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Do not open this if my asking for prayers for my sister & her dog makes you mad.

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Update from my sister:


Frosty is back on IV fluids as of last night since he wasn't eating or drinking much yesterday and was lethargic. He perked up about an hour after the first IV bag was started, since it went in at a fast rate. His temp came down some and was down more this morning, but the IV going in will lower the temp. It was 101.9 this morning.


He ate well last night after the first IV and was drinking more as well. The vet had thought he didn't need IV's anymore since his blood work was better yesterday, with everything normal except the liver enzymes.


I think he has been getting bored and frustrated, and upset about the treatments and having his urine expressed, and the walks (he can't walk without help and it seems to be painful since his muscles are so weak). He can't urinate on his own either. That may come back.


She is in the process of researching wheelchairs for dogs, and dog hot tubs for physical therapy for Frosty.


I didn't know there were wheelchairs and hot tubs for dogs. Maybe there aren't.


Thank you for your prayers.

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Naturally, my sister called me when I was taking a nap. She left a message saying that she is planning to take Frosty home soon. I think she hopes that he will improve faster and be happier at home.


She might be talking about a cart, nono, because she is looking for one that is small enough that she doesn't have to lift him to attach it. I must have stopped reading at the word wheelchair.


I guess my image of the dog, wrapped in a shawl like in Mariann's dog's picture (Christmas picture thread), sitting in a regular (dog-sized) wheelchair is off-base. It's a good thing my mom wasn't home when I read that email because I was seriously doubting my sister's sanity. My mom would take umbrage with that. :D

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What part of the country is your sister located in? I know of a place in Louisiana with an underwater treadmill for therapy for dogs. A cart will probably work fine for an older, slower dog. Our dog tried to take off running with one. It promptly tipped over and he kept going.


My mother had a dog that the vet did not expect to recover much more. He could barely walk after back problems, she took him home, put him down and he suddenly only had a minor limp. Of course he was a male and the other dog at home was a (spayed) female.

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Celticmom, she lives out west. I got an email from her this morning, and it doesn't sound like her dog can walk, much less run:


Frosty is still not well. He needs to gain weight and strength. He has a fever again, but his bloodwork was better today. I want to bring him home friday. he is on hills I/d. He can't walk by himself or urinate. He still can use his back legs. His front legs are even weaker.


In the picture she sent, the red stuff is the mattress he is lying on. My sister appears to be living at the vet's now.

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I know how hard it is to let go but after all this time, and all the downswings, I just feel so sad that Frosty is suffering. I do hope he will improve and have a quality life, but sometimes letting go is the most loving thing one can do.


I'm sorry........ I really want Frosty to improve but the poor pooch has been through too much.

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It really sounds like your poor sis needs to let go. I don't want to sound heartless, but I guess I do.


No, Remudamom, you don't sound heartless. If I were in her shoes, I'm sure I would have let go days ago. But that's me. I feel so bad for RC's sister. She must be so torn. But I agree with you that it's probably time. :(

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My mom thinks that my sister thinks it would be murder to have her dog put to sleep. This is not a subject my sister will discuss.


My mom is 75 years old and is not in good health. She doesn't have a lot of energy. It will be awfully hard on her to go there and help my sister. It would involve a lot more than being emotionally supportive. She'd have to help take care of the 11 cats (and she is allergic to them), Frosty, my sister, and my sister's house. My sister works full-time and is way behind on her work because she either hasn't been there at all, or has left several times a day to check on Frosty.


I thought about going, but I have too many responsibilities here. My brother does, too.


I haven't seen my sister in 20 years. She can't visit us because she won't leave her dog(s) behind, taking them on a plane is out of the question, and driving for nearly a week with them in the car is also not a good plan. She is not the most open person in the world, so I have no idea why she moved so far away from everyone and has basically isolated herself with her pets, except for going to work. If I ask, I won't get an answer, and I won't hear from her again for anywhere from a year to forever. I do not understand her; she is an enigma to me. Animals are more important to her than people, and I guess I will never understand that way of life.

