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Hey Fellow Floridians!

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This is why I miss Florida!!! I'm under 7 inches of snow and 1/2 inch of ice still today. And I live in SC!! I thought that wasn't suppose to happen here! :) Can you send me some Florida sunshine to melt this white stuff!?!?!?


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This Floridian would love to have snow too please!!! My family and friends that are in NH keep sending us pictures of all thier snow, and all of thier kids sledding and making snow angels. =( WE WANT TO MAKE SNOW ANGELS!!!


I guess our only consolation is that we will be posting photos of us swimming in March or April while they are still all bundled in their snow suits. :D

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:iagree::iagree::iagree: We are having a hard freeze tonight which means we get the cold without the fun. Bah humbug.


No kidding! If it's going to be as cold as it's been this winter (and last winter), I'd just as soon it did snow. Enjoying time outside on a 70 degree winter day while the rest of the country digs out of snow is fun. Sitting inside a poorly insulated house shivering while temps stay in the 40's is not. I'm ready for summer to return!

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