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Seeking tips for staying on a daily routine

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I have a hard time staying on a routine, whether it is in caring for my home or schooling. I blame it in part on having small children. My youngest is 2 1/2 and we are often interrupted in our lessons because of her shenanigans. Same thing with cleaning. I used to read Flylady but I can't ever take "just fifteen minutes" to clean or work on a project without being interrupted. And once I'm interrupted, it's hard to get back up to speed.


What has worked for you?

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I started inviting people to come over at least once per week. It gives me the motivation to clean-up because I'm embarrased if it's a mess! But I don't have a daily cleaning routine. We clean up dishes after we eat and try to pick-up as we go. We deep clean the house (including major pick-up) Saturday morning. But inviting someone over on Tues. or Wed. and again on the weekend for dinner seems to keep the house clean!


ETA: we just start school in the morning. I don't have advice for you there because I don't have a toddler. (((hugs))))

Edited by jannylynn
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The hardest thing is expecting to go from crazy to perfectly organized overnight.


Start with one thing at a time. In my case it was dishes and hooked on phonics with DS (ok, I realize that's 2 things, but 1 in each area). It does not matter what goes on during the day or night, I will do the dishes before bed! I've only missed one night in the past 2 weeks.


DS and I do HOP before 6pm every day. Since there's a time on it, I actually feel guilty if we start late! LOL.


Once you get a thing or 2 going, you'll learn what works best for your family.

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I blame mine on (most likely) undiagnosed ADD.


Same here. My ADD-like tendencies have been helped quite a bit by a combo of supplements, but I still struggle. My thing right now is lists. Lots of them. I made a schedule a la Managers of Their Homes, and I'm currently in the process of making checklists for everything--my morning routine, my bedtime routine, our school time, etc. No matter how many times I tell myself, "Oh, I'll just remember to do that when I need to!" there are way too many things that fall by the wayside.


I'm :lurk5: too.

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Stay off the computer. Really. Nothing derails my plans and schedule faster than being sucked into the vortex of the interwebz. For Lent I'm staying off the computer from 8am to 8pm to better focus on my family and home and we've had such smooth, full days. I get done what I plan, we stay on task...


It's so hard, but really it does help. :)

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I have 4 4& under and the only reason my house is 1/2way neat is a routine/being organized!


We have a daily routine so the kids know what's going to happen next & what is expected of them (It goes mainly by activities, not time - first we do x, then y, then z...)


For cleaning, I have 1 thing to do/day so I dont' feel overwhelmed:




Thurs-vacuum, sweep,mop


Sat-laundry & REALLY clean kitchen

Everyday - toys picked up (kids' job), dishes washed & put away


The less there is to do, the less overwhelmed I feel, and the more likely I am to do it.


Our daily schedule - just to give you an idea (times are 'ish'):

6:30-fix breakfast

7-feed baby while they eat

they play w/baby while i clean up from breakfast

8:30-baby goes down for nap, school w/ 4yo, middle two play alone in their rooms (1hr)

9:30-everyone gets dressed

Bible story, read, play, get bathrooms cleaned (on Tuesdays)

10:30-feed baby (they watch TV/play)

11:00-fix & eat lunch

sweep, etc. (on Thurs) - they help by moving chairs, moving things off rug, etc.

12-baby goes down for nap/play outside

1:30-child #3 goes down for nap/school w/older 2

2-child #2 goes down for nap/school w/oldest/feed baby

2:30-oldest goes down for nap/play w/baby

4:30-everyone wakes up & plays outside

5:30-feed baby (they watch TV/play)

6:30-Daddy gets home/eat supper


8-feed baby/everyone in bed by 8:30


it's busy and I'm constantly going AND I only do 2 hrs of school total but it may give you some ideas and it may be a jumping off point.




good luck!

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I have low expectations.


Really! I am really good with school. I am and always have been super organized when it comes to school. Everything else just goes to hell. I have decided that for these years, that will have to do.


