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s/o: The severe weather in Houston video

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Loved it!


We have had -26 temps w/o windchill and ALL grocery stores and businesses are shut down due to the Texas Electricity problems. No natural gas for over 10K folks in our area( northern NM) but we are not panicking!!


Thanks for the chuckle.

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That is so, so true! There was an expert plumber (*gasp*) on the evening news last night not just exhorting us to "wrap your pipes!!" but explaining, in detail, how to go about doing that. ("It's too late to find the foam wrapping in the stores! You're going to have to use towels!")


Half an inch of snow on the ground this morning, and all schools and the state university were shut down. 200 accidents so far. The kids are in ecstasy. What is this white stuff on the ground? Manna? Cold manna!:D

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Oh, man... I distinctly remember when we lived there watching a newscaster say "it's 34 degrees right now, at any second the bridges and overpasses could freeze". They interrupted tv all morning to tell us bridges and overpasses *might* freeze. They are hilarious.


The sad thing is that they're not being THAT overblown. Once the main bridge in my town freezes, everything grinds (or slides and smashes into a guardrail blocking 4 lanes of traffic) to a halt. This morning they shut down all the toll roads and HOV lanes, basically any road they can actually block off and called out the dump trucks with aggregate to try to make the bridges and overpasses passable. Dump trucks! Aggregate! There is no way to clear or salt a road here at all.

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