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Anyone BTDT with nursing pain?

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After nursing five babies for a combined 96 months, this is the first time I've experienced pain while BFing. Two days ago my left breast was engorged when I woke up. The baby has been nursing all night recently, while DS only nurses before bed on his side. His side was the engorged side. So after my shower, I switched the babies' sides and eventually emptied the left side. Last night DS had a rough night and I basically nursed the babies all night long. This morning my left breast was very sore to the touch. My nipple was also sore and red, but i don't think it's related. I massaged the area to see if it was a clogged duct or something, and when I sort of pinched around the areola, I had intense pain. Further down the bottom of my breast (towards my chest), I can feel a round ball that hurts when I squeeze. I don't know if any of this makes sense, but if you could chime in with a BTDT and advice, I'd be grateful. Thanks!

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When I had mastitis two different times that is basically how I would describe how it began. I could feel a hard ball like area, which I assumed was the clogged duct. And then my my whole breast in that area got warm to the touch and sore. I hope it is not for your sake.

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yes, BTDT. If it is mastitis you might start to run a fever and generally feel like something the cat dragged in.


Try nursing on that side on all fours, over the baby, with the breast hanging down. Massage the breast downwards as you nurse. Nurse frequently, drink lots of water. If you have an electric pump, use it. If you pump, do it in the all fours position, massaging downwards towards the nipple.


I bought some of those things hunters put in their mittens to keep their hands warm and I would put on in my bra against the sore spot. That helped as well.

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I've heard of mastitis, but I've been too chicken to ever read up on it, you know, 'cause I didn't wan to jinx myself, the hypochondriac that I am. So it sounds awful. Off to google (this is pretty safe to google, right?) and thanks for the advice to everyone. DS is up nursing right now, and DD is on deck.


Safe to google. I'm recalling a round of antibiotics made it go away very quickly. You may want to give your doc a ring.

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Honestly, if you think it is mastitis, I would go to your doc or urgent care pretty quickly and get started on some antibiotics. I had mastitis when DD#1 was 13 months old. I believe it's the worst I have ever felt in my life. I don't want to scare you, but I had a medium grade fever, my entire body ached, I was nauseous, shaky, weak, and my breasts hurt like heck. I knew I had to nurse through it, but I was in tears when I knew it was nursing time. I was out of town when it came on and I had to last one day out of town, the drive back, and then two days at home (it was a 3 day weekend) before I saw my doctor. I should have gone to urgent care or something. I was absolutely miserable.


I hope that you get to feeling better!

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It does sound like the beginning of mastitis, or it has the potential to become so. One thing to try is to adjust the baby's position so that the chin is right under the plug; if need be, get on all fours over the baby. The baby's lower jaw has the greatest suction power and may be able to dislodge the plug in the duct. Also, you can massage behind the plug in hopes of dislodging it.


The nipple soreness could be related to a bleb. This might help: http://www.kellymom.com/bf/concerns/mom/nipplebleb.html

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Try nursing on that side on all fours, over the baby, with the breast hanging down. Massage the breast downwards as you nurse. Nurse frequently, drink lots of water. If you have an electric pump, use it. If you pump, do it in the all fours position, massaging downwards towards the nipple.


OOOO I am SOOO going to do that! I am going through mastitis right now.


Dry beans in a tube sock + microwave + sleep on it

SLEEP (the 1 thing I haven't done)

no bra (seems to help me)

nurse w/his/her chin on/facing the lump

motrin (reduce swelling and the headache - I always get those w/mastitis)

SLEEP (I'm tellin ya - it helps SOO much)

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When I had mastitis I was so sick, felt like I had the flu and was loopy-headed. Drove myself to the doctor and I really should NOT have done that- forgot to fasten little one's seat belt before we left to come home. It really scared oldest because he was flopping around and back and forth as I drove, and she told me he was 'plopped over REAL bad'. I thought it was just his little head but when I was able to look it was his whole body. Poor things.

I hope you don't have mastitis, but just a plugged duct or something.

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OOOO I am SOOO going to do that! I am going through mastitis right now.


Dry beans in a tube sock + microwave + sleep on it

SLEEP (the 1 thing I haven't done)

no bra (seems to help me)

nurse w/his/her chin on/facing the lump

motrin (reduce swelling and the headache - I always get those w/mastitis)

SLEEP (I'm tellin ya - it helps SOO much)


The no bra is the biggest thing. I get clogged ducts only with certain bras.



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If you do not currently have a fever, I doubt it is (yet) mastitis. It sounds like a plugged duct, which can lead easily into mastitis, but you might yet be able to head it off. If you do develop a fever, go immediately to urgent care. Antibiotics work very well and quickly, but you want to get started ASAP.


