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Math Mammoth on HSBC


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FWIW on the series...I use the Light blue for main curriculum...then in problem areas (like the time and making change for my ds) I've gone back and gotten the blue books for more review. It's the same concepts, but different problems. You can also use the worksheet generator that you get in the download.


Does the worksheet generator come with the Blue series or just Light Blue?

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I have another question--

Is the "Everything package" just the "all inclusive" package PLUS "Make it real?"


if so, then getting "all inclusive" and "make it real" SEPARATELY is cheaper than the "everything" package. Am I seeing this right?


if they are 40% off then:


Make it Real $24 + All Incl $112 = $136


Everything = $141??


That's what I'm seeing, too.

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I have another question--

Is the "Everything package" just the "all inclusive" package PLUS "Make it real?"


if so, then getting "all inclusive" and "make it real" SEPARATELY is cheaper than the "everything" package. Am I seeing this right?


if they are 40% off then:


Make it Real $24 + All Incl $112 = $136


Everything = $141??


You can also get the all inclusive CD's for $115 and the books if you don't want downloads...It still only comes out to $139...I would do that because I would rather have CD's than downloads...

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I have another question--

Is the "Everything package" just the "all inclusive" package PLUS "Make it real?"


if so, then getting "all inclusive" and "make it real" SEPARATELY is cheaper than the "everything" package. Am I seeing this right?


if they are 40% off then:


Make it Real $24 + All Incl $112 = $136


Everything = $141??


Everything Bundle includes the States by the Numbers Bundle, which is normally $20. Apparently you can't get that through the co-op unless you get everything. The All Inclusive Bundle doesn't includes States by the Numbers.


(the SbtN bundle is easy to miss! I was looking and looking and looking and finally noticed that difference)

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I was wondering about this, too. I have no idea which package I want to order. :confused:


Someone correct me if I am wrong, but I bought the light blue and the blue, and the worksheet generator only came with the light blue package...The blue package is just the work and the answers...All the "extra" stuff comes with the light blue...

If you are buying the entire set like we all have to do, I would buy the light blue before I buy the blue...The blue is specific subjects, but the light blue will cover everything...

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Does the worksheet generator come with the Blue series or just Light Blue?



I think it only comes with the light blue, but I could be wrong. I purchased 2A & B and received the generator. I have purchased the Time and Money Blue books and didn't get a separate generator.

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Everything Bundle includes the States by the Numbers Bundle, which is normally $20. Apparently you can't get that through the co-op unless you get everything. The All Inclusive Bundle doesn't includes States by the Numbers.


(the SbtN bundle is easy to miss! I was looking and looking and looking and finally noticed that difference)


Looking at SBTN on her site, the bundle for all 50 states is $20, but one state is $3. I looked at the North Dakota sample and I can't imagine doing more than 1 state workbook with a kid, even if you move a lot ;).

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Looking at SBTN on her site, the bundle for all 50 states is $20, but one state is $3. I looked at the North Dakota sample and I can't imagine doing more than 1 state workbook with a kid, even if you move a lot ;).


Ha! I didn't even look at what they were. Now I ned to go back and look at samples!


Btw, I placed my order for light blue and make it real. Let's get this up to 50!

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Well, I just ordered mine...:taking deep breath:... along with Progeny Press (had to place 2 orders to get what I needed for the grades I'm teaching...hopefully that helps! lol)


HSC is a great resource. I will be looking at them regularly!

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This looks like the place to post my question!!! :)


Finished Saxon Math K with DD#1 and received Saxon Math 1 - didn't like the look of it one bit. Looks like "Death by Overwhelming Amounts of Review"


Researched Math Mammoth - and I like the looks of it. I like her web page. I like that she's available by email. I even sent in a tip (paint a white line on #5 & #6 bead on Melissa & Doug abacus so you can see the groupings by 5) and within 24 hrs she responded and had posted my tip in her FAQs! (love this lady!)


But what I want to know, because I can't find ANY negative reviews of Math Mammoth online, is what ARE the drawbacks? if you supplement with a different curriculum, why? If you use MM as supplement for another curriculum, why do you prefer the other one?


I'm hoping to jump in on the group buy of the Light Blue series for 1-6, and I"m the type of gal who likes to make a decision and stick with it for years and years. (I don't like change, unless I paid with a $20.) Money is tight, so I cannot afford to buy curriculum I'm not going to use, and I like to know all the drawbacks up front.


So please, respond with any and all drawbacks of Math Mammoth for me to consider.



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My two are 7 and 5. I purchased the Light Blue last fall for dd (7). She's almost half way through 1a. We're going very slowly with ds on 1a now. We didn't do any formal math with dd for grade 1, so we decide to start her with 1 and work through until she reached grade level. Right now that would be grade 2. I'm anticipating we'll catch up next year.


As both dh and I teach the kids, MM works for us. He's not into lesson planning and I'm not into scripts. So far MM not only teaches the kids but works for our schedules.


I think if you want a scripted curriculum, this might not be it. We utilize different manipulatives to drive home a concept but it doesn't explicitly tell you when to do this. There are websites and resources at the start of each chapter in the light blue series to also provide additional drills. My children have enjoyed these along with the games. There is also a worksheet generator that comes with the package so you can create additional worksheets for topics that need more review.

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Thanks for the reply!

