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Have you ever witnessed something "paranormal?"

Have you ever witnessed something "paranormal?"  

  1. 1. Have you ever witnessed something "paranormal?"

    • Yes.
    • No.
    • I'm not sure.
    • Other.

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I haven't but my Mom, who is as down to earth, straight laced as they come, swears she saw a UFO when she was a kid. She's really embarrassed to admit it and has only told a few people, but it whatever it was, it scared her and made a deep impression.


I honestly believe she saw something. This would have been 50's-60's.

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Not sure if this falls into what people consider 'paranormal' or not.. (I tend to put it in the divine intervention category) My FIL's boss has a farm. We went to visit them about 5 years ago. Zach (5 at the time), myself and one other person went horseback riding. Zach's horse had a (walking) guide. We were crossing a creek and I went ahead of the others. I turned my horse around to watch my son and his guide cross. As his guide stepped on the first rock, Zach's horse decided to jump the creek instead of walk. He wasn't paying attention and the horse leapt across the creek ahead of the guide. There were sharp rocks lining the creek and I KNEW Zach wasn't holding on tight enough. He managed to stay on the horse and we went back. Later I asked him how he stayed on and he said "Oh, the lady held my hands on bottom on the horse. I was GLUED to the horse" I said "What lady" (his guide had lost control of the horse and she certainly wasn't holding him down, I was watching) He just said "I dunno, some lady" I like to think it was his guardian angel :001_smile: There was no 'normal' reason for him to stay on, so in that sense, it makes it 'paranormal', but I do not believe it was a disembodied spirit. I find more of an angelic explanation.

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I have had two I cannot explain but my father had a really odd one.


He was a college sophomore at Dartmouth YEARS ago and he was in a bar with his roomate. Dad looked up and saw his roomate's father. Dad waved to him and poked his friend who looked up and yelled, "Dad! Over here!" Or something like that. The bar was crowded and Dad and his friend couldn't find the father.


When they got back to their room, they had a college official waiting for them. The roomate's dad had died a few hours before they got back. He died 200 miles away in a car accident.


My Dad is a very rational person. He's spent his life unable to reconcile the visit except that his friend and his father were very close to each other.


I have seen a UFO as a child and some weird demonlike guy.



Wha., yeah yeah saw an old man..


Now about that UFO and demon dude?:lurk5:

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I don't know because I'm not really sure what defines paranormal. I knew my grandma died before anyone told me or knew themselves (I was 12). When my brother died I was having horrible dreams and then I started "seeing" one of my good friends who was also killed in a car accident. He was always smiling and it felt like he was telling me not to worry. Whenever I get a bad feeling I usually listen to it -- just in case.

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I haven't, and I'm as skeptical about the paranormal as I am about the existence of any gods.


However, my mother was very much a believer in the paranormal. She had (she believed) many experiences throughout her life. She claimed to dream things before they happened. Also dreaming about a certain deceased family member, meant certain things would happen. For example, she said whenever she dreamed about my father, she received unexpected money. When she dreamed about my grandmother, someone would get sick, etc. She also swore a UFO once followed her for a while on a deserted stretch of road. This stretch of road is well known as an area for UFO sightings, but at the time it happened to her we just moved to the area, and she didn't know that.

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I experienced a very nice "haunting" but it could have been a fever dream. I was very young - probably between four and six because I didn't take up much of the twin bed I slept in. I was very sick and my mother had sat at the end of my bed while I was falling asleep which was a very unusual thing for her to do.


I woke up later and knew instinctively that hours had passed and it was very late at night. My door was open a crack and light was coming in faintly from the hall - maybe a night light?


My mother was gone, but in her place was another woman in old-fashioned clothes. Her hair was in a loose, old-fashioned bun, a style my mother never wore - she had short hair. I could see through her a little, but she was there, right where my mother had sat at the end of the bed. I felt that she was a great grandmother or some other woman in my mother's line and I wasn't afraid at all - I was very comforted. In fact, I kind of had the sense that the woman represented all the women in my mothers line going back in time who had sat with a sick child. The sense of connection of women through the ages was so strong. It was a lovely apparition.


I quickly fell back to sleep, but remembered it strongly the next day and ever since.

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The only odd thing that comes to mind is one incident many years ago when as a young college student I came home on an icy road at 2a.m. and slid into the ditch. I had just resigned myself to sitting there until daylight when an older man on a tractor came along and pulled me out.

The next day, during daylight, I realized that there was not a house or farm anywhere near that spot and who is out on a tractor at that hour? Some people would say it was an angel sent to keep me from freezing to death. I am fine with that explanation.

But...perhaps it was a farmer with binoculars who suffered from insomnia??

Edited by Liz CA
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I voted "other" because I wasn't sure if you would consider "the supernatural" as paranormal. I have experienced the supernatural several times, both the good and the bad, but I don't believe in ghosts so I guess I can't say I've experienced the paranormal.


Ugh, my answer is clear as mud. I apologize. I don't know how else to put it.

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But...perhaps it was a farmer with binoculars who suffered from insomnia??




I needed that laugh after totally creeping myself out, reading this thread!


I voted yes. We used to have lights flicker on and off in the house I grew up in (which my father built when I was three, so it wasn't like it was an old house) and there were times I swore I felt something tug on my shirt as I walked down the hallway, home alone.


I woke up once to the feeling of my cat jumping on the bed and sitting down by my feet. I felt the blankets tug a bit, and it warmed up by my feet and everything. But when I sat up to pet him, no cat.


