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I **heart** homeschooling because.... (a little fun game)

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Just a little game! You know, since we're on a homeschooling board! ;)


Give 3 reasons you love homeschooling! In no particular order...


...it give our family flexibility to travel without being beholden to anyone's schedule. As a result they've seen lots of stuff and know relatives that live all over the place.


...I can *see* the awesome relationship my kids have with each other!!


....I get to pick curriculum (that teaches my kids Christian values!) and adjust as necessary to meet the kid's academic needs (and my need to shop for curriculum)! ;)


What are your reasons? February is always hard so lets remind ourselves of the greatness of homeschooling!

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I love homeschooling because:


...if my son wants to study Asian history in 7th grade, we can do that. Don't think that's an option in our middle school.


...he can have a later bedtime and spend time with dad. They've taken to hanging out together from 10pm to 10:30, after I've already gone to bed.


...I have the most interesting conversations with my son, I love seeing what connections he makes and where his mind goes. I know we have a better relationship because of homeschooling.

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I love homeschooling my son because...


... it lets me work on his social skills with out the anxiety and anger that he incurs when he gets forced into a large group setting.


... I can see firsthand the excitement and love of learning that he has and indulge his massive love of science.


... he's not on an IEP and doesn't have to be labelled. That really should be #1, but it's here. I'm so glad this isn't relevant to us.

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My 3 are...


1. I don't have to bother with Dibels, AR or the ARMST!! This just makes my day...every time I think about it.


2. I don't have to buy school clothes...unless someone needs new pj's.


3. We are learning together. Someone will ask a question and then we will google it together. There is joy in knowledge.

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Just three? :glare:


Well okay. Here are the first three that come to mind:


...I know exactly what dd is being taught, and where her strengths and weaknesses are in each subject.


...We have the freedom to offer a distinctly Christian worldview in all subjects. This means that we are free to discuss how God has been involved in the history of the world, we can stop and pray whenever we want to, and the Bible is not forbidden in our program of study.


...Our schedule is customized to meet our needs. For example, if we need to take Grandma to the doctor we can pretty much grab our books and go, and if we need to make up a class for some reason - we have evenings and weekends to do it.


I could easily go on further, but these are among the best reasons. :) Hs'ing is one of the most cherished things I've discovered in my entire life!




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1. It is a beautiful blessing to really know my children and develop close relationships with them.


2. We can honor God in our school life together.


3. I love laughing and learning with my children. I consider it an honor that God trusted me with them. I wouldn't trade it for anything.



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1. I am able to connect one-on-one with my kids and we are very close.


2. Each kid can work at their own level, as fast or slow as they need to go and we are able to go back and work on foundational issues as needed.


3. The animals love, love, love having us around a lot.




Education is very important to us, but the OP asked us to post what our favorites of hsing was not the biggest benefit. :)

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We were able to go to the friends of the library book sale, only a few hours after it opened, with almost no crowds.


DD can stay up late enough to get to see DH and have some playtime after work, instead of having to be in bed and asleep before he gets home so that she can be up in time for school the next morning.


We are able to travel with DH when he travels for work, and just take school with us.


DD is able to study Latin, world dance, and scratch programming as part of her school day. I'm pretty sure our local schools don't offer those classes.


DD can include knights in her middle ages project that actually have little lego pikes, halberds, maces, catapults, trebuchets, and other weapons without getting suspended under zero tolerance.

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I can develop my curricula to my children.

I can take my kids to the library/museum/educational event during the week on the spur of the moment, and they can enjoy them without having 25 other classmates bugging them. :)

Those are the first things that pop to mind.

I'm transitioning out now, but these are still the things I enjoy for my youngest child.

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