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If she wants to do hydrotherapy a small kiddie pool might be better than a tub especially if it can be heated. The cost for an underwater treadmill is most likely prohibitive except for a rehab type center. The place we took our dog had it custom built on-site. Before they had the treadmill they used a kiddie pool.


If his system stabilizes otherwise, walking in water is a very gentle way to him build his strength back up. However, if his frontlegs are very weak he probably won't be able to use a cart. When the rehab center thought they were preparing our dog for using a cart they had him swimming to build up the muscles in his front end.

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Another tip is to make sure Frosty has as much privacy as possible when his urine is expressed. This might sound silly but our dog seems embarassed if there are other dogs or people around when this is taken care of.


If he cannot scratch he will really love having his ears scratched.


Hopefully these ideas can help him feel better. It almost sounds as if he is a little depressed.

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My mom thinks that my sister thinks it would be murder to have her dog put to sleep. This is not a subject my sister will discuss.


My mom is 75 years old and is not in good health. She doesn't have a lot of energy. It will be awfully hard on her to go there and help my sister. It would involve a lot more than being emotionally supportive. She'd have to help take care of the 11 cats (and she is allergic to them), Frosty, my sister, and my sister's house. My sister works full-time and is way behind on her work because she either hasn't been there at all, or has left several times a day to check on Frosty.


I thought about going, but I have too many responsibilities here. My brother does, too.


I haven't seen my sister in 20 years. She can't visit us because she won't leave her dog(s) behind, taking them on a plane is out of the question, and driving for nearly a week with them in the car is also not a good plan. She is not the most open person in the world, so I have no idea why she moved so far away from everyone and has basically isolated herself with her pets, except for going to work. If I ask, I won't get an answer, and I won't hear from her again for anywhere from a year to forever. I do not understand her; she is an enigma to me. Animals are more important to her than people, and I guess I will never understand that way of life.


Oh man, sounds like a really tough situation. I'm so sorry. I do want to say that I think it says a lot about your character that you would come and ask for prayers for your sister and Frosty, especially given the state of your relationship. You are precious and caring, and I hope your sister realizes how blessed she is to have you.

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Wow -- that makes for a tough situation. :grouphug:


My mom is pretty certain that, to my sister, her dog is exactly like my children are to me. My mother could be wrong about this, but we will never know, because my sister won't talk about her feelings. She shows her love by giving gifts to her immediate family and by taking extremely good care of her pets.


Her other dog died suddenly of bloat a year ago due to inadequate veterinary care. My mother theorizes that the trauma of losing that dog unexpectedly has caused her to be like she is about Frosty.


I just hope that Frosty recovers. She thinks he is depressed and that is why she taking him home. I bet, but will never know, that she hopes when he goes home, he will perk up and recover. He is too sick to be driven 5-6 hours to the closest university veterinary facility to undergo an MRI or whatever high tech tests would need to be done to find out whether he is so badly off that he cannot recover.

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Oh man, sounds like a really tough situation. I'm so sorry. I do want to say that I think it says a lot about your character that you would come and ask for prayers for your sister and Frosty, especially given the state of your relationship. You are precious and caring, and I hope your sister realizes how blessed she is to have you.


I fully agree with Nakia. I'm praying for your sister. :grouphug:

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My sister called me tonight! Frosty is at home, and will be there on a day-to-day basis. The vet gave her his home phone number and said to call him any time, day or night, if Frosty needs him.


Frosty is not on an I.V. He no longer has pancreatitis, but the vet said that doesn't mean it won't recur.


He has a slipped disk, the vet thinks -- no confirmation by MRI -- which is what he was given steroids for right before the pancreatitis started. Some people think the steroids may have caused the pancreatitis because Frosty was given very high doses of prednisone and had two steroid injections, all within a few days. My dog, Teddy, is on steroids whenever his back problem causes him not to be able to walk (every 3-4 weeks), and his dose is much, much lower, and very effective. I think there may be a connection between the pancreatitis and the high doses of steroids.