I suggest going without a bra, hot shower and compresses, nurse baby extra while massaging area, and try to hand massage the area as much as possible. :grouphug:


I hope you feel better!

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I hope you are not getting mastitis, but if you are, getting some antibiotics would be great. I did not have luck with the at-home things. I remember how badly I felt - when I called the dr he asked me, "Do you feel like you've been run over by a truck?" Yep, that was it exactly! The pain while dd was nursing on that side was excruciating.


:grouphug: I hope you feel better soon!!!

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Try nursing on that side on all fours, over the baby, with the breast hanging down. Massage the breast downwards as you nurse. Nurse frequently, drink lots of water. If you have an electric pump, use it. If you pump, do it in the all fours position, massaging downwards towards the nipple.



Thanks, I'm going to try this position when DD wakes up. In the meantime, I'm drinking lots of water. I have a manual pump, the Avent Isis, but it's worth a try. My breast is pretty empty thankfully. The pain peaks just at the point of let down, then I feel some relief for a little bit, then as it empties, my breast begins to hurt a lot more.


Honestly, if you think it is mastitis, I would go to your doc or urgent care pretty quickly and get started on some antibiotics. I had mastitis when DD#1 was 13 months old. I believe it's the worst I have ever felt in my life. I don't want to scare you, but I had a medium grade fever, my entire body ached, I was nauseous, shaky, weak, and my breasts hurt like heck. I knew I had to nurse through it, but I was in tears when I knew it was nursing time. I was out of town when it came on and I had to last one day out of town, the drive back, and then two days at home (it was a 3 day weekend) before I saw my doctor. I should have gone to urgent care or something. I was absolutely miserable.


I hope that you get to feeling better!


Thanks, I hope I feel better too. This is probably a dumb question, but I'd have to see my Dr., huh? My babies' ped lives down the street, and I know I could get ahold of her easily on the weekend. Urgent care is probably the next best thing.


It does sound like the beginning of mastitis, or it has the potential to become so. One thing to try is to adjust the baby's position so that the chin is right under the plug; if need be, get on all fours over the baby. The baby's lower jaw has the greatest suction power and may be able to dislodge the plug in the duct. Also, you can massage behind the plug in hopes of dislodging it.


The nipple soreness could be related to a bleb. This might help: http://www.kellymom.com/bf/concerns/mom/nipplebleb.html


Okay, I will try this too. I've never heard of a bleb. I'll check out the link. Thanks for the info.


OOOO I am SOOO going to do that! I am going through mastitis right now.


Dry beans in a tube sock + microwave + sleep on it

SLEEP (the 1 thing I haven't done)

no bra (seems to help me)

nurse w/his/her chin on/facing the lump

motrin (reduce swelling and the headache - I always get those w/mastitis)

SLEEP (I'm tellin ya - it helps SOO much)


Oh no, I hope you feel better soon. The sleep you and others have recommended is going to be difficult. We had a late dinner and I am still wide awake, despite the fact that we have an early morning of softball. Oh, there's tthe baby! Hope you feel better.

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I will say that mastitis can lead to an abscess that has to be drained surgically (or you can get septicemia.) So if you do develop a fever, get those antibiotics--it's just nothing to mess around with. You could ask your ped for a prescription--he or she might be willing to treat your mastitis, and there's nothing strange about it--an MD is an MD, after all. If it will lead to quicker treatment, I would do it.

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I got mastitis repeatedly with all four dc. It seemed to happen when my babies were around 3-6mos. If that's what you have, I really feel for you because it's incredibly painful and it makes you feel like death warmed up.


Mastitis can be one of two types: infective, or blockage. The second can lead to the first, and the infective type is more common. Both present very similarly, such that it's very difficult for a Dr to tell the difference. Infective mastitis is when a bacterial foreign body has somehow gotten into the milk ducts, causing a block; blockage mastitis is when there is simply a back-up of milk in the ducts. This can occur when there is hindmilk left in the breast; the higher fat milk has a greater viscosity.


One thing to note - if the mastitis is blockage mastitis, then antibiotics won't do anything, because the problem isn't bacterial. Oftentimes Drs will assume it's infective mastitis and give antibiotics just to cover all bases.


Some good advice in the posts above - one thing to particularly emphasise is that if you can get the baby's jaw aligned to the affected area you have the greatest chance of shifting the blockage, as the strongest part of the baby's suck is along the jaw. And keep nursing - I know it's painful, but it's far better to continue than to stop.


Hope you feel better soon! :grouphug:

Edited by Hedgehog
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