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Okay, it's my turn now to ask for prayer....

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yep, she was kept overnight on IV's. Totally sucked. My doc still wont give suppositories :glare:


i'm just catching up and seeing this. I'm so sorry she's so sick! Why won't your doc give the suppositories? When we were in FL for a vacation with 7 other families, all the little kids under 7 got an AWFUL throwing up virus. My dd was throwing up every 15 minutes. My dd was one of the last to get it, so we treated her with an anti-nausea suppository early on and she wasn't hospitalized like a couple of the others.


I hope there's better news today!

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Okay, I have some weird not so normal ways of dealing with this with my son...LOL Here they are:


As far as for pain when he is throwing up and cant keep tylenol down, I use tylenol suppositories, our pharm had them beind the counter, we just had to ask for them.


For nausea when he couldnt keep anything down, I used a dose of Emetrol (which is an over the counter anti-nausea med) every 15 mins as directed if it is really bad. When it calms down enough I give him a dose of benedryl. Dont ask me why, I have no idea why it works but our Dr. recommended it to us once and it has worked ever since.


Now, I dont know why this works either but I offer McDonald french fries. I think it has something to do with the salt but they seem to calm an upset stomach. I know of several people who find relief with the fries as well. If your offering apple juice you may want to dilute it a little bit...the juice may be a little hard on the tummy.


Hope this help, I know it sounds unusual...LOL Good luck and I pray he feels better and you have some comfort!




Thanks for the suggestions. His fever has been down all day (no doubt due to all of your prayers :grouphug: ) he's still not eating, but he's drinking. The doctor finally called me back and she prescribed something that will dissolve on his tongue and give him some salt and help with the nausea. DH is going to run to the pharmacy later and pick it up.


His face looks a little better today too. He is coughing A LOT still and threw up once from a coughing fit, but he's actually smiled today and even laughed a little bit too so I know he's on the mend. If he seems interested in food over the weekend I'm going to go out and get him some french fries and we'll see how he does. Thanks for your prayers and advice. :grouphug:

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Thanks for the suggestions. His fever has been down all day (no doubt due to all of your prayers :grouphug: ) he's still not eating, but he's drinking. The doctor finally called me back and she prescribed something that will dissolve on his tongue and give him some salt and help with the nausea. DH is going to run to the pharmacy later and pick it up.


His face looks a little better today too. He is coughing A LOT still and threw up once from a coughing fit, but he's actually smiled today and even laughed a little bit too so I know he's on the mend. If he seems interested in food over the weekend I'm going to go out and get him some french fries and we'll see how he does. Thanks for your prayers and advice. :grouphug:

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Prayers for you and your son. Are you feeling better?


Thank you so much. I feel wretched tbh. I have a fever and my head is dizzy and I have a splitting headache. I've been sleeping on and off all day and I keep vascilating between being freezing cold and burning up. I'm so glad dh is here to hold down the fort.

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i'm just catching up and seeing this. I'm so sorry she's so sick! Why won't your doc give the suppositories? When we were in FL for a vacation with 7 other families, all the little kids under 7 got an AWFUL throwing up virus. My dd was throwing up every 15 minutes. My dd was one of the last to get it, so we treated her with an anti-nausea suppository early on and she wasn't hospitalized like a couple of the others.


I hope there's better news today!


Apparently there is something wicked going around. My Bible Study girls had their Christmas Party today and they called me to see how I was doing. Three of the girls in our group are nurses and they told me that a lot of people are sick with this "bug". It's awful. I just hope dh doesn't get it taking care of us.

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Awww, he's so cute. He's here on the sofa coughing his little heart out. He looks so thin and pale, but he just looked at me and flashed me the biggest smile that went all the way to his eyes. I wish you could see him. I know he's going to be better soon. Thank you all so much for your prayers. I know it is what is helping him. He started turning around when I started this thread so thank you all so much from the bottom of my heart. :grouphug: :grouphug:

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Oh bless his sweet heart! Honey, I'm sorry, I just found this thread now. Making up for lost time and praying fervantly for his wellness. I know how difficult this can is. I took my special lamb to the hospital last year for IV hydration because he wasn't drinking. IV's are hell for kids with autism or sensory dysfunction, but perhaps that's what Josiah needs. Praying hard for him... please keep us posted... sending many hugs :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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Oh bless his sweet heart! Honey, I'm sorry, I just found this thread now. Making up for lost time and praying fervantly for his wellness. I know how difficult this can is. I took my special lamb to the hospital last year for IV hydration because he wasn't drinking. IV's are hell for kids with autism or sensory dysfunction, but perhaps that's what Josiah needs. Praying hard for him... please keep us posted... sending many hugs :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:


Thanks sweetheart. I'm going to take him up to bed now and probably crash myself. I'll keep you all updated. Thank you so much for all the prayers. :grouphug:

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OK now that I just read all the responses, I'm praying for you too! I'm sorry you have caught it! :grouphug: Thank God there's some Dominican guy there to help you!


LOL Yes, only now he's sick too! I told him though that if he catches it he's on his own, I can't take care of him. I managed to make some coffee this morning and get everyone their meds and took my meds and now I have to go lie down again. I was wrestling with that stupid fever all night long. Now matter how much I bundled up I couldn't keep warm enough and then in the morning I was burning up sweating. I haven't been this sick in a long time. Josiah still isn't eating anything, but I gave him the pills the doctor ordered yesterday and he hasn't thrown up again. His fever is still down, but I can see that he is weak. He started going up the stairs and he took like two steps and then he had to take the rest really slow. He's still just lying around all the time. I'm going to go to Mc Donalds today and get him some french fries. Hopefully he'll eat them.

