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Fun snack for classes of younger kids

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I am part of an enrichment co-op. The lady who has been leading the snack time for your Pre-K and Lower Elementary class has to be out this coming week. I need some ideas for fun snacks that can be easily prepared.


She is trying to get them to eat healthy foods and enjoy them. She's already used celery with various dips and toppings to be the "ants". She's also had them cut up fruit to make art on their plate.


We do have a dairy allergy in both classes and one of those has a gluten and food dye issue. His mom has said that she will be glad to provide something for him if it's a problem.


Thanks for any ideas!

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When I worked at a day care center, one of the popular snacks they offered was peanut butter on graham crackers. Of course, this only works if there are no peanut allergies. They also loved banana bread but that would be a problem with the other allergies.


There are some really cute snack ideas on familyfun.com.

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Pretzels are always good. We go to a pre-k program and you had to provide the snacks once very 6 months. We could not provide anything homemade (state law). One time we sent in those really big pretzels with some veggies also or with a dip. I guess the kids loved them. When you think about most kids get tiny pretzels.

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Tortilla's sprayed with an oil-based buttery spray, sprinkled (lightly) with cinnamon/sugar, and baked cut in small triangles.


The 'chips' are eaten with a fruit dip: chopped fruit--anything you got with a few spoonfuls of jam (check the label for your other allergies) to thicken the juice a bit.


For the gluten-free child I would call the mother or poke around the grocery store for some gluten-free wraps so they can have the same.


If the cinnamon/sugar is considered too sweet, try making the fruit dip first and draining it a bit and spritzing the natural fruit juice on as the sweetener (with a dash of cinnamon). Keep it light though or they won't get crispy when they bake.

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Banana caterpillars are fun. Cut bananas into chunks and stick them together with peanut butter (maybe you could use cream cheese if someone has peanut allergies) and use pretzel sticks for antennae and raisin eyes.


There's also a firetruck snack you could google that I think is made with Graham crackers.


And round sugar cookies with chunks of fruit around them to make "petals" for a flower snack is cute (pineapple or watermelon or cantelope etc)

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What about some little yoghurt cups? (oh there's these yummy little yoghurt tubes too - we keep them in the freezer) I don't know about the tubes, but you can definitely also get soy yoghurt cups for the ones who can't have milk...


Jello? You can get jello cups, or you could make your own and put stuff in them - raisins? bits of fruit?


baby carrots with ranch dip (or whatever dip people like & can have)

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I liked getting theme-y at that age. Really, we still do.


What else are you doing that day? If you're doing a Bible story, Myth, or something like that you could make a related snack.


When I did Jesus calming the sea I made blue jello with marshmallow topping and it separated as it cooled. I cut it in strips and rolled it into individual waves. I also decorated a wooden spoon like Our Lord and then we jiggled the waves and Jesus commanded them to stop . . . which they did!


If it's something like a spring theme, you could plant flowers in chocolate pudding cups. We made our pudding, put it into cups, topped with crushed oreos and a gummy worm. Insert a straw in the center and put a flower in there. very popular and very cute. I'm sure you can find pix all over the internet.


If you do have a theme, I love trying to come up with ideas. Lmk.

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My kids liked to make fruit kabobs. You can use chop sticks which are not as pointy as regular skewers. Banana, pineapple chunks, and grapes work well.


Pops of blended fruit is nice (for a large group, you could use small paper cups). You could also blend frozen strawberries with a little yogurt. Tastes like ice cream. :)


What about pita chips and mashed avocado? I am always surprised by how much little kids like guacamole.


Most schools don't use peanut butter anymore, but someone at our hs playgroup made nut butter & jam 'wraps' from little whole wheat pitas that she cut open...so one pita made two 'wraps'.


Little pita pockets with nut butter & banana would be good, too.


Does anyone do blueberries and cream anymore? ;)

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My kids liked to make fruit kabobs. You can use chop sticks which are not as pointy as regular skewers. Banana, pineapple chunks, and grapes work well.


I made fruit Kabobs a few weeks ago for my dd's basketball game snacks. I used really thick kabob sticks and cut the sharp end off after loading it up. A cute addition - I cut thick slabs from a block of mozzerella cheese and used small cookie cutters to cut stars and hearts then slid these onto the end. I also put a marshmallow at about the middle of the stick. I know - not "healthy", but fun!


I also made little snack baggies of Annie's Graham Bunnies to go with the kabobs.

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my daughter's preschool class just made caterpillars out of Rice Krispy treats. they formed about 4 balls (for each kid) of the treat mixture, stuck them together, and used raisins for eyes and fruit leather strips for stripes on the bug. she was absolutely enchanted with the whole thing.


I also second the idea of the fruit kabobs. I served those as part of a tea party to a bunch of 5yo girls and they couldn't get enough.

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