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Ear crackling = Giant bug?

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My son had a small black bug fly into his ear once. My other son had a teammate who had a bug fly in his ear a baseball game -- while he was pitching!! In both cases we flushed with peroxide/water and got them out. Gives me the heebie jeebies just thinking about it. I hope your problem is solved... I might flush a few more times just to be sure.

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I am soooooo glad you got at least one leg out. Now, do you have a plan for the rest of it?



LOLOLOLOLOL Okay don't kill me.....:smash:


I wonder if her thread looked like any of these.....


Oh my gosh! Laughing . . . so . . . hard!!!!!! This is hilarious!


My first thought was blood too. Do you have a microscope? My kids would look at it for you!!!

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I am soooooo glad you got at least one leg out. Now, do you have a plan for the rest of it?



LOLOLOLOLOL Okay don't kill me.....:smash:




Well, there goes the overwhelming sense of relief I'd felt... :tongue_smilie:


But the crackling has stopped and if anything is in there, it's certainly dead now. I'm still counting one for the win column. The other five (seven?) legs and body will just have to wait until my next flu shot to come out, I guess. :D

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Oh my gosh! Laughing . . . so . . . hard!!!!!! This is hilarious!


My first thought was blood too. Do you have a microscope? My kids would look at it for you!!!


Er, no. Believe me, when you've just poured something like that out of your ear, the last thing you want is to see it at a microscopic level. ;)

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When I was a kid, the school nurse came to ea classroom to explain personal hygiene. She said that if you weren't *really* clean, GIANT TEXAS cockroaches would crawl into your ears while you were sleeping & that they were *really* hard to get out. She described the tweezers & body parts.


Now that I know everyone doesn't get that speech (every year, if not more), I'm thinking that might have qualified as child abuse. That's probably when I quit sleeping at night. :lol: :svengo:

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Oh my gosh! Laughing . . . so . . . hard!!!!!! This is hilarious!


My first thought was blood too. Do you have a microscope? My kids would look at it for you!!!

I thought the same thing too. :)

Glad you ear is feeling better and the crackling sound has stopped.

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When I was a kid, the school nurse came to ea classroom to explain personal hygiene. She said that if you weren't *really* clean, GIANT TEXAS cockroaches would crawl into your ears while you were sleeping & that they were *really* hard to get out. She described the


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The bug thing happened to a friend of mine. I don't recall her mentioning any noises, but she had intense pain. Her father poured some kind of medicine into her ear that dulled the pain, but her ear still felt clogged. They went to the doctor, and he pulled out a huge (dead) cockroach. He explained that it does happen fairly often, the pain was from the roach biting her, and the medicine likely killed the roach, causing the pain to stop.:eek:


I was fine until I got here. Earplugs and bright lamps tonight.

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Anyone else getting the scene from Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan in their heads right now? You know, THAT CERTAIN SCENE that I can't watch with my eyes open?


Yeah, probably shouldn't have opened this thread. :lol:

Within two days I made my mom take me to the doctor so I could have my ears professionally checked for bugs.

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Well, I'm glad to hear the problem has been solved for now, but several years ago I felt like I was going deaf in one ear. No matter what I did, including having it irrigated at the dr.s office, I could not get my ear unplugged. Finally I went to a specialist and found out that there was FUNGUS growing in there. I kid you now. Dr. said it is not that uncommon. Well, he had some special tools and eventually dug it all out, but, geez, talk about gross!

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Why did I just read all seven pages of this thread? :lol:


OP~ So glad it's resolved.....sort of disappointed there are no pictures though LOL


(I have issues):001_huh::lol:


I thought about trying, but my camera isn't the greatest- it would have come out as a bowl with a red speck. I once tried to take a picture of the biggest, nastiest spider I have ever seen, and it came out as a tiny black blur. But if anything else comes out, I promise to try to get a few shots. :001_smile:

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When I was done, there was a teeny, tiny little red thing in the bowl, either a piece of thread or some kind of little worm or larva- not sure which, and I really don't want to know. :tongue_smilie: But for the moment, the crackling has stopped. If it returns I'm going straight to the doctor, but for now, I'm tentatively claiming victory.


Wax came out of his ear in a thread that looked like a worm.



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