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FAV readers BESIDES bob books?


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Mine used to love the 'Brand New Readers'. They were short stories that came in sets of 4 books. We used to have all of them and the girls would read them over and over again. There are a lot to choose from on Amazon. :)


After that, they loved the A to Z Mysteries and Magic Treehouse chapter books.

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The Primary Phonics reader sets are really good......they are by the same company that publishes Explode the Code. Check your library....ours have them. Otherwise they are about $20 per set. http://www.christianbook.com/Christian/Books/easy_find?action=Search&Ntk=multiple.series&Nso=1&Ns=product.published_date&Ntt=Primary%20Phonics



These are used in our Memoria Press K program, and I much prefer them to Bob books.

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The Primary Phonics reader sets are really good......they are by the same company that publishes Explode the Code. Check your library....ours have them. Otherwise they are about $20 per set. http://www.christianbook.com/Christian/Books/easy_find?action=Search&Ntk=multiple.series&Nso=1&Ns=product.published_date&Ntt=Primary%20Phonics


:iagree: My son used these in Montessori 1st grade--he actually copied out Ben Bug for school.


I also wrote lots of notes and some of my own small stories (Mom Rocks!-- a true classic, as is Jog, Mom, Jog! :D).


After the first set of Primary Phonics, my dd started reading some of the old Suess readers--Hop on Pop, Put Me in The Zoo, etc. These were fun stories and more "real." The hardest for her was A Fly Went By.


A couple of months after that, she was ready for Little House in The Big Woods.

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My kids really like the readers we print at the Progressive Phonics. The catch is that you have to sit with the kids, because only some of the words, the ones in big bold letters, are meant for the child to read. I like this because the little stories are more entertaining than BOB books or other readers.

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The Primary Phonics reader sets are really good......they are by the same company that publishes Explode the Code. Check your library....ours have them. Otherwise they are about $20 per set. http://www.christianbook.com/Christian/Books/easy_find?action=Search&Ntk=multiple.series&Nso=1&Ns=product.published_date&Ntt=Primary%20Phonics


I like these as well. They are wonderful phonics books.


My son especially liked them because there was some good "boy stuff" in there. Things like a bee stinging someone and that someone going nuts, maybe (not sure) a guy with a gun chasing an animal, general "troublesome" stuff going on. Maybe sort of like Peter Rabbit situations - the bad rabbit, the mean man chasing Peter with the rake, Peter sent to bed with no blackberries. Now all the books are not this way, but the ones that were definitely got my son laughing and wanting to read the next page to see where the trouble would take the characters.

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