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How do you feel about getting songs as the ring when you call someone?

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I've never had this happen. Is it a cell phone thing?


Yes, I'm fairly sure it is just for cell phones. The ring never occurs, it just goes strait to a song until the voicemail picks up or the person answers.


I think I'm getting old. I'm having a hard time adapting. Who knew I was so attached to the sound of a ring? :001_smile:



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I think I'm getting old. I'm having a hard time adapting. Who knew I was so attached to the sound of a ring? :001_smile:


I'm with you. I'm so attached to the 'ring' that it's what my cell phone plays when I receive a call. Old fashioned 1950 ring.

Most people give me a WEIRD look, or start laughing when they hear it.

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I like it! Mine plays classical music for you when you call. :D But first it says "please enjoy the music while your party is being reached" then it plays the music.


I could handle that. Pretty much everyone likes classical so it does not presume your caller has the same taste in music. Most of the ringtones I have heard are obnoxious, distorted music which makes me want to hang up the phone.

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I absolutely hate them, what the heck makes a person think I want to listen to THEIR music while I wait for them to answer their phone? Blech.


Ewww... never thought about it that way. I got rid of the music on my blog for this very reason. I may like the tunes but others may not.

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I like it! Mine plays classical music for you when you call. :D But first it says "please enjoy the music while your party is being reached" then it plays the music.


My db has this exact thing and has for years. He is the only one I know with it though. I have come to associate it with him so when I get the music, I know it's the right number. :)

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I have a friend who has the bling service in her phone. When I call her I listen to a commercial and then it connects me to her phone line. She gets paid for every call that comes through.


I don't like it and much rather listen to a phone ringing.

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I have a friend who has the bling service in her phone. When I call her I listen to a commercial and then it connects me to her phone line. She gets paid for every call that comes through.


I don't like it and much rather listen to a phone ringing.




I had no idea it had gotten this bad.


I guess I see the revenue benefits...


I'd never subject anyone to that.

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These kinds of things are very popular over here, but I get confused when I call and hear music (doesn't take much for me, lol).. also, they are really into the different ringtones; I don't mind the different songs or whatever, but some have realistic noises and that always throw me.. I was in a waiting room at the hospital and someone's phone was ringing that had the sound of a cat mewing.. I kept looking around everywhere for a cat, lol!



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I can't get used to it. It makes me think I've made a mistake in dialing.


I just called a person for the first time and got a creepy song in my ear until she picked up- it just weirds me out.





The first time I called someone and I got music it freaked me out a bit. I was not expecting to hear hard rock, or any music for that matter. Just recently I dialed and heard one of my favorite songs... started singing... and then the phone was answered. Oops! Hope she liked my version of her song. My guess is that happens quite a bit.

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My husband and I have songs on our phones. Nobody calls me on it except for my husband and my mother and they like my song choice, if anyone calls and doesn't like it they are welcome to hang up, I don't like to talk on the phone anyway. ;) Seriously though, how is it different from having a quote that shows up on all your posts here?


Kate H :auto:

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I have a friend who has the bling service in her phone. When I call her I listen to a commercial and then it connects me to her phone line. She gets paid for every call that comes through.


I don't like it and much rather listen to a phone ringing.


That's just tacky.

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These kinds of things are very popular over here, but I get confused when I call and hear music (doesn't take much for me, lol).. also, they are really into the different ringtones; I don't mind the different songs or whatever, but some have realistic noises and that always throw me.. I was in a waiting room at the hospital and someone's phone was ringing that had the sound of a cat mewing.. I kept looking around everywhere for a cat, lol!





Tha cat meow was funny! I actually can see a purpose for different ringtones. When I am out in public and a phone rings, I can tell if it isn't mine.

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I was in a waiting room at the hospital and someone's phone was ringing that had the sound of a cat mewing.. I kept looking around everywhere for a cat, lol!




I don't have a cell phone, but if I did - I'd *have* to get that for my ringtone!! :lol:


(I've never called a cell and heard music - though I haven't actually called that many cells...don't know very many people with them.... but I had music on my voicemail thinger on my normal phone years ago....until it drove everyone nuts. :tongue_smilie: )

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:giggle: better not call me then...You'll hear David Crowder Band belting out "Forever and ever and ever..."


On my end though..oo, I have a feeling you'd really not like that...Skillet's "Rebirthing" LOL

Yeah, at least I kept the harder stuff for MY ears, I know.


I rather like the tunes...but I can understand the gripe of the tunes on the other end not being your style. But, I just don't think it's *that* big of a deal...you're not listening to it forever. It's not the whole song. What's it last...like 15 seconds? It would have to be a REALLY loud and irritating song for a mere 15 seconds to get my goat, ya know?

