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With all this talk of recession and all, what about hsing?

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I have to say that I would NOT stop hsing just because I couldn't afford to buy curricula, etc.; we would just make do with what we have. But, just for fun, if you were limited in what you could buy, what would you buy? If you had to pick, say, 3 or 4 resources to puchase, what would they be? Is there something you could buy that would get you through several years of schooling?

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If I had to pare down curriculum purchases to the bone, I would only buy Math and Latin.


We could do everything else through the library but I would want to have our Singapore Math texts and a latin program.


We like


Story of the World but could use a timeline and books from the library for history


My Pals are Here Science but could use books from the library and things we find free online


Rod and Staff Materials but I could find worksheets on the internet for free that will appeal to my youngest for phonics and math


I like the looks of English Prep but we could just use SWR which I already own and KISS grammar which is free on the internet.


Basically, I have it pared down but I could go even further if we had to.:001_smile:

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I would keep my internet connection, computer maintenance, printer cartridges, and paper. We would keep renewing our library card (which costs us money as we live outside the city limits). I would purchase math curriculum. We haven't started latin yet, but that would be a priority when we got there. The rest could easily be living books, and we'd spend a lot of time outside.


Next on the list would be grammar, history spine (already purchased a couple years in advance, though), and a science spine.


I tend to buy a year or two in advance other than math, so I'm not too worried about it. It will take us years to get through all the resources on my shelves. :)

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Computer, printer ink, and really utilize a lot of the downloads I already own. Here a few other things I would do...



  • read the books we already own (novel concept, no pun intended)
  • buy inexpensive workbooks for grammar and vocabulary
  • already own Natural Speller, no more expense there
  • continue investment in Primary Mathematics
  • use the science books we already own
  • scour thrift stores for workable curriculum

some of these things I already do, just not enough.

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But I do hoard curriculum... LOL!!


I've actually got a few years of math, science and history at hand because when I found something that worked for both of us I bought the whole set. Literature I only have next year bought (and not all the books themselves, just the curriculum/ guides) but of course I could wing that with library books if I had to.


I guess I could get DS through about three years before I really needed to buy anything else, but I wouldn't enjoy it half as much as I do the spendier way ;) (says she who just blew through three months of budget in two days, on books and various paper goods.... LOL)

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I agree with the math and the latin. I too, already have a bit here and there for quite a few years. We have SOTW in book and audio form for all 4 years, plus literature for at least 1 more year. We have a ton of games that involve math and science and quite a few math mazes that the kids love and really learn from too. Over the last few years I have picked up books her and there that my kids might use later, so I have quite a few books about different topics in history that they are too young for now but will like later on. If I had to i would get out that library card and use it often! I am not giving up my internet though! Not unless things got really dire!;)

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We really like Math U See so I would be tempted to keep buying that. I use them for all the boys, so I only need one new level per year (free copier at our school program). But, we can get free Math curriculum through our school program. So, I could use that.


Really I don't think I would have to buy anything because of our school library and the two public libraries we are a part of.


If I didn't have those resources I would probably just buy the next set of MUS and figure out the rest on my own. If I didn't have access to the free copier I would just make them hand write all the problems. I had to do it, I'm sure they wouldn't suffer too much.

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Math and maybe Grammar. We could probably maintain internet through DH work, but I would be using it more than he ;). We have plenty of things we could use for science and social studies. Foreign language could be put on hold, or maybe I could actually figure out that Rosetta Stone on the Library's website.

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