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What are some things you do when you are on this board? Just in the past very few minutes I have


1. Read the missing cobra link, and remembered how much I hate the term

"gone missing". Why not say the snake is missing?


2. Googled the trailer for Human Centipede and realized I actually do have

standards for monster movies that I will/will not watch.


3. Wondered how much a docking thingy for Ipods costs. Wondered how you

get audio books on your ipod and wondered how to get things OFF of your



4. Wondered what type of nurse works in amyg's hospital. That is awful.


5. Decided I need some chocolate milk.

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Well, this morning on this board...


I made a confession and shared how I'm working through that...


Sipped a cup of coffee...


Forgot to wake the kids up on time...


Now I must say good-bye and help us all rush around to get out the door!!


Shame on me!

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For me:


1. Read the missing cobra article and realized I don't hate snakes with as much passion as I hate bugs. I recalled gagging and having to leave the insect house before I threw up, but not the snake house.


2. Decided not to let my dh give me a makeover as he is far less fashion oriented than I am. And I have no sense of fashion. :lol:


3. Realized it's been well over a couple of years since I've had chocolate milk or a milkshake even though I said I had them about once a year.

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What are some things you do when you are on this board? Just in the past very few minutes I have


1. Read the missing cobra link, and remembered how much I hate the term

"gone missing". Why not say the snake is missing?


Why not say "the snake has escaped?" Mass journalism these days is so blah.


2. Googled the trailer for Human Centipede and realized I actually do have

standards for monster movies that I will/will not watch.

I'm not much of a horror movie type in the first place. I realized I should LISTEN when I'm told not to google.


3. Wondered how much a docking thingy for Ipods costs. Wondered how you

get audio books on your ipod and wondered how to get things OFF of your


My dh and I each have a set of these speakers. They are rechargeable. You don't even need a dock, they just plug into the headphone jack. Both sets have been around the world, including being set up in inhospitable environments. We've had them for 2 or 3 years and both sets still work perfectly. You can download audio books. *Or* if you own audiobooks on CD you can import them to your itunes and put them on your ipod. You get them off your ipod by not syncing your ipod to your itunes and managing it manually.


I wondered if Leav97 works for Microsoft.

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1. Got totally confused about the snake thread. I thought it was a veiled criticism of the Libyan bombings.


2. Became frustrated about public schools and math education. Our schools don't use EM, they use "Math Makes Sense" (which a friend of mine renamed Math Makes No Sense when she tried to figure out how to teach her grade 1 son using this program).


3. Decided that I also need a chocolate milk. Non-board related: maybe with a dash of Baileys.

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1. Realized that snakes must have incredible dexterity or how else could he be "tweeting" around NY?


2. Felt incredibly blessed to be at home so my dh and I don't have to have Blackberry Wars when our dcs are sick.


3. Found out that "gone missing" and "some fool left the door open" means the same thing.


4. Enjoyed my cup of coffee with Coconut Cream creamer, my latest addiction, while thinking of chocolate milk.


5. Realized EVERYONE must have received a Keurig for Christmas because I can't find my favorite coffee pods anymore. Oh sorry, that wasn't on this board but it should be discussed.

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I'm not much of a horror movie type in the first place. I realized I should LISTEN when I'm told not to google.


I HAVE learned to listen when told not to Google. Although I have to admit one of my first thoughts this morning was "Should I Google it and look through my fingers?" But I yelled NO! to myself. :)


At the end of the day I find myself wanting a Mike's (and I blame you, Mrs. Mungo).

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I HAVE learned to listen when told not to Google. Although I have to admit one of my first thoughts this morning was "Should I Google it and look through my fingers?" But I yelled NO! to myself. :)


At the end of the day I find myself wanting a Mike's (and I blame you, Mrs. Mungo).


Need a new vice?


CHOCOVINE! It's like an alcoholic candy bar in a glass.

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Took another look at the Philly convention thread.

Googled for yellow & black striped clothing.

Looked at a yellow & black tote bag.

Checked to see if I still have the hairband with the antennae on it.

Confirmed I wouldn't want Dh to pick my clothes.

Paused a moment over the Narnia thread to be thankful I have finally escaped to the mountains.

Checked my spelling and am proud of myself for spelling antennae right!



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Get confused over whether we are talking "Ham & Beans" or Ham & Enns"...or if we are sick of it all and need to stuff 'em in the freezer.:001_huh:



ETA: I purposely spelled 'em "'em" so that your imagination can fill in the blanks...depending on how much chocolate & wine you've had this morning.

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1. Realized that snakes must have incredible dexterity or how else could he be "tweeting" around NY?


2. Felt incredibly blessed to be at home so my dh and I don't have to have Blackberry Wars when our dcs are sick.


3. Found out that "gone missing" and "some fool left the door open" means the same thing.


4. Enjoyed my cup of coffee with Coconut Cream creamer, my latest addiction, while thinking of chocolate milk.


5. Realized EVERYONE must have received a Keurig for Christmas because I can't find my favorite coffee pods anymore. Oh sorry, that wasn't on this board but it should be discussed.


Your whole post made me laugh. Thanks. I needed to laugh this morning. :thumbup:

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1. I have wondered why I don't get "confronted" about homeschooling anymore and wished I did so I could snake some of these snappy comments.


2. I tried to think about how I remain calm and patient when talking to my kids. I then realized I don't; I'm not qualified to give advice about it.


3. Made a mental note to have a Mike's soon. And try this Chocovine thing.


4. Thought about why homeschoolers get obsessed with convincing others how old the Earth is. Wondered if that question will come up on the entrance exam into heaven. Thought about other questions that will likely be on the exam that I won't know. Thought more about this Chocovine thing.

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1. Got lost on Wikipedia for awhile reading about snakes. So interesting! And so creepy? I'm sitting indian style in my chair because I don't want my feet to touch the ground in case the Bronx Cobra should have made it's way to my office in the midwest.


2. Yesterday I spent half the day traumatized by watching the trailer for "The Human Centipede". Why did I do that? I know that I'm easily bothered by stuff like that but I still watched the trailer. Ugh. Hope I can get those images out of my mind today.

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Don't do it!!!


I may or may not have witnessed (been a part of) a group of women who liked this stuff so much that, by the end of the evening, they (we) were just passing the bottle around.








I think you could make commercials for them.

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This has been a stellar morning for me. I've:


-inadvertantly offended working parents

-revealed my secret smart alecky thoughts about dh's innocent questions

-sought advice from a total stranger re: nagging dh about getting the taxes done

-relived my frustrations with the lattice method of multiplication

-and realized I have no idea what snake is missing and why it's important, so instead of doing what I should be doing, I'll be looking for the snake info

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