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Pink? PINK? Now the word pink is nasty? Give me a break.




Well, for some years out here, there are car magnets with an outline of a hand with the ring finger bent back. The "words" that are muttered under teen's breaths about this is "two in the pink, one in the stink". At least in my parts (no pun intended) the i is given a slight /a/ sound to it. It sounds nasty.

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Well, for some years out here, there are car magnets with an outline of a hand with the ring finger bent back. The "words" that are muttered under teen's breaths about this is "two in the pink, one in the stink". At least in my parts (no pun intended) the i is given a slight /a/ sound to it. It sounds nasty.



:lol: Oh, ok, so it's not just the area I live in!!


Not that it's funny, mind you, I was just afraid to write it here. Glad someone else had the guts!

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Not that it's funny, mind you, I was just afraid to write it here. Glad someone else had the guts!




I would say their use (here) peaked about 5 years ago. I think there was a band or an internet phenomenon that popularized it. I can't remember the details.


I got this info from a hotly-blushing, madly giggling 14 year old niece, who literally covered herself with a blanket so as to be able to tell me this. My reply: "Ho Hum". Who knows. Maybe it encouraged a budding gynecologist somewhere.

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What the frickin?! WHY oh WHY did I click that link?!:blink:


Dang curiosity. Brain bleach and mental note to smack my kids upside the head if they ever make that hand gesture, same as the fist tap from Friends.


Who is so bored as to create this stupid crass stuff and why can't they ever use their influential powers for good?



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I saw someone at the airport the other day who really caught my eye.


Her beautiful, long blond hair was braided back a la Bo Derek in the movie "10" (or for the younger set, Christina Aguilera during her "Xtina" phase). Her lips were pink and shiny from the gloss, and her earrings dangled playfully from her lobes.


You can tell she had been vacationing somewhere warm, because you could see her deep tan around her midriff thanks to the halter top and the tight sweatpants that rested just a little low on her waist. The icing on the cake? The word "Juicy" was written on her backside.

Next line? "Yeah that 8-year-old girl was something to see alright."


Thought you'd like to see the juicy pants back into the conversation.

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I got this info from a hotly-blushing, madly giggling 14 year old niece, who literally covered herself with a blanket so as to be able to tell me this. My reply: "Ho Hum". Who knows. Maybe it encouraged a budding gynecologist somewhere.
I would not have had a clue about this at 14... or 18 for that matter.


I knew I wanted to be "checked out" and I wasn't as worried about my image to random guys in the mall. Was nobody else like this? I was definitely not sexually promiscuous or looking for a guy who treated me only like a piece of meat but I was looking for a guy who liked my ass. I'm not sure that is all that horrible but I do think as parents it's our job to help guide our children into appropriate sexual expression when they are still teens.
I had no clue about lubrication at that age. None. I wouldn't know what the "Juicy" was indicating. If I did, then I would be mortified to wear something like that. Indicating that one's private parts are desirable or in working order? Completely different than wanting to look sexy and/or attractive.
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Pink? PINK? Now the word pink is nasty? Give me a break.


I can honestly say that the interpretation in this thread has never occurred to me, and that although I agree with the thread interpretation of juicy more or less, I disagree with the one of pink. I think pink means female and proud of it, and that it's empowering. Having said that, it's put on some inappropriate clothes at times, like every other word in the English language these days.


As mention, "Pink" is slang. It's on those inappropriate things for a reason. It definitely has the "gonna get some" connotation to it.

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I don't claim predators do not exist. I know they do.

But it has absolutely NOTHING to do with the victim's looks or wardrobe.

NOTHING. Anyone saying otherwise is completely ignorant about what sexual assault is and how the screwed up mind of the predator thinks.


I agree with this. Still and yet, the majority of mothers on this thread want their daughters to dress modestly.


So the next question is--why?

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Still and yet, the majority of mothers on this thread want their daughters to dress modestly.


So the next question is--why?


Because dressing like a tramp reinforces the idea that girls and women are good for little more than being sexu@l items. Not a role or mindset I want my daughter to embrace, and dressing this way tells the world that she has.



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Because dressing like a tramp reinforces the idea that girls and women are good for little more than being sexu@l items. Not a role or mindset I want my daughter to embrace, and dressing this way tells the world that she has.




Yes. Excellent.


So this discussion has come full circle.


For the record, I also had no clue about the 'Pink' reference. And I was mortified to learn, in my late 30s, that line about '1 in the pink, 2 in the ...' see I can't even bring myself to type it. Guess who informed me of both of those things? My XH-- who turns out was a very nasty perv. That is not to say everyone who KNOWS these things is a perv....but to say that HE is the exact stereotype of 'man' who gets off on that stuff.


During my divorce my brother told me something my XH said that chilled me to the bone. It was something he wanted to do to a young girl who was born the year we got married. We loved her like she was our own. We kept her at our house, we bathed her and changed her diapers. MyXH made this vulgar comment about her when she was about 18---it is so disgusting my brother could barely repeat it to me and I certainly can't repeat it here.


Two things---you never know who the perv is in your life. And do whatever you can to protect your children from them. That requires giving up some of their 'rights' for prudence's sake.


And it is good to remain dignified. That is something I am trying to teach my ds11. That even in casual settings with friends we need to retain a certain amount of dignity in our behavior.

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Two things---you never know who the perv is in your life. And do whatever you can to protect your children from them. That requires giving up some of their 'rights' for prudence's sake.


And it is good to remain dignified. That is something I am trying to teach my ds11. That even in casual settings with friends we need to retain a certain amount of dignity in our behavior.




My DD is not called to be frumpy for the sake of someone else's lack of responsibility, or to create the illusion of blamelessness and/or safety for herself. But she IS called to be elegant rather than trampy in her attractiveness. She can be attractive AND dignified by doing so.

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