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Prednisone & Autoimmune Hepatitis & Prayers

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The hepatologist's office called yesterday. The doctor is going to try me on prednisone for 2 weeks (20 mg/day), and if it brings my counts down (alt/ast) he's going to make the conclusion that I have autoimmune hepatitis. These counts have been elevated since at October 2009, and I have scarring and inflammation in my liver. None of my other bloodwork is abnormal (except my rheumatoid factor is slightly elevated).


The treatment for autoimmune hepatitis is long term prednisone, at the lowest dose that keeps the disease in check. From what I've read, anywhere from a couple of years to life. This scares the bejeebers out of me.


I go to a rheumatologist on Tuesday for joint pain (so I won't start the prednisone until Wednesday). It would be nice if he looked at my bloodwork and symptoms and comes up with another idea about the cause.


Anyway, I would appreciate prayers for peace (complete healing would be wonderful as well), and wisdom. And if you could pray that I won't react badly to the prednisone. It would be nice to be pain free, but I'm very scared of the weight gain, moon face, and mood issues.

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I will be praying for you for complete healing and recovery. FWIW, my mom has been on long term prednisone for about five years for multiple autoimmune diseases and has not experienced any nasty side effects.


Thank you for telling me this; it's very encouraging.

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Praying hon. FWIW weight gain, moon face, and mood issues are not a given. I've got an autoimmune issue that requires long term prednisone use. I took it for 5 years pretty much straight before weaning myself off.


The weight gain can be dealt with if you don't give in to the carb cravings. Have cut or dried fruit on hand. Have salad ready to put into a bowl. Think of other healthy things you can munch on. Granola?


I never had moon face or mood issues (caused by the prednisone.)


Do increase your calcium/magnesium intake. Also a bit of strength training exercise if you are up to it. Oral prednisone settles in your bones and leeches bone density. You'll want to consider a bone density test every couple of years to check for osteoporosis.


Good luck.

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I'll address the mood change issue. I had to be on pred for a while, and I retained my lovely, gracious personality.


Are you rotflol yet???


No, really, a cousin of mine was on it, and she had some mood swings, but it didn't bother me at all. She wanted to know why it didn't make me crazy, and I told her the obvious answer was because I was already there. At any rate, whatever my mood is, I didn't have any swings!

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hoping for an easier "fix"...




ps. fwiw, i've done 7 months straight of 20 predn, twice, and several month long times pretty much annually, and had no issues. what helped most was making sure i got aerobic exercise every day. about 4 pm, i would get "irritable", and if i exercised (walking videos were my salvation when the weather was bad), then that dealt with that (it also dealt with any potential weight gain i guess). it did affect my sleep over time, so some nights i added in another dose of exercise....


at twice that dosage, i need at least 40min-hr a day of exercise to keep the witchiness at bay.... and to be able to sleep.


over the years, there is the potential to develop a slight widow's hump, which i have even with all the calcium + D supplements... but so much better than the alternatives!




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