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UPDATE on my Mom -- I am back home............

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Mom is in rehab.


Before I write anything else, I have to comment -- Molly said in her post that is on the board right now that she will never again NOT ask for prayers from this group, b/c things do not go as well without the prayers of the wonderful women here. :iagree:


Liz in Ca made a statement to me that has been worth so much when I have been talking with my mom the past few days -- my mom is SO resistant to any kind of change and was of course balking at the thought of going to rehab. Liz told me that it is important for my mom to know that if she hopes to regain the level of independence that she had prior to her ankle fracture, then she definitely needed to go to rehab. That pearl of wisdom from Liz has worked wonders. :grouphug:


My mom was discharged form the hospital yesterday (Friday) and is rehabbing at a wonderful faciliy in Millville, NJ - the only facility to which her orthopod will discharge his patients.


My dd Stacey and her husband visited her last night, put her in a wheelchair and took her on a tour of the facility which sounds rather like DisneyWorld for folks who have injured themselves.:D Stacey made my mom an appointment for 'Music and Manicure' for this afternoon, a wash and blow dry after that, there is church service tomorrow, 'Bring your Pet' to visit today - my sister will be bringing their dog who adores my mom and is despondent over her absence.


I will probably go up sometime next week or next weekend to visit - I have been sleeping SO MUCH I guess to make up for the lack of sleep I had in the hospital. Yesterday the kids and I were out of the house for 12 hours with co-op and Odyssey of the Mind.


I canot tell you all how I appreciate your prayers --and how I covet them for my mom's rehab and healing. Specifically, I want my mom to be comfortable in the facility and take her time about being discharged to my sister's home -- you can read on below if you can stand the DRAMA.


Thank you all again -- you all have been an amazing support to me!:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:


The DRAMA (if you have a strong stomach :tongue_smilie:):

it is hard on my sister to see my mother in the hospital b/c of course it is upsetting, but beyond that, it means that my sister has to figure out who will be her 'wife' b/c essentially that is what my mother is to her. My sister puts in 12-18 hours days -- most of that time out of the house. My mom puts my sister's dd on the school bus, is at home when she gets off the bus, my mom does ALL the laundry (sis, her dh, their daughter and my two nieces when they come home from college), she cooks all the meals, makes the dd's lunch every day for school, drives her to all her after school activities, and cleans the house -- a large house. This has been going on for 19 years since my dad died and my mom moved in with them. My sister and her dh take at least three vacations a year (never less than two weeks at a time) and go off to Hawaii or wherever and my mom stays home with their 9 y/o and does everything.

I am thrilled that my mom is in rehab (she was transported there today). She is not thrilled about it, but I told her that no one is - no one wants to have an injury that lands them in rehab. She will do the therapy and get used to it - imo, she has no choice. She sounded good when I talked to her earlier. Having visitors will help and my dd31 and her dh are making sure she gets visitors. My fil is a pastor and he and my mil live very near to the facility -- and my mom enjoys their visits - my fil spent the afternoon with my mom on Tuesday prior to her going into surgery. They will be good visitors as well.


I told my mom to stay the entire 20 days in rehab and then think about coming here to visit -- I told her that even though I am busy, I am home a fair amount of time and she wouldn't be alone and she could try out the skills she learned in rehab. I know as sure as I am sitting here that my sister will NEVER allow that.

Edited by MariannNOVA
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:grouphug: Mariann, I'm so glad this is all working out. I pray for you often. God is incredible, and your mom is in the best of hands.


I wonder if you mom likes having the Alice roll in your sister's Brady Bunch? My sister's mil does all this covertly. She's gotten better over the past decade, but she still sneaks in at night to do their laundrey (no I am not joking). My mil comes to visit and ends up cleaning, which sort of offends me (what, I'm not doing a good enough job?!?), but I've learned it's her way of 'helping.' This is not a problem with my mom (who hands me a chore list when I go to visit), but I think for the other two moms there is this need to mother hen when they can. Just a thought ;)

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:grouphug: Mariann, I'm so glad this is all working out. I pray for you often. God is incredible, and your mom is in the best of hands.