Oh, when my youngest turned 4, a couple years ago, I added in daily exercise. It was a conscious choice. I had to pick: cleaner house or healthier body? I picked healthier body. As the kids get older, my life is only going to get less kid oriented and I can have a clean house then.


So that is in. I teach and I exercise. DH does the laundry cause that was a very lost cause. Everything else, we do together. If no one wants to do it, then it doesn't get done.

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So I am FAR from organized. but i am really trying... At the moment I have a white board to put the days "big event" on. Those are usually the things outside of the house or extracurricular things. I also have library day each week. I use that time to lesson plan for two weeks. I have learned more recently that I am still overworking myself so I have begun to assign "tasks" for the kiddoes. Those are chores but without the stigma. Like a couple of other ladies said I try to pick up as I go but I tend to get ADD as well...I am loving what other people have to say as well.

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Managers of their Homes [MOTH] has some great ideas that I have yet to implement fully. or even halfway, lol.


She walks you through setting up a routine. I can't stick to a daily routine, but I have "blocks" here and there that when I get to a certain point I just do that routine for that hour or so.


But what helps the most is the 2-minute clean up.

If i get everyone doing something for two minutes it usually becomes a longer time.


I also find it easier to get the youngest involved - give them damp rags to clean with, let them sort socks, put dishes in the dishwasher [yes you'll need to reorganize them!], or my favorite: when my [then] 2yo was helping put away the silverware....grab a handful of utensils, toddle over, reach up on tippy toes, pull open drawer just above head level, and CHUNK the silverware in. repeat.


I preferred to have my older two switch off playing w/ the youngest ones so i could have some uninterrupted time w/ each. It's not a problem now w/ my youngest being 5yo, but that's what worked best for us. You might also see if there's a teen girl that wouldn't mind donating a couple hours a week to come over and help -- she could probably use the extra reference from an outside the home source. ;)


good luck!

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My revelations:


1) Clean in 1 or 2 minute increments, and JUST DO IT.

2) Complete what you start...religiously...and make the dc do the same. The toothpast goes back in the drawer when you are done with it, not on the counter. The laundry goes into the laundry basket, not next to it. You are excused from lunch when your dishes are in the dishwasher, your spot at the table is clean, and your floor space is picked up. Sounds draconian, but very important!!

3) Peg picking up routines to meals or other transitions. My dc (everyone who can walk) do a 10 min bedroom pick-up after lunch and we do a whole house pick-up at 4:30. They are rewarded with a 1/2 hour of TV or computer time after the whole-house pick-up.

4) Include the littles in school space. My littles play by us, sit on my lap, nurse, etc while school work is in process.

5) Insist on quiet in the school area during school time. Excellent habit to develop, wish I had done it much sooner.

6) If you (the mom) slack off in any of the above tasks, you will have to completely re-train the dc. The training will be a little easier this time, but you will have to start at Square 1. :tongue_smilie:

7) The computer is evil. It will suck up all your pockets of time to clean and interact with your dc.

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Flylady's motto for 2011 is something like Do it for 7 in 2011! In other words- if 15 minutes is too much, take 7 minutes to do something (or 2 minutes!). I can easily pick up all the clothes on the floor and put them away in 7 minutes. I can unpack the dishwasher in 7 minutes. I can vacuum a room or 3 in 7 minutes.

Routines are good for kids, especially small kids- but when they are little its so easy to feel overwhelmed and to give yourself a hard time for what you are not doing. You don't need 15 minutes. Just do something though- that is Flylady's message. Don't wait till you have the right amount of time- just do something, and be glad you did something. A lot of little somethings add up to a lot.

Flylady also taught me to prioritise so I wasnt wasting time doing the less important things and not getting to the important things. FOr me, doing the kitchen is a priority. Keeping my bedroom a sanctuary is important. And wiping the bathroom sink regularly seems to keep that room in good condition. A daily load of washing keeps things moving there. Thats not much- vacuuming etc are all extras to me.

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