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LOL Yes, only now he's sick too! I told him though that if he catches it he's on his own, I can't take care of him. I managed to make some coffee this morning and get everyone their meds and took my meds and now I have to go lie down again. I was wrestling with that stupid fever all night long. Now matter how much I bundled up I couldn't keep warm enough and then in the morning I was burning up sweating. I haven't been this sick in a long time. Josiah still isn't eating anything, but I gave him the pills the doctor ordered yesterday and he hasn't thrown up again. His fever is still down, but I can see that he is weak. He started going up the stairs and he took like two steps and then he had to take the rest really slow. He's still just lying around all the time. I'm going to go to Mc Donalds today and get him some french fries. Hopefully he'll eat them.


Praying for all of you!


I missed this thread when you first posted it. Hope everyone will be on the mend soon! :grouphug:

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I'm glad he's on the mend. Enjoy your rest :)

Thank you sweetheart. :grouphug:


Poor little guy! I didn't see this until this evening so I'm really happy to hear he is beginning to feel a bit better. He looks like a sweet, pitiful fellow in the picture. :) Thinking about him and praying


Thank you so much for your prayers, Jessica. :grouphug:


He's a handsome fellow, your son!!!! I'm glad that he is feeling a little better. And now that your ill too, take care of yourself and sleep lots. I'll be praying for your family's full recovery!!!


Awww thank you. I love that boy to death. He is the sweetest little thing. He has a heart of pure gold. :) Thank you so much for your prayers. :grouphug:


So glad to hear he is on the mend. I know how scary those viruses can be!


Thank you. :grouphug:

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Just catching this now! Praying he continues to get better, and I'm also praying that you feel better soon too. Hang in there!!! :grouphug:


Thanks so much Jen. :grouphug:




Thank you for your prayers. :grouphug:


Hey Jen! I just now saw this thread and want you to know we are sending thoughts for health and comfort your way. Josiah is a very handsome young man with an awesome mama. Take care of yourself.:grouphug:


Hey Lisa! :) Thanks so much darling. :grouphug:

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Praying for all of you!


I missed this thread when you first posted it. Hope everyone will be on the mend soon! :grouphug:


Thank you so much. :grouphug: Sigh, hopefully we'll be well soon. My mother is coming down for Christmas and is only staying a week. She stays with my sister, but if we're still this sick when she comes down (on the 21st) we probably won't see her. :( I'm hoping we'll be well soon.

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Thank you so much. :grouphug: Sigh, hopefully we'll be well soon. My mother is coming down for Christmas and is only staying a week. She stays with my sister, but if we're still this sick when she comes down (on the 21st) we probably won't see her. :( I'm hoping we'll be well soon.


Oh, dear. Let's hope that doesn't happen!


BTW, my DS12 started guitar lessons. We got Ibanez starter set and I told the teacher about your board handle! he got a kick out of it!

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Oh, dear. Let's hope that doesn't happen!


BTW, my DS12 started guitar lessons. We got Ibanez starter set and I told the teacher about your board handle! he got a kick out of it!


LOL That's awesome! yeah, I love my Ibby's! :) Did your son get the electric set or the acoustic one?

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Can I just say that I officially LOVE McDonalds now. For all the harsh words I've had to say about them in the past, I gladly recant, my boy is finally eating some french fries. :) I"m so happy. Of course it had to be pouring rain, but whatever, I got him french fries and he's eating them. :)

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Update: His fever is still down and he is much more active than he was before. He's still laying around a lot, but he's not sleeping during the day anymore and he slept really good and sound last night with only maybe 5-6 bouts of coughs in the night. His fever is still down and he's smiling a lot more and laughing some. I went out again today to McDonalds to get him some more french fries, but he didn't eat them. I waited a few hours and just made a very simple spagetti with tomato sauce and olive oil and he ate everything that I gave him. :) Thanks so much everyone for your prayers. :) I"m going to go to the doctor tomorrow about my ear. Hopefully I'll get some relief from this pain soon. Thanks again ladies. :grouphug:

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Update: His fever is still down and he is much more active than he was before. He's still laying around a lot, but he's not sleeping during the day anymore and he slept really good and sound last night with only maybe 5-6 bouts of coughs in the night. His fever is still down and he's smiling a lot more and laughing some. I went out again today to McDonalds to get him some more french fries, but he didn't eat them. I waited a few hours and just made a very simple spagetti with tomato sauce and olive oil and he ate everything that I gave him. :) Thanks so much everyone for your prayers. :) I"m going to go to the doctor tomorrow about my ear. Hopefully I'll get some relief from this pain soon. Thanks again ladies. :grouphug:


I'm glad to hear he's on the mend. :hurray:


What's up with your ear? I hope you get some relief. :grouphug:

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I'm glad to hear he's on the mend. :hurray:


What's up with your ear? I hope you get some relief. :grouphug:


Thank you. :) As for my ear, I have the same cold as Josiah and Saturday night I just felt it moving into my right ear. I'm pretty sure it's an infection because the ear is oozing (sorry to be gross. :( ) It hurts pretty bad and I'm just waiting til the doctor's office opens tomorrow to see him and get some relief.

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