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If you're a minimalist, what does this look like in your life?

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It also says not to let any material thing enter your home unless you absolutely love it and intend to keep it until it is beyond repair.




I love this! I have a hard time resisting super duper clearance items. This morning I was sooooo tempted to buy this sleeping bag for ds6 from Target for $6.24!!! It was regularly 24.99 and I wanted to buy it when it was full price but settled on something cheaper....I passed today because I didn't want to bring anything else into the house since I have something that meets that need (although less superior to the cool one I originally wanted :glare: )


I did break down and buy a 12 pack of white washcloths for $1.48 because I'm trying to cut down on paper towel usage ;)

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:iagree: I would love to chat about these ideas as well. I figured out that top sheets need to be eliminated on my own, but that was a fluke. The paint idea is another obvious, yet not-so-obvious idea.


I am almost to the point where I will be buying a new set of dishes, and I will be buying exactly how many pieces we need - four mugs, 10 plates, 7 bowls, etc. It seems a little odd to not buy complete sets, but we don't use all the pieces at the same rate and we don't have complete sets now. Why should I store 10 mugs when I know we only need four in our rotation?

Me three! I just went through my clothes again today, trying to decide how much of each piece was needed. Thing is though I live in a climate that ranges from 0 degrees F to 100 degrees. I also need clothes from activities like gardening and working outside to going to church and everything in between.


I kept between 2-6 pieces of each thing. Like 6 tank tops, 6 short sleeves, 4 casual shorts, 4 dress shorts, 4 house skirts, 3 jeans, 2 dress pants. It still seems like a lot to me but relatively speaking I guess it isn't.


I think my dishes are pretty pared down. I do have an enormous amount of plates but they get broken a lot, same for glasses. However, they all fit easily in the space I have so that is ok.


I was just considering I need to go through the tupperware drawer. I would like for most of my storage to be glass, of course that requires buying something new though.


I do stockpile food as for me I find it more simple to do so and cheaper. I buy in bulk and save a lot of money that way. Plus, it eases my mind knowing that I have things on hand, and I like being prepared.

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I'm sitting here staring at my living room....wanting to rearrange the furniture to make it work better but I'm stuck.


I just took a few pics of my living/dining room and how it looks right this minute. The kids are playing Rock Band but it gives you an idea of size. It's a disaster right now :001_huh:


The room is long and narrow. The dining room is also our school room. We have two computers in the living room. One is for dh and the other is for ds. I really don't like having two in the same room!


Any tips are welcome!!!



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I'm sitting here staring at my living room....wanting to rearrange the furniture to make it work better but I'm stuck.


I just took a few pics of my living/dining room and how it looks right this minute. The kids are playing Rock Band but it gives you an idea of size. It's a disaster right now :001_huh:


The room is long and narrow. The dining room is also our school room. We have two computers in the living room. One is for dh and the other is for ds. I really don't like having two in the same room!


Any tips are welcome!!!




A couple things stand out. Curtains are way too small for the windows. Were they tied in the middle as purely decor that they fit strangely? The mirror next to the door is too long for the wall. Your pictures with the forever quote are so awesome, but look too high to enjoy. They should be at eye level or a little higher. I don't want to be disrespectful, but sometimes these things that are visually odd, add to clutter.


If that is the front door, I'd be more apt, to switch sides. When you walk in I think you should see a couch and a side table, not all the electronics. It would also solve your window glare issue. It would also make the couch more cozy in feel.


I can't tell what is on the dark wall in the table area next to the bookshelf.... I can't tell enough by the picture, but there's a couple scenarios. I'd put the computer in the corner back by the table area and if it fits, possibly put the table crosswise. Is that possible? That could free up walking space, although it could be funky. I'm also not sure what is opposite of the entire room that I can see. Could you put the couch crosswise as well as to divide the room in half or is there no wall in that section I can't see.


You could use short shelving instead of tall. Do you have more pictures?

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A couple things stand out. Curtains are way too small for the windows. Were they tied in the middle as purely decor that they fit strangely?


No, I just couldn't afford to buy enough to cover them :blushing:


The mirror next to the door is too long for the wall. Your pictures with the forever quote are so awesome, but look too high to enjoy. They should be at eye level or a little higher. I don't want to be disrespectful, but sometimes these things that are visually odd, add to clutter.


Not disrespectful at all. I really appreciate the honesty :)


If that is the front door, I'd be more apt, to switch sides. When you walk in I think you should see a couch and a side table, not all the electronics. It would also solve your window glare issue. It would also make the couch more cozy in feel.