I wonder if you mom likes having the Alice roll in your sister's Brady Bunch? My sister's mil does all this covertly. She's gotten better over the past decade, but she still sneaks in at night to do their laundrey (no I am not joking). My mil comes to visit and ends up cleaning, which sort of offends me (what, I'm not doing a good enough job?!?), but I've learned it's her way of 'helping.' This is not a problem with my mom (who hands me a chore list when I go to visit), but I think for the other two moms there is this need to mother hen when they can. Just a thought ;)


:grouphug:You are so nice - and I so appreciate your prayers and thoughts. And, thank you for that wonderfully comforting thought - my mom IS in the best of hands.:grouphug::iagree:


Yeah...........no -- my mom IS my sister's wife -- which was a phrase my sister began uttering as soon as she joined her medical practice 22 years ago: "I need a wife." Initially, it was me -- I lived less than a mile away, I was able to be at home while my two dds were in elementary school, and my sister's nanny had quit. So I happily (and do not regret one single bit) became housekeeper and nanny for my niece who was not quite 2 y/o. I didn't LIVE IN, though -- when my dad passed away, and my mom made a hasty decision to sell her home in N. Jersey and move in with my sister and her dh. My mom became the LIVE IN help -- for 19-odd years, she does EVERYTHING AND then retires to her room as soon as dinner is prepared and warming in the oven. I kid you not -- she eats by herself before anyone comes home. Most nights, the dinner mess is still in the kitchen for the most part when my mom comes down in the morning, and my mom cleans it up.


I would love to be able to give my ds the benefit of the doubt here, but, unfortunately, my eyes have been SO opened the past few months (since October) as I have been back and forth to NJ for birthdays, for the loss of Stacey and Mario's baby, and now for this. Nope, it is what it is. My mom does these things b/c it has become her job and if she doesn't, I kid you not, the stuff will not get done.:sad:


Oh, and I will PM you my address -- anytime your sister's MIL wants to sneak in here at night and do our laundry -- I will be certain to leave the door unlocked.;) OMH -- that is HYSTERICAL!:lol:

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Before I write anything else, I have to comment -- Molly said in her post that is on the board right now that she will never again NOT ask for prayers from this group, b/c things do not go as well without the prayers of the wonderful women here. :iagree:




:iagree::iagree: When my son was recently so sick, the turning point in his illness was when ya'll started praying for him. Now I feel bad that I waited a week before asking for prayer. We got a bunch of prayer warriors here! :grouphug::grouphug:


Mariann, I'm so glad your mom is on the mend. I hope the rehab gets her right as rain. :grouphug:

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I'll keep praying for your mom, Mariann!


Have you spoken with your sister about how your mom might not be the best "wife" for her any more? Your mom isn't a kid any more, and I have a feeling that your sister won't be willing to be the caretaker for her when she needs help. (I'm assuming that your sister will say she's too busy to take care of Mom.)


IMO, your sister should hire help in the house, and your mom should be able to spend time with your 9yo niece as she sees fit.


And eating by herself???? What's up with that????


I think you should insist on your mom spending time with you when she gets out of rehab. Let your sister take care of her own life for a while. She sounds like a lazy, spoiled brat, and she needs a taste of reality.


And I'm not entirely blaming your sister for relying on your mom as much as she does. Your mom probably just does everything without a complaint, and we all know that if you let people take advantage of you, they're appreciative at first... and then they start finding more work to pawn off on you. People tend to take advantage of those who are generous with their time and effort, and I have a feeling that your sister has reached that point (and then some) with your mom. If your mom does it all willingly, it's easy and convenient for your sister to assume that Mom enjoys "helping out."



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Your mom sounds like a remarkable person, Mariann. She sounds like the kind of person that will make a full recovery. You come from good stock.


I hope that your sister absolutely falls apart with the household duties. I'm not trying to be mean, I'm just hoping that she will be motivated to set up some alternate arrangements during the time your mom is away, arrangements for either hired help or a change of her own ways that will become permanent.


In addition to prayers for recovery, I will pray that your dm will simply not hear/ be unaffected by any stressful words from your ss (sorry, ds=dear sis, ss=selfish sis).


Perhaps it is time you had a gentle conversation with your mom about the setup of the last two decades. I'm sure that there is some portion of those responsibilities that give her a sense of purpose, and accomplishment. Maybe she can think about what specific activities she'd like to be relieved of. Maybe her sounds-wonderful orthopod can deal the blow to ss about what things dm will not be doing once she returns to the manor.


Here's a :grouphug: and here, you can take my flack jacket. I won't be needing it for a while now that the holidays are over. ;)


ps I just can't help wondering what happened to your ss. You are amazing, your mom sounds like a gem and your kids are terrific, too. How did she turn out like that?