The vet says that the slipped disk caused nerve damage, which in turn caused Frosty's bladder to be paralyzed (or whatever it's called -- the bladder does not eject fluid). He said that there is a 50/50 chance that the disk debris (or whatever) that is compressing the nerve may disappear (be reabsorbed, broken down further so it comes off the nerve, something like that). If that happens, Frosty's bladder will function again.


Frosty doesn't have a fever. His liver enzymes and potassium levels are in the red zone -- just over the edge into being high. This means that there is something else wrong with Frosty internally, but no one knows what it is.


Frosty has lost 10 lbs. since 12/27, and he was thin to begin with. My sister and the vet are hoping he will resume normal eating and drinking because he cannot keep being fed through IV's. (She did not mention tube feeding, and I didn't ask because I didn't want to put that idea into her head.)


My sister checked into physical therapy places for dogs, and the closest place is a 4.5 hour drive from where she lives. Right now, that is not an option because Frosty is too sick to go that far for an MRI, much less physical therapy.


She has changed Frosty's mattress several times -- the latest is a memory foam one. She is going to put him on a hard surface tomorrow, in hopes that he will be able to sit up on his own. She thinks maybe he can't sit up because the surface upon which he is lying doesn't provide enough support for him to do that.


Charlie, the cat, was glad to see Frosty, but puzzled because Frosty just lies there, and probably because Frosty doesn't smell like Frosty after having been in the hospital for so long. Since Frosty hasn't sat up to see his surroundings, my sister doubts that he realizes he is home. She was about to put him in a harness and take him outside to express his urine when we got off the phone.


A vet tech is coming over tomorrow morning for a few hours to help her get the harness thing rigged up so she can more easily handle Frosty by herself.

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I haven't been here for a few days, but I have been praying for Frosty.


I just read your post about how your sister would consider it murder to put Frosty to sleep.


That certainly put a whole new spin on things for me.


I guess I always figured that she was desperately trying to save him because she truly believed he would recover, but I have to admit that part of me is now wondering if she just doesn't want the guilt of making a very unpleasant decision that might end up being best for Frosty.


I'm glad to hear that he's home, though, as he will probably be happier there, if your sister can give him the same care he received at the vet. It's encouraging that the pancreatitis isn't an issue right now, but distressing to hear that there is an undiagnosed health problem lurking in the background.


I truly hope your sister is right about Frosty, and that he's able to recover. I will pray even harder for him now that I know your sister's feelings about euthanasia.



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I just read your post about how your sister would consider it murder to put Frosty to sleep. That certainly put a whole new spin on things for me.


Well, that's what my mother said. Today I am wondering if that is accurate.


I mean, it is one thing for a childless person who is rarely around children to equate their pet with a child in importance to them, and another for them to equate euthanasia of a child with that of a pet.

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Please thank all the people again who have continued to pray for Frosty. I think that is what has kept him alive even when the vet thought that he wouldn't make it (more than once).


He is at home resting. I was scared yesterday because he wouldn't eat and the previous day he only ate 1/4 can of food, plus he had another bout of diarrhea. They gave him a shot (luckily, a vet tech had the time to "babysit" him at home for 4 hours with me and he went and got the shot and administered it at home.


I thought either the Tramadol or the Hill's i d was to blame for the lack of appetite, so I stopped both, approved by the vet. He was very hungry last night but still refused the Hill's. Finally, homemade brown rice was ready. I ground up a can of chicken breast (rinsed to get rid of the high sodium) and served him half a cup of overcooked rice with a 1/4 cup of fluffy chicken, mixed. He loved it! He ate 4 servings last night and has already had 4 today. I am cautious not to put too much in his system at one time.


I think that the Hill's i d changed while I was feeding him. I am almost certain it was mostly chicken, rice and corn when I started and now it is turkey, pork liver, rice and corn. I rarely feed him turkey due to the high ammonia content and never feed him pork or liver. I wonder it that is the cause of the problems?


I sent you a pic of the expressing station I made. I was worried about expressing his bladder because he needs total support to stand up. I combined two ideas I got off the net.


I haven't received the picture she refers to.

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I mean, it is one thing for a childless person who is rarely around children to equate their pet with a child in importance to them, and another for them to equate euthanasia of a child with that of a pet.




