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It breaks my heart

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to see sick kids dragged all over creation just because their parent wants them to be well enough to party.


This morning I cared for a dear child who was past the active vomiting and well into the dry heaves. She slept most of the day.


This evening she went to a barbecue.


Tomorrow they will attend another party, AND go to a sleepover.


Thanks for letting me get that off my chest.:rant:

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...and while it breaks my heart for the kid(s), it also gives me a bit of the skeeves when I learn, from the child, that "I vomitted this morning, but only once!"


Makes me want to run for the hand sanitizer, it does.


I appreciate your tenderness for this situation. It shows you've got your head screwed on correctly. :001_huh:

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Ugh! That is awful!


I was doing nursery duty one time for our women's Bible study and we were having a guest speaker, so we had a lot of extra ladies and children. Well this one gal didn't want to miss anything and so she brought her sick 2 year old. She passed him over the half door to me and he promptly puked. Right down my overalls. As in inside my overalls. The very memory of that still makes me woozy!:ack2:

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to see sick kids dragged all over creation just because their parent wants them to be well enough to party.


This morning I cared for a dear child who was past the active vomiting and well into the dry heaves. She slept most of the day.


This evening she went to a barbecue.


Tomorrow they will attend another party, AND go to a sleepover.


Thanks for letting me get that off my chest.:rant:





And my rant is about the parents who take their children to the grocery at 11:00 pm, then get really short at the poor dears for getting fussy. I saw a dad spanking his baby for crying and rubbing his eyes, he was so obviously worn out. I wanted to walk over and spank the dad. :boxing_smiley:

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...and while it breaks my heart for the kid(s), it also gives me a bit of the skeeves when I learn, from the child, that "I vomitted this morning, but only once!"


Well...my son and I have sinus issues. He sometimes hurls from the congestion that builds up overnight but he isn't really sick. That's different from the situation, above, of course. I can't imagine dragging a sick child all over creation.

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And my rant is about the parents who take their children to the grocery at 11:00 pm, then get really short at the poor dears for getting fussy. I saw a dad spanking his baby for crying and rubbing his eyes, he was so obviously worn out. I wanted to walk over and spank the dad. :boxing_smiley:


Funny story in this regard (and I know you aren't talking to me, this isn't me taking offense or anything, I promise! ;) ):


Once when my hubby was deployed I had a cold, started my period in the middle of the night *and* was out of feminine products. I had to drag all the kids out of bed in their jammies and go to WalMart at 2 am (and I hate being forced to go to WalMart under any circumstances). I bought: cold medicine, tampons, pads, soda, midol and chocolate. The poor male checkout guy didn't even look me in the eye or try to speak to me at ALL. It was like he was terribly afraid to say the wrong thing or even look at me wrong.

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Funny story in this regard (and I know you aren't talking to me, this isn't me taking offense or anything, I promise! ;) ):


Once when my hubby was deployed I had a cold, started my period in the middle of the night *and* was out of feminine products. I had to drag all the kids out of bed in their jammies and go to WalMart at 2 am (and I hate being forced to go to WalMart under any circumstances). I bought: cold medicine, tampons, pads, soda, midol and chocolate. The poor male checkout guy didn't even look me in the eye or try to speak to me at ALL. It was like he was terribly afraid to say the wrong thing or even look at me wrong.


:lol: Smart guy!

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Ugh! That is awful!


I was doing nursery duty one time for our women's Bible study and we were having a guest speaker, so we had a lot of extra ladies and children. Well this one gal didn't want to miss anything and so she brought her sick 2 year old. She passed him over the half door to me and he promptly puked. Right down my overalls. As in inside my overalls. The very memory of that still makes me woozy!:ack2:


This makes me woozy for you. :ack2:

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Funny story in this regard (and I know you aren't talking to me, this isn't me taking offense or anything, I promise! ;) ):


Once when my hubby was deployed I had a cold, started my period in the middle of the night *and* was out of feminine products. I had to drag all the kids out of bed in their jammies and go to WalMart at 2 am (and I hate being forced to go to WalMart under any circumstances). I bought: cold medicine, tampons, pads, soda, midol and chocolate. The poor male checkout guy didn't even look me in the eye or try to speak to me at ALL. It was like he was terribly afraid to say the wrong thing or even look at me wrong.



Oh, this is soooo funny! Howling here! *snort*

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Funny story in this regard (and I know you aren't talking to me, this isn't me taking offense or anything, I promise! ;) ):


Once when my hubby was deployed I had a cold, started my period in the middle of the night *and* was out of feminine products. I had to drag all the kids out of bed in their jammies and go to WalMart at 2 am (and I hate being forced to go to WalMart under any circumstances). I bought: cold medicine, tampons, pads, soda, midol and chocolate. The poor male checkout guy didn't even look me in the eye or try to speak to me at ALL. It was like he was terribly afraid to say the wrong thing or even look at me wrong.