Edited by AuntieM
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I would love to be able to give my ds the benefit of the doubt here, but, unfortunately, my eyes have been SO opened the past few months (since October) as I have been back and forth to NJ for birthdays, for the loss of Stacey and Mario's baby, and now for this. Nope, it is what it is. My mom does these things b/c it has become her job and if she doesn't, I kid you not, the stuff will not get done.:sad:


Oh, and I will PM you my address -- anytime your sister's MIL wants to sneak in here at night and do our laundry -- I will be certain to leave the door unlocked.;) OMH -- that is HYSTERICAL!:lol:

I'm so sorry. It hurts to see our loved ones used... it hurts worse the user is also someone we love :(


Lol, it's more annoying than you might think. It took my sister this long just to get past the creepy factor of her mil sneaking around the house in the middle of the night cleaning :lol:

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I'm glad that your mom is in rehab, Mariann.

Jean: Thank you -- I am relieved. I hope that your dd is better and that you are not sick!!!:grouphug:


:iagree: When my son was recently so sick, the turning point in his illness was when ya'll started praying for him. Now I feel bad that I waited a week before asking for prayer. We got a bunch of prayer warriors here!


Mariann, I'm so glad your mom is on the mend. I hope the rehab gets her right as rain.

Thank you & you are so right about the prayer warriors!:grouphug:


I'm praying for you and your mom, Mariann.
Much appreciated! Thank you so much!:grouphug:


I'll keep praying for your mom, Mariann! Thanks Cat.


Have you spoken with your sister about how your mom might not be the best "wife" for her any more? Um, no. When I want to get shredded into bite sized pieces, I'll just take a dive into a food processor. :glare:Your mom isn't a kid any more, and I have a feeling that your sister won't be willing to be the caretaker for her when she needs help. (I'm assuming that your sister will say she's too busy to take care of Mom.) Everything you say is right on target. Before the accident, my mom was tired; she told my sister she was tired. My sister's response was that she (my sister) would cook dinner one night a week to give my mom a break (I kid you not) -- she cooked dinner once & that was the end of that- - my sister has NEVER been her caretaker. My sister IS too busy -- I am stating this as a fact. Picture a male executive with an extremely demanding career that keeps him out of the house for 15 hours a day -- or more, & when he is home he isn't really THERE -- that individual has a wife at home who is keeping the home fires burning, right? Well, that 'wife' is my mom.


IMO, your sister should hire help in the house, and your mom should be able to spend time with your 9yo niece as she sees fit. My sister should hire a nanny and a live out housekeeper -- the nanny can live in - the housekeeper can live out. You see, though, my sister can keep my mom on a VERY short leash - she would not be able to do that with someone outside of the family. We'll see what happens -- she was telling everyone yesterday that the orthopod told me mom that she can learn everything she has to learn in three days & then she can do home. THAT was NOT what the doc told my mom -- (he lives in the same small town, he knows the score here) -- he told my mom that she could learn everything in rehab in three days & then she should spend the remaining 17 days in rehab resting, getting better, and practicing what she learned.


And eating by herself???? What's up with that???? I've asked my mom that - as have other people. She says that by the end of the day, she just wants to be alone. I think that she SO resents everything she does all day & the neutral attitude with which it is met, her resentment and hurt build up, and she needs to be alone to decompress. My sister tells my mom in no uncertain terms that my mom does all she does in my sister's house (cooking, cleaning, laundry, dog walking, cat feeding, - everything except taking care of niece) b/c it's important to my mom for there to be cooked meals, clean laundry and a house that is not a pig sty -- my sister says that she only cares that niece is taken care of -- she tells my mom that my mom does the other stuff b/c it is important to my mom. Can you believe it?????? My mom should smack her.......and then leave.


I think you should insist on your mom spending time with you when she gets out of rehab. Let your sister take care of her own life for a while. She sounds like a lazy, spoiled brat, and she needs a taste of reality. Can you say SELFISH!!!??? It is the 'SISTER Channel --- ALL SISTER, ALL THE TIME!'


People tend to take advantage of those who are generous with their time and effort, and I have a feeling that your sister has reached that point (and then some) with your mom. If your mom does it all willingly, it's easy and convenient for your sister to assume that Mom enjoys "helping out."



