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Education myself...

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Well, thanks to the Hive (you people are SO informative), I am educating myself through Yale! I had no idea that courses were offered for free until I read the thread on the high school board. I've listened to my first lecture and I really enjoyed it. I'm taking:

PSYC 123 - The Psychology, Biology and Politics of Food, Fall 2008


I already know a lot about this topic (from sources like Food Inc, The Future of Food, and a lot of my own research), but there have already been some different things brought up and it's a different slant on the topic. I'm really excited. At the very least, I am exercising my brain yet a little more. lol


Here's Yale's course list for those who didn't know (like me)...



EDITING.... Too bad we can't edit our title! i meant to say Educating myself. Doesn't that just make me look completely uneducated?

Edited by BeckyFL
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Free huh?


Eek. Most of them look scary!


Hey! Roman architecture. That sounds cool!


Ok, you don't really need a running list of my thought processes. A spiffy find :)




We're doing the Yale architecture course! It is one of the best!

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