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Leapfrog Letter Factory - you were right


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I found a copy of the dvd at half-price books yesterday, so based on all the recs here, I bought it. I will admit that I half hoped DS4 wouldn't like it. But he did. And asked to watch it again this morning. And is wandering around reciting the letter sounds. I don't know why I have reservations about using a dvd to teach when using starfall doesn't bother me. But I'm glad Letter Factory is working, and thank you for the recs that convinced me to try it.

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Yeah, I spent 3 weeks doing OPGTR to teach my middle son letter sounds, and then I put the frog on and he had them cemented in 3 days! Next time? I'm letting the frog teach the letter sounds. Actually, he already is. My 22 month old walks around saying "A says /a/" and "B says /b/" because of the fridge magnets. :D

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ha ha ha

We got our leapfrog DVD with some annoying toy. It was the only children's DVD we owned and there was one eye-twitching day where we caved and put it in... and it turned out to be pretty darn educational.


It beats making up your obnoxious song, that's for sure...:tongue_smilie:

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Another fan of LeapFrog here. I too had some reservations but really there isn't much not to like about it.

We recently got the Math to the Moon dvd from our library. My girls (even the 2 year old) have been running around counting in 5's and 10's. They even pretending they were going to the moon and started "sorting space crystals" - which were nothing more than their baby sister's blocks. :)

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My daughter is 5 but she still loves the Leapfrog videos. She just begged me to buy her a set of 3 from the store and I caved (then came home to find out they are on Netflix streaming, lol). The Letter Factory is how she learned her letters and sounds as well. My oldest two boys learned from the Leapfrog radio toy and the refrigerator magent toy. Gotta love those frogs.

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I used it for my 5-year-old. I was reluctant, too. I use OPGTR, and the sounds just weren't sticking with that format. We spent weeks on those lessons. After the second time watching Letter Factory, he had them down cold. The funny thing was, my 2-year-old did also, just from watching it with her brother. I recommend it to everyone now.

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We love Leap! My dd, then 3, taught herself to read after watching The Letter Factory and The Talking Word Factory. One day she brought me a BOB book and said, "Look Mom, I can read this!" And sure enough, she could. I recommend them to everyone.



What does Bill call it? Oh yes...


"The Cartoon Road to Reading!"


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I've seen this posted recently but for those of you who don't know, Netflix now has The Amazing Alphabet, Math Adventures to the Moon and Numbers Ahoy.


DS loves them, especially Math Adventures to the Moon.


I was just coming on here to post this! You beat me to it. They have what looks like an older version of Letter Factory too but it wasn't available so I put it on my save list. People here probably have all the copies.:glare::lol:

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Another fan of LeapFrog here. I too had some reservations but really there isn't much not to like about it.

We recently got the Math to the Moon dvd from our library. My girls (even the 2 year old) have been running around counting in 5's and 10's. They even pretending they were going to the moon and started "sorting space crystals" - which were nothing more than their baby sister's blocks. :)

Oooh, I need to go look at the mathy one. Thanks!


I've seen this posted recently but for those of you who don't know, Netflix now has The Amazing Alphabet, Math Adventures to the Moon and Numbers Ahoy.


DS loves them, especially Math Adventures to the Moon.

My computer is too old for Netflix:nopity:... But I can watch at my sisters place. Thanks!


Between the Letter Factory and They Might Be Giants ABCs DVD, my son had them all down pat in less than a week. We love it here, too!


BTW, The TMBG one isn't nearly as straight forward as the Froggy one, but it worked for my son because he is SO physical, and I think it helped cement it for him to be able to dance to it...

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I've seen this posted recently but for those of you who don't know, Netflix now has The Amazing Alphabet, Math Adventures to the Moon and Numbers Ahoy.


DS loves them, especially Math Adventures to the Moon.




My 7yr old DD will watch these with my 4yr old, she insist on putting them on for him as she watched them when she was his age. The newer ones have different themes, which has made the content seem new and they sit quietly together -- can't go wrong with that.


I am not good at all at making the sounds. I think this might be because that is not how I learned, so making them confuses me and I'm not even sure which is the right sound to begin with. My DD is better at phonics than me and a better speller too!

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I've seen this posted recently but for those of you who don't know, Netflix now has The Amazing Alphabet, Math Adventures to the Moon and Numbers Ahoy.


DS loves them, especially Math Adventures to the Moon.


Thanks for sharing! Just added these to our instant queue.

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Oooh, I need to go look at the mathy one. Thanks!



My computer is too old for Netflix:nopity:... But I can watch at my sisters place. Thanks!


Between the Letter Factory and They Might Be Giants ABCs DVD, my son had them all down pat in less than a week. We love it here, too!


BTW, The TMBG one isn't nearly as straight forward as the Froggy one, but it worked for my son because he is SO physical, and I think it helped cement it for him to be able to dance to it...


Where did you find that cool violin-playing icon?!??!

Also, my dd loves the TMBG paleontologist song. I never thought to look to see if they had a DVD. I just checked Netflix and they have an TMBG 123 movie that I just requested. Didn't see the ABC one though....

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Ds4 has enjoyed watching these videos too. He didn't learn all his letter sounds from it as quickly as a lot of people have posted their kids did, but every kid is different. He has learned them all mostly now and loves the little sayings like "Okey Dokey Artichokey!" and the reference to long underwear he finds hilarious :D. I had to explain to him that they didn't actually mean underpants :tongue_smilie:.

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