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Mortified, shocked, sad...

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Wow. Thank you all for your prayers & support. They mean the world to me. We just got home from the treatment center. They did an intake assessment & drug testing, but had one patient who was supposed to go home today that, for whatever reason, did not. The counselor who DH spoke with told us that they will be calling him in the morning after they do discharge rounds, and they'll arrange an appointment for him to check in. After that, detox takes 3-7 days, and the medical program takes up to 10 days, after which they have a residential program if they decide he needs it at that point. The good news of the day is that our insurance is going to cover (maybe not all, but most of) the cost. Praise Jesus.


The counselor also told DH that he is sure they can help him, and that this is the kind of place he needs to be in. It is based at the best hospital in the area, and that makes me feel a little better about it. Ok. First hill=conquered. Moving on to the next challenge.


:grouphug: May you, your family, and your dh find peace and strength during this time.

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Most men I have known find it extremely difficult to admit they need help, much less to ask for it and to actually do something about it. This is a HUGE step in the right direction. Hopefully, he understands how important this decision is in his life, as well as, your life and the lives of your children.


I pray that you will be able to be strong for him and for your children. I can't imagine the hurt and resentment you must feel. Hopefully, this will be a growing moment for both of you and for your marriage.:grouphug:


Admission is the first step to recovery! Praying for you and your family. Just take it a moment at a time. :grouphug:

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I will keep your family in my thoughts and prayers as you go through these trials. Keep God first. He promised through Peter in Phillippians 4:19 that he would always give us what we need - be it material needs (food and shelter) or spiritual needs (peace that passes understanding, the ability to deal with trials as they come, or to even face death as Peter did).

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Dear girl, Michelle is right. It is to his credit that he is willing to get admitted and deal with the problem. You may well come out stronger as a woman and as a couple. This may be the beginning of a new and better life for the two of you.

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I had a friend who went through this a few years ago. Her grace toward her husband, her patience, resilience, etc--have inspired me to this day.


:grouphug: I don't know what to say, but I hope you are all well & that everything is much better very soon.

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I am so sorry for you and your family. We have been down the road of addiction for many years with my husband who is an alcoholic. Thankfully, he is recovery once again, and is striving to get better. He has been in rehab two times within the past 7 years. More than anything it is heartbreaking to watch. The first thing I would recommend to do is to realize and understand that this is an illness and does not have a whole lot to do with willpower. He is sick. It is not because he does not love his family. I know that is hard to grasp! Al-anon literature really helped me with his last relapse and helped me to learn (for the first time in 20 years) the proper way to deal with my husband. I think that maybe me dealing with things in a more productive way may have helped him a little to get better. Acceptance is big with my husband-something he did not get a lot of growing up! They say that an alcoholics/addicts guilt alone is enough to keep them sick-and our response to the situation can add to that, or help to relieve some of it. Love him, be there for him, and TRY to have endless patience with him. Praying for you and yours!!!!

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