I'm not really interested in a scripted curriculum. I read them verbatim, and then I'm a wooden and boring teacher. Math is my strong point and passion, but I'm most versed in upper-math. So I just purchased a used copy of Knowing and Teaching Elementray Mathematics because I so want to know more and be the best math teacher I can be. http://www.amazon.com/Knowing-Teaching-Elementary-Mathematics-Understanding/dp/0805829091


We have tons of manipulatives, but I think DD is already learning to think abstractly and relying too much on manipulatives might hinder her in the long run, like in this blog post: http://homeschoolmath.blogspot.com/2007/04/what-is-real-value-of-manipulatives-in.html


Thanks again!

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But what I want to know, because I can't find ANY negative reviews of Math Mammoth online, is what ARE the drawbacks? if you supplement with a different curriculum, why? If you use MM as supplement for another curriculum, why do you prefer the other one?




Here's a recent thread you might find useful. We use and love MM personally. :tongue_smilie:



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Finished Saxon Math K with DD#1 and received Saxon Math 1 - didn't like the look of it one bit. Looks like "Death by Overwhelming Amounts of Review"


That's about how my son felt about Saxon 1 in school. At the same time that they were doing math facts sheets, they'd also still have a problem on their worksheet saying "Color 8 blocks red. How many are not colored?" If they can work that math facts sheet, do they still need to color blocks red? And every.single.worksheet looked almost exactly the same each day. The changes were so minor that *I* was bored.


Researched Math Mammoth - and I like the looks of it. I like her web page. I like that she's available by email. I even sent in a tip (paint a white line on #5 & #6 bead on Melissa & Doug abacus so you can see the groupings by 5) and within 24 hrs she responded and had posted my tip in her FAQs! (love this lady!)

Cool! I e-mailed her when she updated the first grade curriculum. I had ordered from CurrClick and hadn't gotten an e-mail announcement. She e-mailed me back within an HOUR and said she'd had issues with sending out an e-mail via CurrClick, but she gave me instructions on how to get the update. Very friendly and prompt and helpful.


But what I want to know, because I can't find ANY negative reviews of Math Mammoth online, is what ARE the drawbacks?

The biggest complaint I've seen has been that there are a LOT of problems on a page, and that overwhelms some children. Also, the writing space was a bit small for the first and second grades (first has been fixed), though my handwriting-is-the-weakness 6 year old boy hasn't had problems with the spaces for writing numbers. The only problem we had in the grade 1 was when they were supposed to write number words, and the blank was long enough to type the number word, not for a 6 year old to write it. But that was just a few pages at most, and I got around it by using scratch paper to write the words. I didn't dwell on the number words either, because I figured he'd work on those when spelling. He did learn to put the hyphen between the tens and the ones, and I gave him a cheat sheet for spelling for the chapter test (I wrote all the number words 0-10, 20-100 by tens, so he had to still figure out it was twenty-three, but he could spell "twenty" and "three").


We haven't yet run into writing space issues in grade 2, but we're only 2 chapters in. The grade 1 has been edited to provide more space, though I didn't try it out. I already had the old version printed, and since my son wasn't having a problem, there was no point in using the new version.


Anyway, we've been using MM from 1A to 1B to 2A, and I've been very happy with it. I started out supplementing with MEP, but then realized I just didn't need to supplement. It stands alone quite nicely. My son enjoys it, and it doesn't overwhelm him (besides, if there are a ton of problems on one page, I'll sometimes assign only half of them, as Maria Miller suggests). I looked at Singapore at a convention last weekend, and it had so few problems on a page - no wonder they need a gazillion books! And I just didn't see anything in that program that I was going to like over MM (for THIS child... another child might need a more colorful, cartoony book with very few problems per page... in which case I would consider Singapore, grudgingly :D). MM is the first curriculum I ever bought (while afterschooling), and it's one of the few curricula that I have had NO desire to change since I started full time homeschooling. I plan to go all the way through grade 6. I will probably add some fun things like Challenge Math and Life of Fred, and I did order the Make It Real package through the HSBC co-op (I figured for $20, I'd try it out, as I liked the samples... haven't seen any reviews on it yet). I figure those things will be fun when DS is a bit older and ready for a change now and then. But as far as learning how to do math, MM so far has covered everything and covered it very well, broken down into appropriate steps to get us there.

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I've been doing MM1a and now 1b with dd6. I like how solid and focused MM is, as well as and how gentle the progression is. We also do MEP along with it. MEP has a bit more variety, at least at this level. It also hits operations from different angles, requiring more flexible thinking IMO. But we have only done MM at this one level so I can't comment down the road. DD doesn't *not like* mm but she doesn't love it either. MEP usually has 1 or 2 things each day that she gets excited about. Since MEP is spiral and MM mastery, I feel good about the fact that MM drills in the concepts. I would be afraid of holes doing MEP alone. That is not to say that I see holes in MEP at this point, but since it does jump around and is different from my experience, I like the combination of the 2. Then it is easier to cross out things in either program if it seems like overkill. 2 thumbs up for MM though!

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HSBC is at 152 orders. That puts us at 40% savings so far with almost a month to go still. The blue price download is at $57 and could drop to $47.50 if we get 98 more orders. The light blue price is at $76.80 and could drop to $64 with 98 more orders. It appears the quantity is on total orders placed for MM, not by level or color or book or whatever.

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what would have the most help and practice with elementary word problems?


Maria Miller has a link to Ray's Arithmetic which is so old it's free online. it is ALL word problems from the beginning.


This is her blog post where she links to Ray's Arithmetic. She mentions it near the end of the article.



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Maria Miller has a link to Ray's Arithmetic which is so old it's free online. it is ALL word problems from the beginning.


This is her blog post where she links to Ray's Arithmetic. She mentions it near the end of the article.





Thank you for this download! It is exactly what I've been looking for!

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