Monday we are going to the lake...rented a campsite there just for the day so we can use the grill to cook out and roast marshmallows while swimming and playing in the sand and so on.


And Tuesday morning they have to be back at the bus by like 8:30 in the morning to head back home!


I think I'm going to do something like make some sort of paper chain link sort of thing...each one will have something written on it as to what we are doing that day...and each night, they can remove a link from the chain, and when it gets to the last one, they know they're going home to see their own parents again.... I expect them to get a bit homesick by the end despite all the activities, going by last year... but anyway I'm looking forward to doing all these things with them and seeing how it goes!

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Wouldn't it be cool if it went the other way also though? Seriously, I can think of some neat aspects of city life I would like to experience for a week or two and definitely think kids would benefit from it. Well, and I'm weird, I guess; but I would worry about the message it sends kids (receiving and received) when the program goes only one way.

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Hey Nance,


I posted awhile ago, but you must have missed it. We got matched with a boy about 7 months older than my son. He's coming July 1-11. This is his third year doing FAF so he's already a pro at being away from home I'd think. Plus, we'er really only about 45 minutes away from his house, so I'm sure that will help too.


You've got way cooler stuff planned than us, (no where to camp around here) but we've got some plans and ideas. Everyone is looking forward to it.

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Hey Nance,


I posted awhile ago, but you must have missed it. We got matched with a boy about 7 months older than my son. He's coming July 1-11. This is his third year doing FAF so he's already a pro at being away from home I'd think. Plus, we'er really only about 45 minutes away from his house, so I'm sure that will help too.


You've got way cooler stuff planned than us, (no where to camp around here) but we've got some plans and ideas. Everyone is looking forward to it.


Oh, that's great, just over a week away! Can't wait to hear about how it goes!

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