My mom told me that when my older sister was about six months old, she came walking out of her nursery with her hands up over her head, as though someone was holding her hands. She was named after my great-grandmother, who died a few months before she was born. Obviously, at six months, she wasn't walking yet and couldn't climb out of her crib. Totally freaked my mother out, but to this day she says it was Granny coming to see her namesake.


I don't really believe in disembodied spirits, because the bible says to be absent from the body is to be present with God (or in the other place)...but I do believe in angelic/demonic activity.

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I voted yes. Frequently, I'd say.


And this little bit is especially for Ibbygirl: My MIL has problems in her house with duendis. I haven't seen them, but my SIL has. MIL suspects santeria has affected the house, so she can't keep them out. House is in Miami. ;)

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I voted yes. Frequently, I'd say.


And this little bit is especially for Ibbygirl: My MIL has problems in her house with duendis. I haven't seen them, but my SIL has. MIL suspects santeria has affected the house, so she can't keep them out. House is in Miami. ;)


Santeria could have something to do with it. Has she had the house blessed?

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I have no idea. I'll have to ask DH.


If done right it I think it would solve the problem, that is if she wants the problem solved. :) Miami is supposed to be cursed. There is a legend here that the Indians cursed it when the white people moved in because it was a sacred place to them so when they were moved off the land they cursed it when they left.

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Well, she can't talk about it if it gets solved, you know. ;) It's ironic,, I think, that she believes santeria was used on the house but most likely would refuse to use anything similar to fix it. My SIL might have though. I have heard that Cleveland was cursed by the Indians, but hadn't heard that about Miami.


If done right it I think it would solve the problem, that is if she wants the problem solved. :) Miami is supposed to be cursed. There is a legend here that the Indians cursed it when the white people moved in because it was a sacred place to them so when they were moved off the land they cursed it when they left.
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Well, she can't talk about it if it gets solved, you know. ;) It's ironic,,



I think, that she believes santeria was used on the house but most likely would refuse to use anything similar to fix it. My SIL might have though. I have heard that Cleveland was cursed by the Indians, but hadn't heard that about Miami.


It's very possible that someone who practiced Santeria or Voodoo could have lived there before and the spirits have lingered. Miami has many people who practice those two religions.


As for the blessing on the house, it isn't done by a Santero, it's usually done by a Catholic priest or some other Christian who is knowledgeable in those things.

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  • 8 months later...

Well, I volunteer as a "pioneer" at one of the most haunted places in our state...This is the Place Heritage Park. It's an old village made up of authentic pioneer homes that have been relocated to one location. Think Williamsburg meets Little House.


There are always lots of weird things happening there. Spinning wheels moving with no one near them, sewing machine treadles being heard in another room. Noises, odd smells like food cooking or violet perfume, a breeze where there shouldn't be one, objects being moved, etc. I love our ghosts there and we talk to them all the time. Some we do know the names of, others we've named ourselves.


It's especially fun to feel the creepiness when we work there at our nighttime events....like "Haunted Deseret". That's when we tell the stories of the actual ghosts who are supposed to haunt our village to our guests on a candlelight tour. We had one incident where we were telling the story of a man who had murdered his wife and stored her body in a trunk in the attic. As the docent finished telling the tale, the sound of a large object being dragged across the floor upstairs was heard very clearly by all of us in the room. The other docent and I exchanged glances and then she yelled out (to the ghost), "Ok, Gus, that wasn't very funny. You're scaring these people half to death!" I actually think there were guests who'd run halfway to the parking lot before she finished her sentence. :lol: After that tour group moved on, we agreed aloud that it WAS funny, but he'd probably shouldn't do it again. He was fairly quiet for the remainder of the evening. :D


Here are some quotes on our some of our famous park residents from the web:


"Many guides and staff members at Old Deseret report strange occurrences and happenings with such frequency that there is little doubt that spirits, or spirit energy, still lingers there. On one occasion in Forest Farm House, during a birthday party, a very reliable witness saw a woman appear in the dining room, staring out the window. Apparently, she was not the only one who saw her and later a number of people compared notes and became convinced the apparition was that of Ann Eliza. On other occasions, people tell of doorknobs rattling, phantom footsteps and even the voices of ghostly children cavorting in the house. They also tell of objects moving about by themselves and smells of food cooking.... even though there was nothing being cooked in the house.

Regardless of who the ghost, or ghosts, is they seem to be settled into the house to stay. Until fairly recently, the organization was reluctant to discuss the ghostly goings-on at Old Deseret, but as times change there is rumor of a log book which supposedly keeps a running account of the hauntings."


"One of Brigham Young's 56 wives--the infamous Ann E. Webb--has haunted Young's country home since the structure was moved to Old Deseret historical park. Webb was Young's 19th wife, and the only woman to divorce the church leader. People who see her ghost at Old Deseret say that she is dressed in black, and looks sadly out from a dining room window of the farmhouse where she once lived."


If you're really interested, here are some links:








And yes, we do have a "log book" of sightings and "incidents". But honestly, it happens so often, we just don't really bother anymore. Especially since an old graveyard was discovered during road construction along South Temple in Salt Lake City and the remains were moved to a newly created cemetery within the park....we have lots of friendly visitors of the unseen kind. :D


Let me add: While I think all of this is fun, I don't really believe that any spirits that have left this world and for whatever reason choose to be present in some capacity still, can ever, ever hurt a human being. I don't believe that is their intention. I am not afraid of them and have never experienced anything negative in relation to "phenomena". On one occasion, one of our "ghosts" kept extinguishing all our oil lamps in each room of the Jewkes house. We finally said, "We know you think this is funny, but we're going to get hurt in the house if we have to keep walking around in the dark." The lamps stayed lit after that. I love our "ghosts" and we all have fun with them. The park would be very boring without them. :D

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