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Moving promises........(and pics of my new home)

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I'm not sure how to title this. I remember when I moved from Texas to Arizona (the first time I lived in TX). I was talking with a dear friend who had moved a lot. She said she liked the promises she made herself and how some of them did, in fact, "stick". My sister, for example, promised to always keep her sock drawer need this last move - and for 20+ years, she has.


Since this move for us is a fresh start, a new start and one we are intentionally "reframing", I am pretty pensive about it all. Some promises I am considering are:


dealing with mail immediately

no food outside of the kitchen/diningroom

backpacks and school stuff get hung up and organized


Living room before:




Living room after (the furniture was given to us by friends who recently remodeled.




Dining room before:




Dining room after:






What are your moving promises? What promises have you made that stuck? What have you tried that never sticks?

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You're moving??




No moving promises here, other than to hope not ever to move again!


Love your before-and-after pix. :-)


You didn't know? To Richmond, TX. We are giving up the fight to get Chase to honor the modification they gave me and we are going to "allow" the foreclosure in spite of the legal case I have.

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I like how you put the console table behind the love seat in the living room. I don't think I would have thought to put it there...I like it!!


We haven't moved in a while (been here 6.5 years and plan to stay a lot longer), but some vows I try to keep for our house are:


Shoes off when entering the house...keeps the floors so much cleaner.

Food in kitchen only....no finding crumbs down in the couch.

"Clean sweep" each evening where I go through the house and put away everything that is out of place....it's nice to start the next day with a clean house.

For the most part, toys need to stay in the playroom. I allow some toys out sometimes, but mostly they need to stay in the playroom. That way, the playroom can be a complete disaster and as long as the rest of my house is clutter free, then I don't have to stress about it LOL.

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Moving promises -- some made a very long time ago, and we are still doing them.........squeegeeing (sp?) the shower after every use OR the last person to shower definitely does it; wipe down bathroom sink and faucets every day with rubbing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide and paper towels (takes two seconds - smells clean); sweep kitchen floor at least once a day; shoes off in the house, coats hung up on hangers in a closet.


I actually just wanted to tell you that your new home looks beautiful, I love the living room, and may you spend many many wonderfully happy years there. Best wishes.

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Shoes off when entering the house...keeps the floors so much cleaner.


I'm married to an Asian guy and not wearing shoes in the house is the norm. It really does help the wear and tear on your carpet, too. The floors are a lot cleaner. :D I also give "no shoes in the house" a :thumbup1:.


Your new house is great, Joanne! :001_smile: I'm sorry about the BOA constrictor. You have a while still...in case you change your mind and decide to take them to court. The state we were in, my sister (the attorney) said the statute of limitations was 2 years. Just sayin'...

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Our "promises" changed based on the layout of the house.


We've moved probably six times in the last ten years.


One was shoes had to be in the bedroom closets (they used to be in the hallway by door). Now at this house, two-story, they are usually in this large downstairs coat closet, but at least not by the door anymore.


Kitchen was another, just to keep it cleaner in general. Not that it was every Gross-dirty, but in our younger years, we didn't always clean it up right after cooking. Dishes tended to sit in sink until dishwasher was loaded, whenever that was. As each kitchen got nicer and nicer, as we progessed to new houses, we started caring more. Now, I usually clean up as I cook, dishes are loaded/unloaded everyday, and my kitchen is pretty much always presentable.


I think bathroom is our biggest promise. DH promises to clean toilets on a weekly basis (it's DH job), and I promise to keep our bathroom sink area cleaner and more organized. Again, I think I just care more about it now that I am older.

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Some vows I try to keep for our house are:


Shoes off when entering the house...keeps the floors so much cleaner.

Food in kitchen only....no finding crumbs down in the couch.

"Clean sweep" each evening where I go through the house and put away everything that is out of place....it's nice to start the next day with a clean house.

For the most part, toys need to stay in the playroom. I allow some toys out sometimes, but mostly they need to stay in the playroom. That way, the playroom can be a complete disaster and as long as the rest of my house is clutter free, then I don't have to stress about it LOL.


Hey, do you live in my house? :001_smile: These are our tried and true rules and they really help keep the house from being a disaster. We have a foyer so we have laid a large piece of indoor/outdoor carpet right inside the door. Shoes come off there and are stashed on this little shoe tree (http://www.walmart.com/ip/Whitmor-Chrome-Shoe-Spinner/3868465). Makes a world of difference.

Edited by MaMa2005
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Joanne, I love the look of your living room! So warm and inviting! :D Your new house looks great.


I've never heard the term "moving promises before", but I really like the idea. A fresh start, and all that.


I hope you have many happy years in your new home and make many wonderful memories. :grouphug:

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no food outside of the kitchen/diningroom


We haven't moved in a long time, so I don't have moving promises.


But we did make the "no food outside kitchen/dining room" rule due to our son's allergies - so we're pretty motivated to follow it. And since the rule, I've lost the weight that just hung around. It really cuts down on snacking. (Although I do miss watching a movie with popcorn or snacks.)

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Joanne, that is beautiful and so inviting.


Huh, I never thought about purposely making promises, but more that every house has a different way of living in it that we need to adapt to.


No, no food in any room but the dining room.


No shoes on in the house.


We have a mudroom and lots of coat closets in this house so yes, coats get hung up right away-this is also new to us.


That I would keep up with the laundry more because in this house I have the washer and dryer in my walk in closet. That comes and goes. :glare:


That our bedroom would be more of a haven for us-because now we don't have to share it with a toddler! :D That has come true. Though I still have some boxes in there I have to go through. ;)


My older kids have more privacy and I have intended to leave them more space as our rooms are spread out more.


This house is MUCH more formal and that is a big change for me. It's making me grow up more, if that makes sense. Shabby Chic doesn't work here-and that ease used to allow me a lot of wiggle room that I just can't get away with now.


The outside needs to be kept -and we ALL go out and tend it. It's a family thing which we actually all have fun with. Next month we'll be planning the entry gardens and I'm looking forward to that. The kids are helping. That is all new to us-before it was just MY chore.


Our house has a LOT more people flowing through it and that has made me work on being even MORE hospitable (and having food on hand at all times).

Edited by justamouse
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