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Artemis Fowl?

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So my ds (almost 13yo) wants to read the first book in the series. Any reason I should say no (I mean other than the possibility that Ken Ham might not like them OR that Henty was the ghost writer?). Anything really objectionable (keeping in mind that I let my ds read Harry Potter)?


I got them out of the library and my dh has been reading them and LOVES them. There's some potty humor apparently with the dwarf character and Artemis believes in evolution, but apart from that there's nothing that would be objectionable. My dd 13 just started reading the first book yesterday and is on the last chapter already today. :)

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So my ds (almost 13yo) wants to read the first book in the series. Any reason I should say no (I mean other than the possibility that Ken Ham might not like them OR that Henty was the ghost writer?). Anything really objectionable (keeping in mind that I let my ds read Harry Potter)?



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Guest CarolineUK

I read them all last year to DS10 and DS11 and I don't remember anything that would cause concern. I can't say I enjoyed them as much as the boys did, and some were more disappointing than others.

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I've read all but the 7th one. I loved the earlier ones and liked the later ones, and if you're okay with Mr. Potter, than I think Mr. Fowl is a shoe-in. There is one character who uses a little potty humor, which is normally a huge turn off for me, but the books are enjoyable and worth a go, though your DC may loose steam/interest around book 5 or 6 depending on him.

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I've read all but the 7th one. I loved the earlier ones and liked the later ones, and if you're okay with Mr. Potter, than I think Mr. Fowl is a shoe-in. There is one character who uses a little potty humor, which is normally a huge turn off for me, but the books are enjoyable and worth a go, though your DC may loose steam/interest around book 5 or 6 depending on him.

:iagree:I liked them, though they are a bit intense. My oldest dd loved them. We stopped at book 4- it became almost too fantastical.


Oh Heather, I am so biting my tongue! God bless Ken Ham. Seriously.

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Love AF here as well. We also love HP. Ds read through the series when he was 11-12 yo. Nothing objectionable. Possible spoiler below; highlight to read.


AF is a criminal mastermind and at 11yo, he discovers fairies are real. He loves his parents so much he would do anything to keep his family intact--this is where the fairies come in. As the series progresses, AF matures and discovers that there are things more important to him than riches.


BTW, the audiobooks narrated by Nathaniel Parker are excellent!

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So my ds (almost 13yo) wants to read the first book in the series. Any reason I should say no (I mean other than the possibility that Ken Ham might not like them OR that Henty was the ghost writer?). Anything really objectionable (keeping in mind that I let my ds read Harry Potter)?



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we borrowed the first book on audio for a long car trip- the cd was scratched and we only got half-way through. Dh was so into it and so peeved at being cut off, that he bought the book and the next one, at the bookstore. He really liked it.


I've only read the first two, but had no problems with it. AF is bad, but some turns of phrases in the book make you feel sorry for him.

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