:lol::rofl: That's hilarious!

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Funny story in this regard (and I know you aren't talking to me, this isn't me taking offense or anything, I promise! ;) ):


Once when my hubby was deployed I had a cold, started my period in the middle of the night *and* was out of feminine products. I had to drag all the kids out of bed in their jammies and go to WalMart at 2 am (and I hate being forced to go to WalMart under any circumstances). I bought: cold medicine, tampons, pads, soda, midol and chocolate. The poor male checkout guy didn't even look me in the eye or try to speak to me at ALL. It was like he was terribly afraid to say the wrong thing or even look at me wrong.



This reminds me of my late night Walmart *shudder* run. I was getting ready for bed, about 10-ish, and saw a mouse run across the floor. Well, to live in my home you must either marry me, be birthed by me, be a chosen pet, or pay me rent. I don't do rodents. Period. I grabbed my keys and told dh I'm off to buy a trap. Being the galant gentleman he is, he'd not let me go alone. He volunteered to go for me. I'm not staying in the house with a rodent...see above.


This meant loading three sleepy kids for a quick run. I ran into the store while he sat with the kiddos. I came out with *24* traps, a huge slab of cheese, a jar of peanut butter, a pack of Hershey bars, and a six-pack of beer! I wasn't going to spend the night with rodents and nothing to take the edge off.


Of course I had to see three people I know in the store. :blushing: The cashier gave me the funniest look, but I'm sure he's seen much stranger stuff go through before.

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We had a couple bring their 5 kids to a non-kid-invited party at our house. They were kept home from school that day because of throwing up. "But they seem better now" she said.


Of the 30+ adults who attended the party, over half were throwing up the next day (including dh and myself). I was so mad.

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Your Walmart stories had me laughing, so I decided to share mine. My dh wanted to buy some gag gifts for a hail and farewell party at his command. Anxious for some sanity time I volunteered to go if he would make me a list. Once at walmart I went down the list finding the items and checking them off not really paying attention to what I was buying. It wasn't until I was standing in line that I really looked at the items all together and then I started praying that I would not see anyone that I knew. My cart contained: a bag of steer manure, ear plugs, a bottle of cheap wine, a dog collar, and vaseline.

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I was volunteering in a church nursery once. A young mom came in to pick up her child at the END of the service and said to me, "Oh, by the way, could you look at her tummy, does this look like chicken pox to you?" (And it did.) Grrr. She saw nothing wrong with having exposed the whole nursery full of kids (doesn't every one want their child to get chicken pox?)! (The answer is no, by the way.) Fortunately we had a small number of kids that day and there were only a few cases.

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My s-i-l has what my dh loving calls "daycare specials" who she brings to family gatherings when they are sick. My m-i-l asked her why she didn't just stay home when they are sick (a question we all wanted to ask, but only a mother can) and she said if she stayed home when her kids were sick she would never get to go any where. Which is true, they always seem to have a cold, flu, chicken pox, etc.

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Ugh! That is awful!


I was doing nursery duty one time for our women's Bible study and we were having a guest speaker, so we had a lot of extra ladies and children. Well this one gal didn't want to miss anything and so she brought her sick 2 year old. She passed him over the half door to me and he promptly puked. Right down my overalls. As in inside my overalls. The very memory of that still makes me woozy!:ack2:



Ewww, what was she thinking?? I had a lady at our old church bring her son to the nursery and as she is handing him to me she says, he only has a low grade fever so he's ok. :confused: Uuuummmm no it's not ok! Besides the poor little boy who was sick what about all the rest of the kids in the nursery being exposed........ay yi yi! :tongue_smilie:

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I can't stand it when parents do that either. I have a friend who dragged her son to a furniture gallery because she wanted to do some shopping (she didn't need to do some shopping) and her son had a 104 fever. Worst thing was that I was pregnant and she asked me to come along. I didn't know he was sick but the last time she put me through that I ended up in the hospital cause I caught her son's bug.

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A mom in our local mothers of twins club several years ago rented out a room at the local place that had tubes for kids to climb through, ball pits for jumping, etc. for her twin's b'day party. The morning of the party she had to take one twin in to the doctor as he seemed ill. AFTER the party, which both boys attended, she told us that "Theo" had STREP....but she couldn't bear to make him miss his own party, so she gave him some Tylenol and kept going. She told us that all our kids had been exposed to strep....if we had known in advance, we might not have let our kids come, and that would also have "ruined" her little darling's party. GRRRRRRR!!!

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I bought: cold medicine, tampons, pads, soda, midol and chocolate. The poor male checkout guy didn't even look me in the eye or try to speak to me at ALL. It was like he was terribly afraid to say the wrong thing or even look at me wrong.



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