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I find it annoying. My dh accidentaly did that to his phone, and his line is his business number. It was some insane version of take me out to the ballgame. He couldn't figure out how to get it off. It was a couple of days before he had to call Sprint to have them help, I almost refused to call him during that time.


Classical music I wouldn't mind so much.

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:giggle: better not call me then...You'll hear David Crowder Band belting out "Forever and ever and ever..."


On my end though..oo, I have a feeling you'd really not like that...Skillet's "Rebirthing" LOL

Yeah, at least I kept the harder stuff for MY ears, I know.


I rather like the tunes...but I can understand the gripe of the tunes on the other end not being your style. But, I just don't think it's *that* big of a deal...you're not listening to it forever. It's not the whole song. What's it last...like 15 seconds? It would have to be a REALLY loud and irritating song for a mere 15 seconds to get my goat, ya know?


:iagree: I had no idea it was such an issue for others. But I like it! :thumbup:

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I absolutely hate them, what the heck makes a person think I want to listen to THEIR music while I wait for them to answer their phone? Blech.


I was returning a call to my SIL on her ds cell phone and he has a ringback tone. I can't stand them!!!

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I've only gotten numbers that have some nasty hard rock stuff. I didn't know if they actually picked that, or if it was some rotating music. I would never put that on my phone, in fear of offending others. People obviously pick what they like, but that doesn't mean others will appreciate it.

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Well, it is the same adolescent mentality as the next door neighbor who leaves his car running in the drive way with his music cranked up while he is inside his house. Or the person who leaves his car at the pumps with music blaring while he is inside the service station. Or the teens who drive down my road with their little hatchback cars rattling to pieces from all the loud bass. There is this egocentric assumption that the rest of the world wants to hear *their* music (sometimes at 5am :cursing:)


Another reason the ring-back tones are so annoying for me is they tend to be distorted, poor-quality recordings (of bad music :D).

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I've only encountered the ringback a couple of times, and I can't get used to it. It makes me feel like I'm on hold--like the person doesn't want to talk to me just yet, so here's some music to keep me occupied.


I suppose I'm just showing my age here...


Though I'm really showing my age when my mother calls my cell phone and I hear, instead of a phone ringing, Lily Tomlin as Ernestine saying, "if you don't pick up the phone I'm going to get strident!!":D

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My husband and I have songs on our phones. Nobody calls me on it except for my husband and my mother and they like my song choice, if anyone calls and doesn't like it they are welcome to hang up, I don't like to talk on the phone anyway. ;) Seriously though, how is it different from having a quote that shows up on all your posts here?


Kate H :auto:


Well, the quotes aren't FORCED on you, like the ringback tones are. You call someone, you aren't calling to hear their favorite song, KWIM? You don't have to read the signature lines here, they aren't the first thing you see when you click on a post- they are at the bottom of the message so the first words you see are the post itself. Totally different.

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:giggle: better not call me then...You'll hear David Crowder Band belting out "Forever and ever and ever..."


On my end though..oo, I have a feeling you'd really not like that...Skillet's "Rebirthing" LOL

Yeah, at least I kept the harder stuff for MY ears, I know.


I rather like the tunes...but I can understand the gripe of the tunes on the other end not being your style. But, I just don't think it's *that* big of a deal...you're not listening to it forever. It's not the whole song. What's it last...like 15 seconds? It would have to be a REALLY loud and irritating song for a mere 15 seconds to get my goat, ya know?


LOL. I like both your song selections! But I like them on the stereo in my car. It's getting a song instead of a ring that just...just...just...I'm just so confused!:D


I think it will become more widespread- oh well. I always have the choice to hang up. Actually, I don't. The calls I was making yesterday were official in nature. I guess I'm stuck.;)



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It does take some getting used to I suppose. I remember being a bit....taken aback..the first time I heard something other than a ring on the other end. I didn't personally care for the song..but quickly thought..well, that's a neat option nonetheless. I guess I get tired of 'same ole same ole'.


It *would* stink if you had to listen to it for a long time...thinking that hideous 'musak' (is that how you spell it?) when on hold or in an elevator :p

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These kinds of things are very popular over here, but I get confused when I call and hear music (doesn't take much for me, lol).. also, they are really into the different ringtones; I don't mind the different songs or whatever, but some have realistic noises and that always throw me.. I was in a waiting room at the hospital and someone's phone was ringing that had the sound of a cat mewing.. I kept looking around everywhere for a cat, lol!





A good friend of mine has her phone set to holler "Mom, someone's on the phone!" over and over until she answers it. The first couple of times I was with her and it rang it took me by surprise!

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