I agree. The problem is the cables for the tv come from the computer that's in the corner (on the red desk). So if I put it on the other side of the room under the window (it's been there before), I have to run the cable across the front door :(


I can't tell what is on the dark wall in the table area next to the bookshelf.... I can't tell enough by the picture, but there's a couple scenarios. I'd put the computer in the corner back by the table area and if it fits, possibly put the table crosswise. Is that possible? That could free up walking space, although it could be funky. I'm also not sure what is opposite of the entire room that I can see. Could you put the couch crosswise as well as to divide the room in half or is there no wall in that section I can't see.


The dark thing is our piano. There's no room in the other corner where the easel is. It's a very tiny corner. I've had the tv on the wall where you mentioned but it felt like it divided the room up too much. Although I'm seriously considering putting it back there for a change. I'd like to have an area for the toys too.


You could use short shelving instead of tall. Do you have more pictures?


I do have more pictures but I feel like the walls are so cluttered right now so I didn't want to add more. Maybe I should?


Thanks so much for the input. I really really appreciate it. I wish I was one of those people who could just set up their house and not feel like things always have to be better or more efficient. I just want to get it right so I can stop spending time and energy stressing over it :(

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Thanks so much for the input. I really really appreciate it. I wish I was one of those people who could just set up their house and not feel like things always have to be better or more efficient. I just want to get it right so I can stop spending time and energy stressing over it :(


Ugh...the old cable issue. Been there. It really helps to do double duty things. Using a dresser as an end table, etc. On another note...have you thought of not dividing up the room and making it more all in one? More as a fun area instead of nook-ish? I can think of scenarios, but nothing beats just moving stuff around and just starting to work with it. It alleviates the stress too, because you're doing, not thinking! Pack up all the junk, ALL of it. Be off school for a few days and starting dragging things around. Even on paper or room arranger programs, nothing is better than actually doing it. The piano poses a huge problem. I don't mean bad huge....but LARGE huge:tongue_smilie: Do you eat at the dining room table? I have two shorty shelves that are white in excellent condition that you can have, but you have to pick them up:tongue_smilie:. On the other hand. The first thing in small rooms in my opinion is to not have too many colors and things going on. The curtains with the red wall, while a good, matching combo, work against each other with the "stuff", the size and the wall colors (colors meaning plural) adding visual clutter. One wall color would be better. The abc train works against you when you have to continue it on the next line. Could you add ABC tape to a yardstick and use it when needed? Cords hanging, instead of in some sort of cable tray or bound together work against you visually. Binders...multi color? Make then all black or all white.


I could come over. We'll do it over coffee. :tongue_smilie:

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I added a few more. Both ends of the room are shown plus one when you first walk in our front door. It's pretty awful right now, I know. My dh took the kids to my mil's for a bit and I"m supposed to be cleaning but I'm sitting here staring at my mess....:001_huh:


Alilac~ I wish you lived closer!!!!!

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Downsizing Your Home With Style - Living Well in a Smaller Space by Lauri Ward was also worth reading. Lots of tips on having a warm, yet comfortable and frugal home.



Someone introduced me to Lauri Ward's other books. They ARE great to read!


BTW, they'd help with your room rearranging too! :D

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I"m supposed to be cleaning but I'm sitting here staring at my mess....:001_huh:


I can relate! :lol: BTW, if you rearrange, please post photos. I love to see before/after stuff for great ideas. :001_smile:


Mostly, I'm posting, though to tell you that your dog is so cute in that last photo (looking at you over the back of the couch).

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I can relate! :lol: BTW, if you rearrange, please post photos. I love to see before/after stuff for great ideas. :001_smile:


Mostly, I'm posting, though to tell you that your dog is so cute in that last photo (looking at you over the back of the couch).


Thank you! She's a nut. We still haven't figured out if she's really a dog or some mix of hamster/dog/rabbit :lol: She is very sweet. We adopted her about a month ago. She's around 13 weeks old now and spoiled as all get out ;)


The first several pics I took were the before. I just posted a few after (the one with Lyla on the back of the couch is an after) but nothing is picked up, etc. I will get the room all spic and span and then post some more :) It's much easier to work when the kids and dh are gone...but I fear they will be home soon :001_huh:

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I would love to see before and afters as well!


I decluttered a shelf in the bathroom yesterday and put up some of my personal care products in some antique sealing jars I had. Much more clean and simple.