Years ago, a woman who had been friends with my mom forever (they have since had a falling out) told me when she learned that my mom was moving in with my sister: 'Your mom is very very good at giving. Your sister is very very good at taking.' THAT sums it up. They do kind of have the PERFECT CO-DEPENDENT RELATIONSHIP.


Your mom sounds like a remarkable person, Mariann. She sounds like the kind of person that will make a full recovery. You come from good stock. AWWWW -- you are so sweet to say that.


I'm just hoping that she will be motivated to set up some alternate arrangements during the time your mom is away, arrangements for either hired help or a change of her own ways that will become permanent. See, this is what EVERYONE in our family that I speak with is hoping -- everyone has articulated that my mom needs to be away long enough for sis to have to put into place a permanent plan that covers EVERYTHING my mom was doing -- which was, EVERYTHING.


In addition to prayers for recovery, I will pray that your dm will simply not hear/ be unaffected by any stressful words from your ss (sorry, ds=dear sis, ss=selfish sis). That's funny - the ss part - and so true.


Maybe her sounds-wonderful orthopod can deal the blow to ss about what things dm will not be doing once she returns to the manor. Only if I can be a fly on the wall when he does. He already told one of the nurses to tell sis that in this situation, she is the DAUGHTER, not the DOCTOR -- the nurse told the doc that he could relay that message himself -- she wouldn't do it without a whip and a chair. See -- folks know.


you can take my flack jacket. :lol:


ps I just can't help wondering what happened to your ss. You are amazing, your mom sounds like a gem and your kids are terrific, too. How did she turn out like that?

I was a girl, first born in an Italian family -- nothing was expected of me except to marry well (I DID NOT the first time) & have kids. When sis was born, my parents knew they would not have any more kids so she was basically raised with the ambitions & goals that a son in a well to do Italian family (50 yrs ago it was to be a doctor) would have been raised with. Anytime I expressed any desire to do anything beyond college, it was p'shawed, and I was told that I didn't need to know how to do that b/c I was going to be changing diapers. I've struggled ALOT the past few years with anger towards my mom b/c of this and other situations, but I did feel so sorry for her Wednesday when she had the anxiety attack in the hospital that I am thankful I was able to care for her and be a good daughter. My sister was ambitous from the minute she first opened her eyes, and she is quite a bit younger than me. By the time she was in elementary school, we were in a very upper niddle class neighborhood and my parents friends had children who were my sister's age (I was the oldest kid and was kind of overlooked) -- and all those families were quite ambitious. Where we lived, the families on both sides of us and five houses down - so that means 11 families -- every family has at least one doctor in the family and some of the families have two, and some have a doctor and an attorney.


It sounds to me like your mom has become your sister's House Slave, in exchange for room and board.
PRECISELY!!!! Very well put.


This facility sounds like a 5 star hotel. I hope she comes to enjoy it and utilize all that is offered and not even notice that it's rehab. :001_smile:


My daughter Stacey told me the facility is very nice and does indeed look like a hotel -- I told my mom to treat it like a visit to the spa -- a long visit to the spa.


Do you want to know what I'd do? I'd very quietly make arrangements to take mom home to my house a day early. Just bypass everyone else.



THAT is exactly what my dh said we should do -- he said that the day before my mom is to be discharged, we should go and get her and bring her here to Virginia.
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THAT is exactly what my dh said we should do -- he said that the day before my mom is to be discharged, we should go and get her and bring her here to Virginia.


I agree with Parrothead and your DH about this. All you have to have a is a need your mother can fill and she will be happy. Once your sister fills her own staffing requirements, your mother won't feel guilty, hopefully -- especially when she finds out how much these people (she'll need more than one) are being paid.

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I agree with Parrothead and your DH about this. All you have to have a is a need your mother can fill and she will be happy. Once your sister fills her own staffing requirements, your mother won't feel guilty, hopefully -- especially when she finds out how much these people (she'll need more than one) are being paid.



I can't tell you how indignant I am for your poor mom, Mariann! Please do quietly airlift her out to your house a day early--it sounds like a winning move to me.:grouphug::grouphug: One for you, and one for Mom. :D

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Thanks for the explanation of your family dynamics - so interesting! Kind of like the French Catholic families of my father's upbringing - there should have been a priest in every one of them, but in ddad's generation, WWII took them all away into the armed services before he or one of his brothers could go tht route.


