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The mystery of the tiny holes in shirts

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I hate clothes. :p

Me too... except kilts. I've grown fond of them.

The holes in the front of shirts are made by the socks that get lost in the laundry.

OMgoodness! That's it isn't it?!? Those malicious little freaks are slipping out in the middle of the wash and ambushing the clothes that didn't go with them. Now, how to fight back?!?

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Another mystery around here - we went through a time when everything we wore that was brown or khaki developed at least one faded patch on it. The only thing I came up with there was that perhaps the stain remover reacted badly with brown / khaki dyes. Since I got lazy about removing stains (I ran out of stain removing soap 6 months ago...), I haven't noticed this happening.


Yes. Many stain sticks etc do not play well with khaki or tan. I have purchased several and I have seen warnings in the small print about not leaving it for any length of time on brown or khaki fabric. It seems to be particularly sensitive to oxidation.

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The holes in the front of shirts are made by the socks that get lost in the laundry.




Is that it? I pulled out a black tee that used to only have 2-3 holes in it, planning on wearing it to church with a vest and hope no one noticed. Only it now has at least a dozen; don't think I can get away with wearing that one anymore. And suddenly, it seems, I have nothing but single socks, too. Nearly all of my toddler's socks are singles right now and almost all of my laundry is done. Most of them are pink, and I've washed all of the pink/red/purple clothes. :001_huh: :confused: :glare:

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Same here! I also wondered about something snacking on the T-shirts, perhaps while they are on the line, as I am a little lax about bringing them in promptly, and they sometimes wait outside for a couple of days.


Another mystery around here - we went through a time when everything we wore that was brown or khaki developed at least one faded patch on it. The only thing I came up with there was that perhaps the stain remover reacted badly with brown / khaki dyes. Since I got lazy about removing stains (I ran out of stain removing soap 6 months ago...), I haven't noticed this happening.


ETA: I have an LG frontloader.


I too have an LG frontloader. So does my SIL, who has the same problem, as I mentioned earlier. I dismissed her suspicion, but now I'm beginning to wonder.

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I googled it and some people claim it is caused from granite countertops. That would explain why it doesn't happen to the kids' or husbands' shirts. Hmmm. I'm pretty sure it is not my cats. Wouldn't there be holes in other places as well? The washer would make holes in other places too, right? I feel like this would be a great science fair project for someone's kid. Any takers?

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I googled it and some people claim it is caused from granite countertops. That would explain why it doesn't happen to the kids' or husbands' shirts. Hmmm. I'm pretty sure it is not my cats. Wouldn't there be holes in other places as well? The washer would make holes in other places too, right? I feel like this would be a great science fair project for someone's kid. Any takers?


Hmmmm.....I do have granite counters....and cats. No front-load washer though. I only ever get the holes in the belly & I'm the only one who gets them (also the only one who routinely cuddles with the cats). I vote for cats or counter tops.

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I came to a conclusion about this for myself last year.


At first I thought it might be moths, but the common location on all the affected shirts (lower abdomen) caused me to rule out critters. The holes would be much more random if it were critters.


Then I started to look at the location and realized that I wear the same jeans all the time. The holes correspond to the place where a bit of the jeans waistband sticks out a bit. Cause found.


Consider that in the last couple of years the "tissue T" has become popular - thinner shirts made for layering. Most of my affected shirts were this thinner style.


I hadn't thought about the seat belt. That probably contributed to the hole-making process.


ETA I have granite countertops. The holes in my shirts are lower than the countertops.

Edited by AuntieM
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Dh and I both get these around the bottoms of our t-shirts... I thought the detergeant was eating holes in them, or maybe hard water, or maybe the spin cycle... or possibly small critters live in our dryer and chew tiny holes.




IOW, I have no idea where they come from.


Could it be moths?

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Bizarre! I don't get these holes, nor does anyone in my family. I have a top-loader, no cats (though I used to have 3), and I don't use chemicals on my Formica countertops. I don't wash jeans/pants with shirts/tops, and I rarely use stain treatments on our clothes.


It sounds a lot like chemical-caused holes; I've had these from lab work. What do you'all use on your counters? Do you clean things with bleach, or other chemicals?

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I haven't read all the replies, so maybe this has been suggested already. Could the hooks from your bra be snagging on your clothes in the wash? Does it only happen to your shirts or do the holes appear on everyone's shirts?


That's what it was for me. It was only my shirts, always small holes around the front belly area of my shirts. Now I make sure to put my bras in a bra bag so they don't snag my shirts.

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I didn't read all the posts but I think it's a combination of A. strong detergents (Tide? Oxyclean?) B. Thinner cotton that is fashionable and C. the drainholes in the drum. Seriously, run your finger into one. They are SHARP and about the same size as those stupid little holes.



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I am pretty certain they are from rubbing against things. The counter top, seat belts, and other clothing (jeans and jacket buttons/zippers too).


At work I have to wear a dark colored smock. People who have had theirs for a few years, have a light colored faded line, right at counter height, form the counter top rubbing on the smock. No one thinks they rub the counter that much with their tummy, but obviously they do, or they wouldn't have the tell tell line. LOL


Another thing I noticed with one shirt that did this Very soon after buying it, was that the thread in the sleeves was breaking. I figured out it was the way I took it off. The light stretching of the fabric was stretching the arms and braking the threads. I never had this happen with any other brand shirt, so I think it was a 'flaw' in this particular brand, but it makes me wonder if the holes could be from repeated light stretches too.



My shirts never did this before my belly was as fluffy :D as it is now. LOL

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I do have another problem though. I am forever getting bleached out spots on my tees. I rarely use bleach and when I do I am extremely careful to not spill or drip any on my clothes so I am beginning to wonder if something else is bleaching them out. It is not overall but just in certain spots. They don't look like drops but more like if I leaned against a cabinet that had bleach on it (only I didn't :confused:). Anyone else have this problem?


Whitening toothpaste can bleach anything, so can acne products like Benzoyl Peroxide. They are easy to splatter a smidge without noticing and the only evidence is a tiny white dot. Dh, wiped his fingers on his pants once after brushing his teath....he now has a perfectly matched bleached mark on those same pants. :glare:

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This is very interesting. Their are enough people on here that if someone put up a poll you might solve this one and for all. Since I never have had these holes, I will offer these facts:


We don't have pet cats.

I don't bleach my countertops.

I don't have a granite countertop.

I never tuck my shirt into my skirt. (some have front zippers)


We do have a front loader.

I do wash my bras without a bag, in with the light shirts.

I do wear a seatbelt all the time.

I wash the jeans with zippers in a seperate load.


This leads me to conclude that the holes come from either the combo of harsh chemicals and countertop wear or

they snag on the zipper when tucked into the jeans or being washed with the jeans.

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I'm just thrilled beyond words that it's not just me!! :lol:


I know it's not from the jeans b/c two of my shirts are double-layered and only the FRONT layer has the stupid hole. It's not at the level of the counter either. We use home made detergent but this happened even when we used regular detergent. I have been flummoxed over this situation for YEARS.

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