Today I am taking some furniture to sale. I have a ton of things to get rid of, I am giving myself 1 month to sale it or it is going to be given away. Hopefully, dh can help me post the other things today.

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Thanks for the inspiration. Our house is way to cluttered with junk we don't use.


I have been working on the house but kinda took a break after Christmas. I think I just wore myself out trying to do to much before and during Christmas. Told myself today was the day to get started again so reading this has given me the inspriation.

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Dd 11 woke up barfing this morning so this may slow me down a bit :glare: My anxiety SKY ROCKETS when someone is sick with a tummy bug.


I'm keeping dd confined to her room for now to hopefully cut down on cross contamination but we'll see.


Which brings me to another point about minimalist/simple living. I always feel more in control when things are picked up. When someone gets sick or things get hectic and my house is upside down, it increases my stress tenfold.


I'll try and post more pics later but I did add captions and another after pic to my set :tongue_smilie: Here's the link again:


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Dd 11 woke up barfing this morning so this may slow me down a bit :glare: My anxiety SKY ROCKETS when someone is sick with a tummy bug.


I'm keeping dd confined to her room for now to hopefully cut down on cross contamination but we'll see.


Which brings me to another point about minimalist/simple living. I always feel more in control when things are picked up. When someone gets sick or things get hectic and my house is upside down, it increases my stress tenfold.


I'll try and post more pics later but I did add captions and another after pic to my set :tongue_smilie: Here's the link again:



Looking good! Much more clear, I bet you are breathing easier!


Dh got my dresser and setee? to the flea market to sale. Hopefully they can sale! Haven't got anything posted yet for sale but I have been very busy getting everything together here starting back school this week!

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That does look so much better! You've accomplished a lot already. I breath better for you just looking at it and I'm not a minimalist. :) Serious congratulations. I've been there as well and would love to see updates as you accomplish it. It's looking great!


Dd 11 woke up barfing this morning so this may slow me down a bit :glare: My anxiety SKY ROCKETS when someone is sick with a tummy bug.


I'm keeping dd confined to her room for now to hopefully cut down on cross contamination but we'll see.


Which brings me to another point about minimalist/simple living. I always feel more in control when things are picked up. When someone gets sick or things get hectic and my house is upside down, it increases my stress tenfold.


I'll try and post more pics later but I did add captions and another after pic to my set :tongue_smilie: Here's the link again:


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I worked on the boys room today. I captioned the pics. I have a long ways to go because their room needs to be painted/etc....BUT...I have reduced their room to their beds, a nightstand with their lamp and clock and that's it! Their closet has shelves that will hold their clothes and I will add a basket for books but no more toys in their room. Now my dining area looks like Toys R Us threw up in it....but I'll be able to keep a better handle on their toys and hopefully teach them to take care of them and keep them in their proper places so they can enjoy them more! ;)


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We have a shelf in their closet. All pants get folded and placed up above. No one can reach them. This is on purpose - no one can change clothes without me knowing and it saves on laundry, lol. No one can dig everything out of drawers either. The girls' shirts are on color coded hangers in the closet. PJs go under pillows. Socks & unders in a laundry basket at the bottom of the closet. I hate dressers. I think clothes silently and secretly breed when the light is off.




Ahh, thinking out of the box! I like this.


Great thread. I'm a declutter/live simply kind of gal, but I don't think I could be described as a minimalist.


I love the idea of a toy library and am contemplating starting one in our home. Toys go into labeled bins and into storage. Matchbox cars in one, Lego's in another, marble run in another, etc. DC can only "check out" one at a time and the bin must be returned before another can be taken out.


Another great tip I've found for bunkbeds: Use a sleeping bag on top of a fitted sheet. Easy to make, easy to wash and replace (sleeping bag only).


It seems like I've been recommending this book a lot lately but it fits so well with this thread: Simplicity Parenting. It covers toys, food, and schedule, among other things.

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Good job! I'm thinking of that too. We just got rid of our cute little guinea pigs in dd's room, but you thought it was a toxic waste dump pre guinea pigs? Oh my....after 6 months, enough was enough. Toys would be good thing to move out. I do have an extra room I could use for toys! However I fear that will NEVER get cleaned, because I'll be able to walk into dd's bedroom. :tongue_smilie:


You are on a roll!

