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Teachers Bistro - Afternoon Tea

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It was too late to open the Bistro for lunch so I'm opening it up for Tea (yes, actual tea) or whatever beverage and/or snack combination you're indulging in this afternoon. Hmmm, tea might go really well with the leftover doughnuts we have! :001_smile:


Snacking, anyone? Me: probably that doughnut I just mentioned.


Nap, anyone? Me: I tried four different times this afternoon and all it did was p*** me off because I kept getting interrupted right as I was falling asleep! Oi! :tongue_smilie:


Weekend plans? Us: dd has a choir concert tomorrow about noon and then we're headed to the west valley to watch the air show with my mom and stepdad. We don't even have to go to the actual airforce base because the planes will fly right over the RV park where they're staying!


Sunday I will either go to a movie with a friend or we'll hang out here and do something fun.


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Hiya Scrap!


Afternoon tea - I had cheese melted onto brown rice. Kind of weird, but it gives me some carbs and protein.


Nap - nope, nyet, nada.


Weekend plans - I'm finishing up cleaning the whole house and then we'll be inundated with Filipinas. About 6 ladies and some of their teens come once a month for a Bible study. We have a very delicious potluck before the study. As the hostess I'm responsible for providing rice. I think I'll also fry some lumpia - Filipino egg rolls.


Tomorrow will be family time. I'm hoping that it won't be raining and that we can work on ridding the yard of blackberries.


Sunday - Soup and salad potluck after church. I'll bring soup in the crockpot and will leave it on warm during the service.


After church I plan to collapse!

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Well I've been snacking on leftover cookies and cold coffee. I knew better-I should've had a salad at lunch, but I have DMS (During Menstrual Syndrome). Cookies just fit my mood!;)


Today was a bit of a sick day:

I have Spring Fever-did some garden work.

DD14 has a cold

DD6 had to be taken to doctor-strep throat.

DD7 has LLama Mania. She went with Daddy to the livestock auction this morning and they bought a llama! He has gone to pick it up (they hadn't planned on buying anything and had to come home for the stock rack). So now she is not-so-patiently waiting for Dad to return.


Weekend Plans: Gardening-potatoes, etc.

Yard Clean-up-everyone out there while I wield a whip like a crazed yard nazi!:D


Now I must go fix supper.



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Well my lunch once again was my snack. Dark chocolate peanut M&Ms with citrus seltzer. I eat mostly low carb/high protein for breakfast and Dinner in order to eat the lunch of champions. Of course, I could eat healthy for lunch too and maybe lose some weight. :tongue_smilie:


School is done, but I want to go over one more worksheet with the kids before we are shut down for spring break. I always miss these things b/c they seem done before I get to them normally. Thanks for the tea [real tea] break. :D

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My older son is home for spring break next week, so we'll be hanging out with him. My younger son wants to do half days next week (since his brother tends to sleep until noon) and half days the week we go to Baton Rouge, later, instead of taking a full week of spring break. I hope that I'll get some spring cleaning done next week!

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I'm kind of new, but I would love to have some tea with everyone!


I'm snacking on gum, but might grab some carrots with hummus a little later.


No nap for me, either. :glare: And, we were up last night with a puking son.


Tomorrow, dh is taking the sons out for a long cross country bush-whacking hike to look for dropped elk antlers. I plan on cleaning, possibly working on scrapbooking, and planning the new week.


Sunday will be church, and my oldest son is getting baptized! It will be a great celebration! Then probably another nice long hike in the evening.


Have a great weekend!

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Snacking on Cheese and crackers while dinner (Tater tot casserole) is cooking



Nap? what's this nap thing you speak of? :lol:



Weekend plans..


Saturday- try to make a dent on cleaning out the room that is going to become our school room so we can get new furniture in it. I also have to return some library items.


Sunday- Church, then if it continues to be nice out we plan to use our Zoo pass for the first time. We got it at Christmas and it's been to cold to go. Then, if we are not totally pooped we will try to make the evening Church service as well.



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No snack or nap this afternoon as today was zoo day! We took a little field trip with dh since he took the day off. The weather was warm, sunny, and with a light breeze... a perfect day!


Weekend plans include a trip to Aldi's, yard work, church on Sunday and then ice skating with our church in the afternoon. That should be interesting since dh & I haven't been on skates in years. I'm sure one of us will end up with a sore back trying to keep the 4yo on his feet. :lol:

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Tea time: two pretzels and 1/3 of a bottle of Bolthouse Vanilla Chai... not very satisfying, but it's been a weird kind of day


Nap: no, but I really could have used one


Weekend plans: Saturday will be lots of cleaning and cooking because we are having twice the usual number of people over Sunday afternoon for lunch and I'm not sure we have enough places to sit or to set a plate down :tongue_smilie:

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My dirty mind and I are leaving now. It is just way too tempting. :D


:lol: You're not the only one. My first thought was that horrible song, "Sky rockets in flight, Afternoon Delight..."

, in case you want to get it stuck in your head like it is in mine now. :001_huh::D
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I love tea :)


So far today I've snacked on cream and strawberries, and I've been eyeballing a bag of M&Ms that my husband left behind. I'm trying to decide if I should eat only half of it, or just go whole hog on it. I'm also trying to hold out as long as possible because I know once I eat it I'll spiral downward and also jump in on the leftover pizza sitting in my refrigerator. Darn those emotional cravings!


No nap; none needed. Yet. BDTD on the being >thisclose< to falling asleep only to be startled awake - you have my sympathies!


Weekend plans involve me, working. Someone has to fund the lavish lifestyle we live :D have fun at the airshow, we go every year to most of the ones in our vicinity. Love 'em. We know some of our local ATC'ers so the kids often get to watch from the tower.

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