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Getting dd2's hair cut for first time: Bangs or no?

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I've let my dd2's hair grow since birth. No cuts except her bangs which have since let grow out. Now her hair is halfway down her back and mostly one length all around. She has such beautiful, wavy hair and actually lets me comb it, put it up, play with it, etc. Dd11 NEVER let me TOUCH her hair until just recently. So, I'm making up for it w/ dd2! :D I want to get her hair cut a little for summer (not a lot, just a little!) and wondered if I should have bangs cut in or not. What say you? She's constantly "wiping" her hair out of her eyes, but doesn't really seem to mind it. She won't keep a barette in it to pull the hair out of her face. I'm thinking bangs, but maybe not. Any suggestions?

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I'd just pull them back into pony tails or a pig tail for the summer. My nieces don't have bangs and it looks so cute! My dd (11 months now) has hair in her eyes and I'm starting to use a barrette or I make little tiny pony tails. It is fun to have girl hair to do! :001_smile:

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No bangs would be my vote. But I have boys, so what do I know?:001_huh:


What is her face shape seeming to be. Would bangs enhance or take away from her face, do you think? Okay, she's only 2, but you might want to think of things like that. And, with bangs, you have some upkeep for trimming more often than with no bangs, I think.

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I'm for no bangs.


My girly just tucks her hair behind her ears. When younger I did the little pony tails. She wouldn't keep anything else in.


I'm just not a huge fan of bangs, period.


Once I grew mine out some years ago...that's it. Bangs? bah pffft :p

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I'm for no bangs.


My girly just tucks her hair behind her ears. When younger I did the little pony tails. She wouldn't keep anything else in.


I'm just not a huge fan of bangs, period.


Once I grew mine out some years ago...that's it. Bangs? bah pffft :p



Yeah, I'm not really either. I have bangs now but hate them. Dd11 grew hers out and won't go back. Not much else to say except I LOVE your cute belly! You have reminded me to take a pix of mine before baby comes! My midwife laughed at mine yesterday and said, "Wow, that's some impressive belly!". She really does a lot to ease my mind as to the size of this baby. :glare:

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I vote no. We're in the process of growing 3yo dd's out, and it's a pain in the tush. I wish I'd never cut them in the first place.




I cut my dds because MIL thought her hair was stringy (and I was afraid SHE might!!) I regretted it. It took almost 3 yrs to get the bangs grown out, and I had to keep trimming the back so the bangs could catch up, so her hair's not as long as it could be. DON'T cut the bangs!!

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Dd had them as a toddler, decided to grow them out (a pain to grow out, but much easier once they had grown than having bangs), and then decided to have them cut again recently. She probably looks better with bangs, but they're annoying. And she's always got hair in her face with or without bangs, barrettes, pony tails, whatever -- I don't know how she does it!

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I spent my whole childhood, teenage years and early adult life trying to grow out my bangs. I finally succeeded when I was 30. My dd's have never had bangs and I never will again!


All that to say, I have a very strong opinion about bangs, but I'm sure your dd will look cute as a button no matter what you decide!



No...I spent so much of my childhood "trying to grow out my bangs" I will never wear a headband again!!!!:lol:
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Another vote for no bangs, especially if your dd has wavy hair. My dd (5) had one haircut with bangs and I hated the bangs. She had very curly hair and the bangs just did not lay right. Fortunately, since her hair was still relatively short, it was easy to let them grow right back out.

My nearly 2 year old has curly hair too, and we are not doing bangs with her either.

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I think this is a tough call. I cut bangs for my middle dd because her hair was always in her face. would not stay back like her older sister's hair does so naturally. Now that she's older and her hair is longer I almost wish I wouldn't have cut them.

Then again, in her case, she has a birth mark on her forehead that's pretty noticeable when she's mad! So we might just keep them.

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Do you want to be constantly trimming bangs, or constantly putting her hair up?


It sounds like your daughter has fast-growing, wavy hair, which would need more

frequent and more careful trims than slow-growing, straight hair.


I hated growing out my bangs when I was a kid and have never missed them since.

So, I spend a few moments every morning putting DD2's hair up in little ponytails.

DD4's hair is long enough to tuck behind her ear.

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Guest Shanna

My vote is no bangs either. I would really like to grow mine out but I just cant stand that in between stage. Now to grow out my little girls bangs.

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I think little girls are adorable with little bob cuts and bangs. So cute! I vote for bangs no matter what length the rest goes though.


We call it the Madeline cut. It's so easy to keep tame. I do have to cut bangs about every 4 weeks or so. But it's nice to not have to keep track of ponytails and bows.


Also, my older dd had to grow out her bangs when she was about 8. It was really no big deal. She just wore a lot of headbands for a while. It took about a year for them to grow out.

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