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the contract on our house fell through

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:confused: The buyer didn't like the HOA rules. Phooey.


I knew it was too easy. Even the inspection went well.


Phooey. Phooey. Phooey.


That's all.




I totally understand, from both sides, in fact. We just backed out of a contract because of radon. And, we are still trying to find a buyer for our townhouse.


I am really sorry this happened to you.

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Ack! You'd think they would have read the rules *before* paying for an inspection!


I'm so sorry. BUT...when our house sold last summer, the people decided they liked another house better, then came back, then had their loan (w/ a foreign bank) fall through due to IRS problems, & *still* managed to buy the house, about a month late.


So hang in there. It will happen.

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Jo, I am sorry. Shall we add you and Debbie in Tx to the prayer list (of folks with a house to sell)? (See my post: http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=24869). Our heartcry is this: "Lord, please send the right buyer, at the right time, for the right price", and "Father, may *Your* glory be revealed in the process."


Sharon in Sc

Tarheel Heather

Kari in SC


Debbie in Tx


Anyone else?


:confused: The buyer didn't like the HOA rules. Phooey.


I knew it was too easy. Even the inspection went well.


Phooey. Phooey. Phooey.


That's all.



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