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What is the convenient way to drink hot green tea all day long?

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I'm converting my -hot coffee all morning, soda in the afternoon- habit into a green tea habit. But, it's terribly inconvenient. With my coffee pot, I could grab a cup while everyone took a bathroom break. I've been brewing my green tea a cup at a time. There must be some obvious step I'm missing. Can I brew a pot of green tea in my coffee maker? Or should it not set there over a few hours?

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I drink tea all day long. I don't know if my way is an option, but I'll throw it out there. I have a hot (almost boiling) tap on my kitchen sink. I use loose leaf tea with a brewing cup from Teavana. Most of the teas can be brewed more than once, so I keep the leaves for my next cup.


Alternatively, I would use your coffee maker to keep hot water all day and brew your tea each time you drink it. My green and white teas only brew for 1-2 minutes, so that isn't much of a wait. Tea can get bitter if it sits too long.

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I have such a dirty mind. I can't stop giggling.


Environmentally proper...um, teA. Okay, my mind is going places too. *giggle*.



However, to make the actual green tea I simply brew a pot of hot water in my coffee pot and put the tea bag into a mug. I've been sipping green tea all afternoon.

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If you use hot water that's been in a coffee pot, the tea might taste bad. (I love coffee and I like tea, but tea out of a coffee cup or pot tastes terrible, ime.)


You want a teapot with a tea cozy. Get your water hot in a kettle, then make your tea in the pot with a couple of tea bags. Put the cozy on. In a few minutes, after the tea's brewed, take the bags out of the pot (this'll keep it from getting over-brewed and bitter). Put the cozy back on. The cozy should keep the pot hot for quite awhile.


You might also rinse the pot with the boiling water before brewing the tea - that heats the ceramic.


Check times and temps for green tea though; I usually brew black, and I know the times and temps are slightly different for green.

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I'm not sure the exact logistics, but I know someone who puts loose tea in the top portion of the coffee maker and brews a pot at a time that way. Her tea is wonderful.


I believe the pot was never used for coffee. I think a coffee pot that brewed coffee would probably have some coffee residue. I know my dh uses the same mug for his very strong coffee all the time. We was the mug daily. I used his mug by accident once--I couldn't taste my tea, it was awful. I suspect to use a coffee maker you'd need a new one that had not brewed coffee before. Maybe I'm wrong...


I drink a few cups of tea throughout the day. I just boil water on the stove and use tea bags not loose tea. Maybe I will graduate one day.

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Well, the romantic side of me wants a new ceramic teapot with a cozy.


The side of me that drinks a LOT of tea wants the air pot.



I do have an electric water heater to heat the water, but it doesn't keep it warm. My coffeepot is stained by coffee, so it probably would taint the tea. Even if just used to hold the water warm and not brewed.

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I do have an electric water heater to heat the water, but it doesn't keep it warm. My coffeepot is stained by coffee, so it probably would taint the tea. Even if just used to hold the water warm and not brewed.


Oh, that's what I was going to suggest: Do as the Brits do and just brew a fresh cup every time. When we were in England, all the hotels & B&Bs had something like this in the room


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There is this amazing invention. It's called a "Tea Pot" :D


BTW Green Tea should not be brewed with boiling hot water (it makes the tea bitter). Since it is inconvenient to heat water to less than a boil, I add some cold water to the tea pot, then add boiling water from the kettle to the pot.


If anyone asks me how to boil water....:tongue_smilie:



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I do have an electric water heater to heat the water, but it doesn't keep it warm. My coffeepot is stained by coffee, so it probably would taint the tea. Even if just used to hold the water warm and not brewed.

My in-laws have an electric water heater that they just turn on when they want hot water--it only takes a few minutes.

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There is this amazing invention. It's called a "Tea Pot"

I'm from the south. I grew up drinking sweet tea, not hot tea. The whole idea of a tea pot is foreign. But, I'm intrigued.


BTW Green Tea should not be brewed with boiling hot water (it makes the tea bitter).

Been doing that wrong. And, apparently, I've been brewing it too long. But, honey makes everything better.


If anyone asks me how to boil water....


That's what my electric water boiler is for.

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I use a cheapo version of this airpot when I make coffee and hot water (tea) for a Bible study that meets at my home one evening a week. Last week, I filled the carafe with boiling water from my teakettle at 6:45 pm, and it was still steaming the next morning when I emptied out the remainder. These work very well.



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