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Pole Dancing for Jesus

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I guess I don't understand why Jesus has to be involved.:confused:


Marketing. She's trying to get folks in who don't want to come to her other classes. There is a subset of the population who will only do or buy something if the words "Jesus" or "Christian" are tacked onto the name, regardless of whether it makes any sense or not (or will do something they would not otherwise do simply because those words are appended). There are plenty of business people willing to make use of that fact.


And I'm *sure* the *primary* reason to wear the shoes is because "they're good for your legs."

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I've been wanting to take a pole dancing class, looks fun. But Jesus has nothing to do with it. :001_huh::lol:


Right. There is nothing wrong with pole dancing (as long as you're not taking your new found skill out into the public). But, slapping Christian music onto it and calling it worship is ridiculous.

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:001_huh: Wow, I couldn't watch the whole video (another video's sound was playing over top of it), but it seems like she advertised this at the church she goes to???


Uh, yeah. No, absolutely not. I hope the poles aren't metal, the whole "pole dancing for J-" name seems like lightening rod material as it is.


And if she was advertising at church, I'd talk to the pastor and if nothing was done I'd find another church.

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:001_huh: Wow, I couldn't watch the whole video (another video's sound was playing over top of it), but it seems like she advertised this at the church she goes to???


Uh, yeah. No, absolutely not. I hope the poles aren't metal, the whole "pole dancing for J-" name seems like lightening rod material as it is.


And if she was advertising at church, I'd talk to the pastor and if nothing was done I'd find another church.


Yes, and I was thinking that she had better be wearing asbestos underwear. Really, why bring J's name into this? Irreverent, disrespectful.

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Why does it have to be "for Jesus?" Why can't it just be "for my husband?" :tongue_smilie:


It's fine to stay fit. It's fine to dance and be sexy for your man. Nothing un-Christian about that.


I don't see the point, though, of saying it's for Jesus. Don't get that at all.


And we don't play Christian worship music when we're having tEa, so I probably wouldn't want Christian music playing when I learn to pole dance. Or belly dance. Or dance with a chair. Or strip tease. Or whatever I want to do to catch my husband's eye.


Reminded me of this scripture:


1Co 7:34 There is difference also between a wife and a virgin. The unmarried woman careth for the things of the Lord, that she may be holy both in body and in spirit: but she that is married careth for the things of the world, how she may please her husband.


See? Even Paul said there was a difference between a wife and a virgin. :D

We wives don't have to act virginal. We're allowed to be concerned with the "things of the world" and pleasing our husbands. But let's keep that straight--it's for our husbands; not Jesus.


The bolded had me laughing so hard my children came running!

:iagree: with your entire post.

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Looks like a fun way to exercise. I don't get the Jesus part though. The class meets on Sunday. You have to prove you went to church that day with a bulletin. Why? And they exercise to contemporary Christian music. Why can't it just be an exercise class?


ETA: The title of the OP made me think some crazy church had incorporated pole dancing in the worship service. That would be a big, fat NO WAY JOSE!

Edited by silliness7
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Guest momk2000
:lol::lol::lol::lol: Well I would not want to see most of the people I go to church with pole dancing and I guarantee none would to see me on a pole!



:iagree: I just don't think this one's going to sit well with the Big Guy! :D

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Um yeah, if I looked anything like your picture, I might consider it for dh, but in my present state, absolutely not. I'd probably break the pole, and Chuckie . . .







Okay, I'm sure you are gorgeous and dear Chuckie would be beyond thrilled, even if you started out in a habit ... And even if you end up on the floor in a heap, it's still fun! 'nuff said.

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