Stealing your mom away a day early - brilliant! And even better that your dh suggested it. And I bet your mom, well, she'd probably be totally delighted.


Your sister, well, she needs a good spanking. I do understand more now that you've described the upbringing, but she sounds waaaaay over the line. If everyone in her family, all together at once, decided to treat her as though "enough is enough," perhaps you at least can lick each other's wounds... None of you should have to tolerate that sort of bullying.

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Okay, I kow you've likely told us this before, but I'm forgetting the backstory -- where is ss's husband in all this? Can the orthopod (or some other man in the circumstances) have a man-to-man with him at least?


I'm guessing he's not wanting to dive into the food processor, either, but, maybe...???

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Okay, I kow you've likely told us this before, but I'm forgetting the backstory -- where is ss's husband in all this? Can the orthopod (or some other man in the circumstances) have a man-to-man with him at least?


I'm guessing he's not wanting to dive into the food processor, either, but, maybe...???


Boy, I wish we were neighbors!!!!!!!


My brother in law is a saint! And I don't say that without meaning it 1000% -- he is a saint. He is kind, maternal, gentle, the most intelligent person I have ever met (he IS a rocket scientist), and has the patience of Job. When my nieces were little, and still now, he is the one with the maternal instinct - and they would always ask for him if they were sick or hurt. He is such a fine person.


The fact that I even went to NJ has alot to do with my brother in law. I called my sis first thing tuesday morning and told her I was coming to the hospital -- she told me no, there was no reason, it was a silly fracture (boy, that wasn't what I found when I arrived), and I should stay here till I was needed. I had also emailed her and I was unaware of the fact that she and her dh share an email account -- dear bil apparently saw my email, saw the sis had told me not to come and told her that she had no right and if I wanted to be there, I should be there.


She called me at 11am, and asks what time I will be arriving. :confused: Ok, I say, let me get things arranged for the kids and I am on my way. Same thing happened I think with the rehab thing -- I was already making the arrangements, I emailed (THIS is when I figured out they share an account and he sees all the emails) and wrote that the OT was recommending rehab and the process had been started. I think that he then called her, told her mom was going to rehab, and she didn't argue with him at all.


He has always been in my mom's corner -- mom needs a new laptop, he buys one -- mom wants to pay for it, he won't take the money.


I would have to say that he picks his battles carefully -- I understand that his solution to all this is to put dear niece in before and after care at the very $$$$$$ private school she attends -- he will drop her off on the way to his office and pick her up at the end of his day. He thinks that the particular individuals to handle 'whatever' need to be found and hired -- housekeeper for every day and cooking, heavy cleaning once a week....and whatever else is necessary. And, I am positive, because I have witnessed it and have been in the crosshairs, that he doesn't want to get into the shredder anymore than anyone else. He is really a peaceful, kind soul, with an amazing sense of humor. Our family is so blessed to have him. I would like to think that he is going to let the Energizer Bunny's batteries run down and then step in, but probably not -- he is great at coming up with ideas, but short on practicality -- he would never be able to hire anyone -- he is brilliant but gets lost taking out the garbage.:lol:

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PTL!!! Mariann that is such wonderful news! This hive is a praying machine and it does work!


I hope that the 20 days in rehab will be wake-up call for your sister that she works her mother too hard and for your mom to think, maybe I should take life a little easier from now and not have that much responsibility. Hopefully, it will be a catalyst of change on both sides and we can all be praying about that too!



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DH and I have been looking at each other all day long and laughing without saying a word.:D





If I may step in and suggest 2 days before. Your sister isn't a dummy. She's probably planning a 1 day in advance kidnapping. You need to be 2 steps ahead of her, not 1. Don't ask how I know. Long family story involving my grandfather.

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If I may step in and suggest 2 days before. Your sister isn't a dummy. She's probably planning a 1 day in advance kidnapping. You need to be 2 steps ahead of her, not 1. Don't ask how I know. Long family story involving my grandfather.


OMH!!!!! You KNOW her, don't you????? As I read your post, I am thinking that you are so right!!!!!!!!!

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You should get your mom the Boundaries book. She can learn to stand up for herself. Bless her heart. I'm glad you're in her corner. :)


Thank you -- I am going to go search for it right now. What a great idea!!!!!!:)


ETA: I am going to have them shipped right to her -- found them easily -- thank you so much for this. This will help.

Edited by MariannNOVA
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