Even if she does, there is a point where most people would stop treatment of a person, too, if the person was truly suffering and there was no hope at all of a cure. But some people are just 100% against euthanasia for any reason, and your sister may be one of those people. (OTOH, at least you have the comfort of knowing that if you're ever old and frail together, you won't overhear your sister telling the doctors at the ER to, "Put her down; she wouldn't want to live that way" if you go in for a sprained ankle or something. ;))


After reading her email, it sounds like she is incredibly dedicated, and I could feel the joy in her heart when she talked about how Frosty loved the food she'd prepared for him.


She believes in him so much, and I pray that he recovers. If he doesn't, I truly worry about how your sister will handle it. The depression may be overwhelming for her.



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Another update: All 4 of Frosty's legs have gotten weaker. Sister thinks it is because he didn't eat for 2 days, until she figured out the brown rice & chicken combo. He's been eating that ever since, so she hopes that he will regain strength in the upcoming days.


Thank you very much for your prayers.

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This is the thread that never ends. Latest update from my sister:


Frosty didn't eat at all today, so they ran more bloodwork. It looks like he's having another pancreatic attack - hopefully a mild one. Tomorrow I'll have bloodwork done again so we can see if it's getting better or worse. Usually they get worse before they get better. They will run an IV through him. Typically, that makes him feel better. They just took the cath out of his leg yesterday, of course.


I had just given him Tramadol again at 10pm last night because he walks so much better with it, but he's off it for good now. I didn't give him his doses today because he wasn't eating. There is no known connection between Tramadol and pancreatitis, but the vet thinks there might be an indirect connection, i.e. Tramadol slows down the intestines and maybe that is making the pancreas become inflamed.


He's resting now, but he was alert and in good spirits at the vets, and even barking at me when he wanted to get going!


Ironically, he was also walking better due to the Tramadol last night. I'm going to research what else I can do to help his leg muscles not get sore as he builds them back up.


Thank you all for continuing to pray for Frosty!

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If the leg muscles have been used enough to get sore they will feel warmer than normal to the touch. I don't know how to tell before it reaches that point.


Our dog has been paralysed for 3-4 years now. He is healthy and has a good quality of life. He does not have the pancreatitis like Frosty does but when that clears up the paralysis is not an overwhelming problem.


Has your sister considered adding some carrots or green vegetables to Frosty's food to ensure adequate vitamins and minerals? I believe that there are recipes for homemade dog food online.

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You are a good sister, Mariann -- it's just that you'd be a better one if your sister took care of your mom like RC's sister takes care of Frosty! :)





Oh, Cat!!!!!!!


I am drafting what I want to put on my 'dysfunctional family' blog later tonight -- let's see if I am brave enough. I probably am b/c I doubt there is anyway that sis would find out about it.

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Emails from my mom this morning:

Just had quick call from sister; Frosty bleeding internally, back in hospital. Has eaten practically nothing since Monday.


Second call from sister - he's bleeding internally, probably his liver is also inflamed. Still hanging in.


My sister is really thankful for your prayers -- she asked my mom to tell you all that.


Mom said it might be time to let him go. My sister said something with the word vet in it, but my mom couldn't hear her because her phone messed up on her.

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I'm so sorry, RC.


I'm afraid that this may be the end for Frosty. I hope it's quick and that your sister doesn't have to make the decision to put him to sleep. She must be in such a panic right now.


I'll pray for peace for Frosty and I'll pray for your sister, too. I'll pray that if she has to put him to sleep, that he'll give her "that look" and she'll know she's doing the right thing for him. She needs to believe that he's ready to go, so that she can forgive herself. She has been through so much with Frosty, and it sounds like after all of the worry and effort, he's not going to pull through this. I hope I'm wrong, but this sounds really bad.


I feel so sad, and I never even met Frosty. :(



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I'm praying.....it really sounds like this is Frosty's time to go. I pray IF it is, he will go in peace and without suffering. If it's not time, I pray that Frosty will recover and not be in pain. Praying too for RC's sister.


I think that's the perfect prayer for this situation, Veronica.



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