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Well after watching my kids NOT clean up - even the oldest wasn't doing much and he is usually helpful, I went through the toys. I left them their halloween stuff, the matchbox cars with track and some Kapla style blocks DH made them. Fits in one big tote. I've heard the legos mentioned a few times by the oldest, but otherwise they seem quite happy. I haven't gotten rid of the toys yet, I'm not sure I want to. But they are outa sight, outa mind.


I also enjoyed Simplicity Parenting, my library actually had a copy (wow!).



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I'm so glad this thread is still going ...I thought I had killed it :001_huh:


I need to find a copy of Simplicity Parenting. It sounds like what I need to be absorbing right now.


I cleaned out the majority of our bedroom closet and moved ALL of DH's electronics/tools/stuff that fixes stuff but I have no idea what it does stuff to his designated hall closet. Now our room looks much better! Tomorrow I would like to tackle the other hall closet....which is really scary. It's one of those closets seen in movies where you open it and it's just packed to the gills with junk and you don't even know where to start :confused:


If anyone is interested, I'll take before and after pics :D it helps keep me motivated!

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This thread is very helpful to me as well.


I cleaned out the majority of our bedroom closet and moved ALL of DH's electronics/tools/stuff that fixes stuff but I have no idea what it does stuff to his designated hall closet. Now our room looks much better! Tomorrow I would like to tackle the other hall closet....which is really scary. It's one of those closets seen in movies where you open it and it's just packed to the gills with junk and you don't even know where to start :confused:


Let me know how you get them to KEEP the stuff out of the way! I'm thinking I'll be making some trips to the office and putting stuff there. The kids don't go out there, so I can decide what stays later on... in peace. And since I HATE clutter in my office, I should be motivated.

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I did it :hurray: I finished the hall closet today and it looks sooooo good. The funny thing is, it feels so much more calm in my room since my room is close to that closet :)


Here are the before and after pics as promised. Tomorrow will be the kitchen (I think)



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WhooHoo! I have cleaned out my lower cabinets in my kitchen! I took everything (almost) out and put in a huge pile all those things I don't use.....I am a bit of a kitchen gadget freak, so I have a lot of gadgets I don't even use anymore.


I listed them all on a local moms board and whatever isn't picked up by next Friday is GONE to Goodwill on Saturday.


I started with the upper cabinets but most of that needs to be tossed and because of the storm our trash wasn't picked up last Monday and is piling in the garage at the moment.....think I will wait until Tue to start that.



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Great job! Isn't it freeing?

I took my junk into the clothing drop and thrift store this week. I also redid some of the frames of dd's pictures to all the same frame. I had different ones fore each picture. So now I have frames I don't know whether to keep/store. :001_huh: Here we go again. But her pictures are now easy on the eye and look a lot less cluttered.

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Thanks everyone! I have been feeling so good about all of this. It is definitely freeing!


WhooHoo! I have cleaned out my lower cabinets in my kitchen! I took everything (almost) out and put in a huge pile all those things I don't use.....I am a bit of a kitchen gadget freak, so I have a lot of gadgets I don't even use anymore.


I listed them all on a local moms board and whatever isn't picked up by next Friday is GONE to Goodwill on Saturday.


I started with the upper cabinets but most of that needs to be tossed and because of the storm our trash wasn't picked up last Monday and is piling in the garage at the moment.....think I will wait until Tue to start that.




The kitchen is such a huge job. Good for you! I also have trash piled up outside because I've filled our two cans plus our recycling :001_huh: Our trash doesn't come til Tues. but that's why contractor bags are so cool. They are black and thick so you can't see what you've just thrown away and they can keep outside for a few days without worrying about getting ransacked by bugs or other creatures :)



Great job! Isn't it freeing?

I took my junk into the clothing drop and thrift store this week. I also redid some of the frames of dd's pictures to all the same frame. I had different ones fore each picture. So now I have frames I don't know whether to keep/store. :001_huh: Here we go again. But her pictures are now easy on the eye and look a lot less cluttered.


I have mismatched frames too. Although some of the frames I have, I've had for so long that if I threw them away, it would almost be like throwing the pictures away too :( I do plan on getting a matching set though. Plus I need to update some of them. They are all pics of when the kids were babies.

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I like to be a minimalist. I am getting there. But my dh likes to buy tons of board games for the dss. Well, they play very frequently, so it is money well spent. I don't waste money at all and only buy groceries and necessary clothes sometimes at thrift stores sometimes discounted clothes at regular stores. I would like to cut down our eat-out times. I wouldn't mind eating home made food all the time, but dh likes to have some changes.

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